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Anyone here own or have fired an actual gun irl?

Ars Diaboli
Dropped Da Soap
Honey Badger
Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Just curious, I'm personally saving up to purchase my own handgun, a Beretta 92fs. Only thing I own is an old Mosin Nagant.



I've fired one of the most worthless piece of shit standard issue rifle in the world.



I have an old Marlin 30-30 lever action, a Remington .20 gauge, a 380 ACP pistol and some more. Looking to build my own AR-15 soon because it's cheaper than buying a big name brand.
That's a good pistol so go with it. Ruger put out a new .40 cal so I really like that right now.
Is that a G3 your shooting in your avatar?
I guess we're labeled gun nuts or whatever around here but thats okay.



Looks like G36C from the silhouette.



I've fired a few shotguns and rifles (to young to remember the specifics of them) besides that during college I qualified in act 235 using a bereta 9mm which allows you to carry a sidearm on a security job in pa. And I have fired a few magazines of an ak-47.



I've fired a .22 and a 16 guage when I was younger but that's it. Nothing big but at the age I was at the time the 16 guage had quite a kick to it, a 12 guage would have probably knocked me down.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

good eye there Storm, yes that's a G36c that me and a bunch of friends rented at a local range. Had a lot of fun that day since they allowed automatic rifle rentals.

@Texas Lol, good to see I'm with some kin here who are gun enthusiasts, sadly, I may have to try and buy all my ammunition and such real soon before washington cracks down hard on arizona's gun laws.

Largest caliber I've fired so far is a .223, have not been able to get my rifle out to the range yet since I got sick with the flu.

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Do i have a story. Well maybe. But i went to a big gun shoot with rich people in my town They had everything you could want. I got to shoot a bunch of guns. 30 cal mounted machine gun, m14, m1 garand, thompson, ppsh, mosin nagant, Kar, mp40 a lot more too. I had a chance to shoot a 50 cal but i saw the guy shoot it and the entire picnic table jumped up and moved. (i was 11 i wouldnt think and shoot it now). But we threw these bottles in a pond and shot at them and they blew up whenever you hit it. I shot a few snipers there but didnt know what they were. It was a blast



Artimise Flare wrote:good eye there Storm, yes that's a G36c that me and a bunch of friends rented at a local range. Had a lot of fun that day since they allowed automatic rifle rentals.

@Texas Lol, good to see I'm with some kin here who are gun enthusiasts, sadly, I may have to try and buy all my ammunition and such real soon before washington cracks down hard on arizona's gun laws.

Largest caliber I've fired so far is a .223, have not been able to get my rifle out to the range yet since I got sick with the flu.

Damn they allow you to rent automatics? I wonder if they let you do that around here, I'm guessing that's more of an Arizona thing since I've heard they are extremely lenient on their gun laws.

I really want to get a 1911 but they're all pretty damn expensive. Definitely don't have the money to be spending on guns at the moment.



TheBlueBandit24 wrote:Do i have a story. Well maybe. But i went to a big gun shoot with rich people in my town They had everything you could want. I got to shoot a bunch of guns. 30 cal mounted machine gun, m14, m1 garand, thompson, ppsh, mosin nagant, Kar, mp40 a lot more too. I had a chance to shoot a 50 cal but i saw the guy shoot it and the entire picnic table jumped up and moved. (i was 11 i wouldnt think and shoot it now). But we threw these bottles in a pond and shot at them and they blew up whenever you hit it. I shot a few snipers there but didnt know what they were. It was a blast

Damnit, Blue you hit the jack pot! Lucky dog!

Nice to know that I am not alone here. you should check out my helicopter coyote/hog hunt thread.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

yeah, only certain ranges allow you to rent automatic weapons, but it's not cheap. We had a guy from the range practically holding the rifle for you, so all you really got to do is pull the trigger. Was still fun, the guy was nice, and encouraged you to fire in automatic, most of us only did it in short bursts of 3 or 4 rounds. all in all we spent probably around $200 some dollars for I think...3 minutes of fun on that G36c. Not my suggestion unless you got a crap ton of cash to throw down.

If you're thinking of getting a 1911, I'd recommend looking into Kimber, they have some pretty nice selections and most come as packages with different add on' and such. But expect to be spending anywhere from 600-700+ on a good 1911, and 45's are not cheap as you most likely know.

I'm hoping to build my own AR-15 some time in the future as well, perhaps a carbine, you can probably tell from the picture that I'm not a very large guy, so the smaller rifles tend to be more comfortable, at least to me.

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

texasmace wrote:
TheBlueBandit24 wrote:Do i have a story. Well maybe. But i went to a big gun shoot with rich people in my town They had everything you could want. I got to shoot a bunch of guns. 30 cal mounted machine gun, m14, m1 garand, thompson, ppsh, mosin nagant, Kar, mp40 a lot more too. I had a chance to shoot a 50 cal but i saw the guy shoot it and the entire picnic table jumped up and moved. (i was 11 i wouldnt think and shoot it now). But we threw these bottles in a pond and shot at them and they blew up whenever you hit it. I shot a few snipers there but didnt know what they were. It was a blast

Damnit, Blue you hit the jack pot! Lucky dog!

