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Interesting topic!

The Adli Corporation
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1Interesting topic! Empty Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 11:01



This topic almost made me wish I still had a account there.

I agree with Jev on this. It's fine the way it is. While frustrating when you do get that arm there shouldnlt be overtime or any of that crap!

2Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 14:42

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah if you cant capture 2 mcoms within 75 tickets then you have lost fair and square.

its more than enough tickets to win, the most recent balanced game i had, i got the last Mcom on PV first base with 10 tickets left, then we did the same with 15-20 on the next bases, before getting massacred on the last Mcom (in the 2 storey flat thing)

3Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 14:46



Thats kinda how I feel. SOmeone got all butthurt because they lost but had it armed. Hey it happens. I have been there myself. I call it a close game and move on.

4Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:00



I agree with the TC on this one. If the bomb is only a half second from going off you shouldn't lose just because a teammate died somewhere.

Once all the tickets run out, nobody should be able to respawn and the round should end once it is defused.

5Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:01



Sorry Chewy but thats the wrong answer.... DO not pass go. DO not collect $200.

You have 75 tickets to do this in. Ample enough time to get both crates. after the 75th ticket ticks away the defense has done its job game over.

6Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:04



Yeah exactly. There shouldn't be some tactless gimme thrown in for Attackers who can't manage resources effectively. It's tough shit when you lose a game with an active bomb planted but that's how Defense is supposed to work, not some random technical extension/end of the game in favor of the other team.

7Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:05



You would still only have 75 tickets to do it in if this system was implemented...

8Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:06



The way I look at it... The defense rolled through the attackers and the loss of the sation was a mute point now. THe attackers are all dead! The remaining few have thrown down their weapons and given up. Game over.

I woulda chimed in on GFQ but I am banned.

9Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:06

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Chewy wrote:I agree with the TC on this one. If the bomb is only a half second from going off you shouldn't lose just because a teammate died somewhere.

Once all the tickets run out, nobody should be able to respawn and the round should end once it is defused.

then you'll get a guy staying in spawn until everyone borequits, then he'll run up and arm it for a win, or arm all the others too.

10Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:06



And 75 is a lot. If you seriously can't accomplish the team objective with that you didn't win.

11Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:07



Just because they are dead doesn't mean the whole US/Russian army is dead.

Their objective was to plant the bombs. If the bombs are planted, but they all died doing it, the objective is still completed.

12Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:08



But your dead so you can;t relay the information. Or the one guy tat had the radio id dead so now your screwed.

13Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:08



The Defending objective was to kill 75 attackers. They did. They won the game.

14Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:08



Marxist Dictator wrote:The Defending objective was to kill 75 attackers. They did. They won the game.


15Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:08



KutKuSlayer wrote:

then you'll get a guy staying in spawn until everyone borequits, then he'll run up and arm it for a win, or arm all the others too.

Or you know, the game would just end once the bomb is disarmed. If there are no respawn tickets, and still people alive then the game could still end, just not when a bomb is planted.

16Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:11



Marxist Dictator wrote:The Defending objective was to kill 75 attackers. They did. They won the game.

It would make more sense for their objective to be to defend crates from exploding. Nobody would get a mission that says, hey defend this until you kill 75 people, and then you are done.

17Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:12



HAHA DOn;t use the make sense line because its a game and half of what happens makes no sense.

18Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:13



Nobody said it had to make sense, keep in mind this is a videar game. For the sake of enjoyment it works perfectly as is (though the boundary on the first base should be gone).

19Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:13

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i like to think of it like this:

the attackers have a set amount of casualties before the commanders decide it is not worth pressing the attack. if you get to 75 fatalities without getting the first base, they say 'pull out, im not letting anyone else die for no progress'

if you take the first base they think 'ok were getting somewhere here, send more troops in to attack the next position' and so on and so forth.

now if you arm an mcom but run out of tickets (and it detonates during the endgame cutscene), the commanders think 'we may have taken the base but im not prepared to spend any more lives in trying to attack the next base, as this one was hard to take'

hence you lose, and the VO sounds a retreat. you may have got both mcoms but you have run out of the troops the generals are willing to send in and thus the enemy keeps the territory.

20Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:15



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:HAHA DOn;t use the make sense line because its a game and half of what happens makes no sense.