Nice to know that I am not alone here. you should check out my helicopter coyote/hog hunt thread.

I should shouldnt I. But yeah ive fired a few more AR's, shotguns, pistols.
I shot an 8 gauge. It hurt and i fell backwards. And a long barrel .44 mag with a scope it was bad ass



If you make laws so that law abiding citizens can't have weapons then only the criminals will have them.

I hear that they have already cracked down on primer and now they will crack down on lead projectiles. The first thing Hitler did when he came to power was take away the citizens weapons.

Just sayin'.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Try saying that to my brother and his friends, I live in a house full of liberals, and with the murder of that federal judge here in Tucson this past friday, you can bet there is going to be a lot of screaming going on about heavier gun laws down here in Arizona. Dozens injured several people dead including a 9 year old boy. All that because some lunatic managed to buy a gun.

Now don't get me wrong on this man, I love how lenient the law is here, but I feel being too lenient leads to trouble ya know.

I support our right to own weapons.



Totally agree but if a concealed carry guy would have been close then problem solved. Crazy people ruin everything for normal people no matter what it is. Think of the coffee lady at McDonald's. Now the thought police are all over us and if you don't approve of thier thoughts then you are a racist or whatever they want to call you. Liberals can scream hate all the time but if you don't agree with liberal ideas you're the hater.
It's all a mess and I feel for you.
Enough political talk! If you want a new PSN player then look up our latest female player KimbelryShotYou, Artimise. She seems real cool.



I've owned and shot a lot of guns, but the only one I own at the moment is my Beretta 92.

Other than that the most recent guns I've owned are a Para P-10 .45 1911, Springfield XD9 ported, HK USP .45... uhh, I can't remember what the others were... scratch



Wait, are there a lot of people who have never actually shot a gun before? I live in rural Texas, so even though I'm not really into guns, I've still shot them plenty of times before. xD


Yup Shaymo. My mom is afraid of them, even though she told me she thinks being able to use them is a very handy skill. My dad would love to get one, but no way my mom would let him.



Shaymojack wrote:Wait, are there a lot of people who have never actually shot a gun before? I live in rural Texas, so even though I'm not really into guns, I've still shot them plenty of times before. xD

I live on the outskirts of a major city.
The only time I've fired weapons was in the military.
You just don't come across guns around here. If you do, it's not your lucky day, because you're probably getting robbed.



OOOH, Metal the XD9 is supposed to be the shit and I really want one but they are quite proud of them. Nice collection though especially the HK and XD. SO happy you are a gun owner, Metal.
Yeah, that's how i grew up, Shaymo. A huge respect was given to what a fire arm means and what you're responsibilities are holding one. We had alotta fun with them too.
Hey, Cram thank you for your service, sir! I appreciate you and didn't know you served.



Xd's are great guns, but I had a few issues with it.

I used to carry a gun at all times, but even though the XD's are supposedly one of the safest guns (with 3 different safety mechanisms) I never felt safe having it on me. A 1911 cocked and locked in my pocket felt safer to me than my XD with an empty chamber.

Also the fact that I had the barrel and frame ported made it so fucking loud that it would practically stun you if you weren't earing ear protection. If you ever actually needed to use it in a fight you'd be fucked. 2 shots in and you'd be deaf and disoriented. One guy at the range once said he thought I was shooting some kind of .50...

You also couldn't use a close-tactical grip on it because the flames that shot straight up would hit you in the face.

If you get one don't get it ported is my advice...



HOLY SHIT, Metal I had no idea they were an issue, especially ported! Well knowledge acquired I guess.
I had a Ruger P94 and that thing would put a crater in the ground and was heavy as hell but it was an awesome gun. Too bad I hocked it after a divorce.

I had a neighbor that bought the S&W .50 when it first came out and it would fire a second round after your first trigger pull because of the percussion. He said he'd never shoot it again because it scared him so bad. I've talk to others and they haven't had that problem.



I think the mentality of people shooting is vastly different from culture to culture, and from country to country.

Swiss people are allowed to have automatic rifles at home, as a part of military program, which all 18~35 year olds are expected to participate. But you don't see them firing them like you see in America.

There are bound to be crazy people in Swiss too, and it is easier for them to get an access to one since it is government provided, but close to no incident happens.



Exactly, Stormy! That is all I shall say on the matter.



I have. I don't remember what kind though. Some sort of hand gun since I found the rifle too intimidating. Years ago.

I actually own a gun, but my dad has it in lock down in his safe. Haven't seen the damn thing in years. My uncle gave it to me when I was like... 10. A .22 rifle thingy, if I remember correctly.

Handled plenty, know the safety measures, but haven't shot much. I've actually laid hands on a real M1 Garand. Wicked sweetness.



My family owns a 410 double barrel. Its beautiful to look at and I'd like to fire it.