I'm pretty sure games don't have to be completely devoid of logic.

I think that saying they completed their objective of killing 75 people they should be done makes no sense, when that is the point we are debating on whether it should be changed or not. You're just stating your side at that point, not using any logic to back it up.

21Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:17



KutKuSlayer wrote:i like to think of it like this:

the attackers have a set amount of casualties before the commanders decide it is not worth pressing the attack. if you get to 75 fatalities without getting the first base, they say 'pull out, im not letting anyone else die for no progress'

if you take the first base they think 'ok were getting somewhere here, send more troops in to attack the next position' and so on and so forth.

now if you arm an mcom but run out of tickets (and it detonates during the endgame cutscene), the commanders think 'we may have taken the base but im not prepared to spend any more lives in trying to attack the next base, as this one was hard to take'

hence you lose, and the VO sounds a retreat. you may have got both mcoms but you have run out of the troops the generals are willing to send in and thus the enemy keeps the territory.

Ok this makes sense, except for what about the last base?

22Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:17



HAHA Again its a game.

My logic is the game feels balanced so why fuck with it and mess it up.

Kutku's argument is a good one I think.

23Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:21



The Attackers Onjective is to DESTROY the M-COM. Not arm it. Arming it is a universal way for eveybody to Blow it up by holding B, since the Medic has no other way.

Defenders........Defend! and kill 75 guys and you usally get 3 chances to do so.

There is a Rule when you arm the M-COM with no tickets it is called the "DON'T FUCKING DIE" Don't die and you might win.

24Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:23

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Chewy wrote:Ok this makes sense, except for what about the last base?

they get bored and go to the pub.

edit: they actually run out of people and thus have no-one to hold the territory, and the enemy retakes it.

Last edited by KutKuSlayer on 2011-01-12, 15:26; edited 1 time in total

25Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:25



Sure things are balanced for the most part now, but it's not like playing around with it would completely break it. For example they could implement this and reduce ticket count to 70. I really wish the Microsoft patch system thingy worked quicker so they had more room to play around with it.

TheGM wrote:The Attackers Onjective is to DESTROY the M-COM. Not arm it. Arming it is a universal way for eveybody to Blow it up by holding B, since the Medic has no other way.

Defender........Defend! and kill 75 and you usally get 3 chances to do so.

There is a Rule when you arm the M-COM with no tickets it is called the "DON'T FUCKING DIE" Don't die and you might win.

Once again the entire subject of debate is to whether that objective should be slightly modified. You're just stating the way it is now, rather than giving reasons why it should stay the same.

KutKuSlayer wrote:

they get bored and go to the pub.
LMAO, fair enough.

26Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:36



My reason?

Reason one. You're a Smelly Head.

Reason two(that is 2). Allready stated. But since you need help of this wisest of Sage.

The Attackers Onjective is to DESTROY the M-COM. Not arm it. Arming it is a universal way for eveybody to Blow it up by holding B, since the Medic has no other way.

There is no Free-Pass, No overtime, You didn't live, everbody is dead, the attack is called off, You're dead, Jim is Dead, Everybody, Dead. You fumbled the ball on the 1 yard line,
all you had to do was live 30 seconds and couldn't do it.


27Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:37

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation




28Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:43



TheGM wrote:My reason?

Reason one. You're a Smelly Head.

Reason two(that is 2). Allready stated. But since you need help of this wisest of Sage.

The Attackers Onjective is to DESTROY the M-COM. Not arm it. Arming it is a universal way for eveybody to Blow it up by holding B, since the Medic has no other way.

There is no Free-Pass, No overtime, You didn't live, everbody is dead, the attack is called off, You're dead, Jim is Dead, Everybody, Dead. You fumbled the ball on the 1 yard line,
all you had to do was live 30 seconds and couldn't do it.


My head smells fucking wonderful, thank you very much. Even if it did smell bad I don't see what that would have to do with this.

And you're still not getting my point. I give in on the point that the way it is now can be explained logically. Any argument I would give against that will be replied with "It's just a game, brah". But whether it is a good idea to change it or not is still up for debate. Right now if you're trying to debate that point you're pretty much just stating a tautology. "It should stay the same because it is the same".

29Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 15:51



Chewy wrote:

the way it is now can be explained logically.



If you couldn't blow it up with 75 tickets why should you get a free chance?

30Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 16:08

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

because otherwise jim will have died for nothing! Sad

31Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 16:18



Not if you didn't die.

In reality the rarity of this this happeing does not warrent this change at all.

I just won of close game like this last night. The last one was around November.

The Vast majority of all rush games go Boring Defense then Unstoppable Offense!

Last edited by TheGM on 2011-01-12, 16:41; edited 1 time in total

32Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 16:24

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

TheGM wrote:Not if you didn't die.

In reality the rareity of this this happeing does not warrent this change at all.

I just won of closee game like this last night. The last one was around November.

The Vast majority of all rush games go Boring Defense then Unstoppable Offense!

indeed. its not fun when you attack too fast, you dont have any time to get points or kills or have fun which is annoying. close games are awesome fun, thats why i love cold war and oasis so much Smile

33Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 16:49



The defender's goal is to protect the MCOM. Even if everyone attacking them is dead and the MCOM explodes, the attackers have completed their objective and have therefor won.

75 tickets has nothing to do with the goal. 75 respawns is just a tool they have to accomplish it. Of course allowing one guy to stay out of sight a mile away would make the game suck, but it would make more sense realistically. So don't do that, but I think allowing the game to go on until its defused or all the attackers still inside the defender's base have been killed or pushed out would be fine.

I can't see any real downside to allowing the game to go on until the defenders have made sure that their MCOMs are not going to explode without intervention.

They should definitely make it so the defenders have to disarm before the game ends, it makes no sense to see
"Yeah good job guys!"
*last MCOM explodes*
"we'll just ignore that"

34Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 17:51



Actually, tickets go down when you die, not when you spawn.

And i agree with the "if bomb is armed, then game shouldnt end unless it is disarmed"

35Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 17:51



Then you have choosen poorly young Dark!


36Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 17:55

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

[quote="xsilentshooterx"]Actually, tickets go down when you die, not when you spawn. [quote]

lol. in SR you could stay in the spawn menu until the enemy squad quit then easily arm the objective XD

37Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 17:56



We are all entitled to our own opinion.

But it makes sense in my mind that if its armed, then either you defend, without reinforcements, or disarm and win.

38Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 17:56



[quote="xsilentshooterx"]We are all entitled to our own opinion.


I was just messin wit ya.

39Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 17:58



I know you were.

40Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:09



Yeah remember when tickets went down at respawn before the patch

You could get an infinite amount of tickets by Suiciding with explosives and getting medic revived Very Happy

41Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:13



I dont remember them going down on respawns, i always thought it was on death.

42Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:22



Before the first patch it was on respawn i remember one time getting the attackers down to 20 tickets and then them camping their spawn and ending up with like 100+ from the Suicide thing

also im with Jev if your too lazy to plant until the last minute you shouldnt be rewarded

43Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:25



TheGM wrote:
Chewy wrote:

the way it is now can be explained logically.



If you couldn't blow it up with 75 tickets why should you get a free chance?
I'm gonna go ahead and disregard your trolly comment....

But what makes you think it's free? You still use the respawn tickets to rush in and arm it...

44Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:28



Its not always being lazy to plant, sometimes its actually good enemys, or your the only one attacking.

45Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:30



Yeah I've had about 10 plants on the last MCOM before, and had the game end right before it was about to explode. I wouldn't call that laziness.

46Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:30



The Latter is more likely

Stupid Wookies camping on hills

Thats what i found stupid on GFQs they said Jev was trolling and going on a hatefest when he pointed out a simple flaw in rush is that half the attacking team usually goes Recon and camps

47Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:37



Ya thats my problem, intellectually disabled teammates.(i will change if need be)

48Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:38



Yeah you probally should

But if you have a bad team unfortunately thats the hand youve been dealt

No need to put 2 Even teams playing the game how its meant to be played at a Disadvantage because of the Stupidity of alot of the Community

49Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:39



xsilentshooterx wrote:Ya thats my problem, intellectually disabled teammates.(i will change if need be)

I think this is safe enough.

50Interesting topic! Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:40



So do any of you guys actually have a significantly lower W/L ratio on defense?

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