As for actually shooting a gun I fired some 9mm handgun a really long time ago hanging out with one of my friend's friends...he owns a bunch of WW2 era rifles and a few modern handguns and that's pretty much it.



Storm did you fire a K2?

I haven't fired a real gun before (sub-urban Canada...) but guns themselves interest me.

I would like to try shooting a few, but until I move out/get more free time, I just don't see it happening. If you meant $6-$700 I could get one once I have a permit, but...

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I've fired an M16. And aside from a handgun and a Combat shotgun thats the only really cool gun I have ever fired. I can't remember which M16 it was, but it wasn't the fully auto one. So I think it was the A1 or something like that.



I've fired a .22.

I've also wondered: Assuming you don't hit vital organs, how do guns kill people so quickly (assuming video games are slightly realistic)? Needless to say, you wouldn't be in a very good condition to fight, but it seems like blood loss would take a few minutes.



Leeroy_Jenkins!!!!11 wrote:I've fired a .22.

I've also wondered: Assuming you don't hit vital organs, how do guns kill people so quickly (assuming video games are slightly realistic)? Needless to say, you wouldn't be in a very good condition to fight, but it seems like blood loss would take a few minutes.

Yeah ive always wondered this. because when you get shot in the stomach or even in your lungs, there would still be a lot of bloodflow through your brain so you would likely stay conscience for 20-30 seconds.


M16a4 M16A2 M4 M203 MK19 M2(50cal) M240G LAW AT4 M249 M79(frag grenade) 60mm mortor ak47 ak74 rpk M9 lol yea I been around the block a few times



Nero012 wrote:M16a4 M16A2 M4 M203 MK19 M2(50cal) M240G LAW AT4 M249 M79(frag grenade) 60mm mortor ak47 ak74 rpk M9 lol yea I been around the block a few times

wtf man do you live on an arny base?

Where the hell does one fire an AT4?


different rds affect the body differently say a 7.62 from a ak47 hits you first it's a big round an it's made to tumble when it hits you soo say you get shot in th may come out ya neck an if more than one hits you ya body goes into a kind of shock cause it doesn't know what to do with so much trama in such little time...mostly an sometimes it deals on the person..ive knwon guys hit with 7.62 an never knew it till we asked whys his blouse is red


no Marine Corp an AT4 lol lots of places



ah well if youre in the marines that explains things.



Some round splinter, some expand in the cavity, and some bounce off your ribs, slicing you up from the inside. If it does straight through, real quick, its not as "damaging". If the round stays in you, or is one of the expanding ones, you have a slim chance of surviving, even with a team of surgeons on hand.

From what I understand about the subject anyways. I haven't seen it in real life and hope never to see the more gruesome details.



yeah man those hollow tip bullets are nasty, actually its against the geneva convention to use hollow tip points in the military, only for police forces.


lol aint no genva code when stuff hits the fan yea 5.56 7.62 all are pretty grusome when they hit hell a barrets or M2(50cal) rd doesn't have to hit you to kill you if it's within a certain distance to you the shockwave around the roind can cut skin hell probably cut ya thoart if it goes by ya neck



130mm Howitzer is fun to fire too. LoL






Fired, yes. Own, no.



Go, Zillah!!!



Haha, yeah tex that gun was the shit.

I have a picture with an AK as well but its while im firing it and my eyes are closed (hard not to flinch) and it looks pretty pathetic...

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Just now, I rememberd.

I did shoot one gun as a kid. I must have been like 5 years old. I was with my uncle, he took out a handgun. I don't remember what kind, but it looked like some sort of revolver.

Of course, he held most of the weight of the gun. I was just "holding" it and pulled the trigger.



Artimise Flare wrote:Just curious, I'm personally saving up to purchase my own handgun, a Beretta 92fs. Only thing I own is an old Mosin Nagant.

My dad and I have a pretty nice gun collection going on and we have a Beretta 92f and it is a great gun. It's very accurate and fun to shoot. I would really recommend it. Also, that Mosin Nagant is a really fun rifle to shoot and you can do so very cheaply because the 54r round is so inexpensive.



From what i can remember about 4 years ago shooting in my friends back yard.

Me and 3 retired marines!

I shot an ar15,357 magnum,berreta 92fs,.308 magnum,h&k semi automatic shotgun (8 shell capacity),sig 226. Was gonna fire an ak47 but the owner didn't want oil from our fingers on the steel or wood.



Who the hell cares that much about an AK-47?



A 36 year old marine apparently....

It was in very good shape thought!.



Yeah but you don't buy an AK because you care about how it looks. You buy it because you can leave it out in the rain for a decade and then pick it up and it will fire on the first try.

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Only gun I own is a .22 rifle, been wanting to buy a SigSauer P229 .357 for a while now. I've fired lots of guns though...m1911, Chinese SKS(modified w/ a Draganov stock), a couple different shotguns...I have a friend that is a complete gun nut and most of those guns were his, hoping to get to shoot his new AR15 he got recently. Also my dad just got a 9mm pistol that we are planning on doing a little target shooting with soon.

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