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Interesting topic!

The Adli Corporation
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101Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 21:13



TheGM wrote:1: That site about W/L ratio is glitched. Hence my attacking ration of 11.07

2: you have yet to state any reason (valid or not) about why this is needed.

So now I rule in favor of keeping it as is.

*puts down ceramic clown*

The Clown is Down.

Isn't it only glitched if you play conquest? The vast majority of my games are rush so it isn't too far off for me. And if it were glitched for me wouldn't that only aid in making my defensive W/L ratio lower and my offensive W/L ratio higher?

And yes I have stated a reason. I stated 2. And I'll state one more right now:
Experimenting with certain aspects of any game can often yield positive results. I believe the risk of any negative results in this case is minimal, and if said negative results did occur they would have a very small impact. This is opposed to not changing anything, which will always have an initial neutral impact, with a negative long term impact due to players being bored with repetition.

Therefor, it is preferable to experiment with certain aspects of the game such as this. Any negative short-term results can simply be reversed, while any positive results would obviously stay.

102Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 21:48



Chewy wrote: I believe the risk of any negative results in this case is minimal, and if said negative results did occur they would have a very small impact. This is opposed to not changing anything, which will always have an initial neutral impact, with a negative long term impact due to players being bored with repetition.


103Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 22:15

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I do kinda like the idea of haveing the game not end until the Mcom is disarmed, but I do not like the "kill all the attackers before the game ends" thing. that would just make the last couple kills on defense AGONY. trying to hunt down every random jerk hiding in the bush. NTM the occasional troll who just runs back towards the first base.

Lets all face it, most people do not like to defend. so any new rules favoring the attackers would just encourage more people to drop out of defense. I think it is fine the way it is, but it's not like it would be the end of the world if the rule were tweaked a little

104Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 22:29



Does anyone know what the actual stats are for Winners/attackers (who tends to win more)?

I feel like its about even.

105Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 23:25



Chewy man, I say drop it. He's pretty much just trolling you at this point. Stubborn person is stubborn.

I'm pretty perplexed that this is allowed after that whole "play nice" fiasco we had a while ago. Someone throws out an idea and GM comes in with some holier-than-thou lol no u attitude.

106Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 23:46



ante87 wrote:
I'm pretty perplexed that this is allowed after that whole "play nice" fiasco we had a while ago. Someone throws out an idea and GM comes in with some holier-than-thou lol no u attitude.

Bad ideas need to be stomped out at the source. and I am the mighty foot that stomps it!!!!

Or the mighty water bucket that puts out the fires of stupid with the waters of truth!!!

The shovel that burries the rocks of Dumb with the dirt of Duh?

And if that is the way you feel I need to land on a carrier with a MISSION ACOMPLISHT banner swinging high and proud!

And I could only be accused of trolling by 3 types of people.

People that don't know what they are talking about.

Or People that hate people that disagree with them.

and 3rd are the people who have no idea what I am talking about and are confused and angry.....


107Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 23:50


The hell happened in this topic haha?

108Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 23:51



Wacco wrote:The hell happened in this topic haha?

The same thing that happens to any topic around here......AWESOME!

109Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 00:38



I honestly think this should be closed. Since it has 2 arguments(one really shouldn't have started in the first place) and both seem to be outta hand.

110Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 01:03



I don't see why the Defenders should get their win jacked, because that's all it'd really do. Keep the game going after they 'logically' win the game.

Bogart the win from the Defenders. As if it wasn't boring enough just playing Defense.

111Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 01:14


^Yea, I agree. I'd be pissed as a defender if I lost because we legitimately won, but the M-COMM still goes.

112Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 01:41



TheGM wrote:
ante87 wrote:
I'm pretty perplexed that this is allowed after that whole "play nice" fiasco we had a while ago. Someone throws out an idea and GM comes in with some holier-than-thou lol no u attitude.

Bad ideas need to be stomped out at the source. and I am the mighty foot that stomps it!!!!

Or the mighty water bucket that puts out the fires of stupid with the waters of truth!!!

The shovel that burries the rocks of Dumb with the dirt of Duh?

And if that is the way you feel I need to land on a carrier with a MISSION ACOMPLISHT banner swinging high and proud!

And I could only be accused of trolling by 3 types of people.

People that don't know what they are talking about.

Or People that hate people that disagree with them.

and 3rd are the people who have no idea what I am talking about and are confused and angry.....


Don't state that like it's a fact, because it's not. Your opinion is not law, get off your high-horse.

113Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 02:30



ante87 wrote:Chewy man, I say drop it. He's pretty much just trolling you at this point. Stubborn person is stubborn.

I'm pretty perplexed that this is allowed after that whole "play nice" fiasco we had a while ago. Someone throws out an idea and GM comes in with some holier-than-thou lol no u attitude.

I think he's really only half trolling, like using satire in place of reasonable arguments. I'm not getting heated by him or anything I mostly find it funny.

114Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 10:10



Ok first. If there are any more religious arguments in my Battlefield topic I am going to mod them out and if it continues you could be modded. You have been warned.

I don't see anybody flaming anybody so I think everyone is playing nice enough anyway. But remember if someone gets out of hand there is the report button.

115Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 10:13



How come this has gone 6 pages... the discussion was over on page 1..

Attackers are given 75 respawns to take each set of m-coms. It does not matter that it's 75 IT'S A GAME!!!! there are no generals directing troops there are no real world involvements here.

116Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 10:24



HAHA Yea It's interesting to see people opinions though.

117Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 10:27



However it turned into a gagglefuck of off topic stupidness! scratch

118Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 10:30



Well that typically happens! HAHA I like the way you put it though.

I will say the religious shit popping up in my topic miffed me a little. GO somewhere else to argue about god or the lack there off please!!!!

119Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 10:32


I agree that the match shouldn't end with an active charge.

120Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 12:41

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Well that typically happens! HAHA I like the way you put it though.

I will say the religious shit popping up in my topic miffed me a little. GO somewhere else to argue about god or the lack there off please!!!!

sorry, i was on a roll Embarassed

121Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 13:12

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The Dark Passenger wrote:I agree that the match shouldn't end with an active charge.

An on topic post! OMG D what have you done!

122Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 13:32



So unlike the master derailer! HAHA

I really think it would mess with the balance if they changed it.

123Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 13:46


I think it's kind of messed up the way it is. The Defenders' instructions page specifically says:

"To win, defend the M-Com stations by killing enemies and disarming enemy charges."

If anything the text used here kind of lends to having the do both in order to win.

I don't think it would affect balance too much. Once the tickets hit zero just disarm the charge and the match ends.

124Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 13:49



Is that what it says in the manual..... Interesting..........

I guess I look at it as the tickets are a sort of a timer. once the time runs out I feel like that should be the end and by extending this while the charge is still going makes it unfair to the defenders. If you do this you may as well say

after the last charge is blown the defenders can not respawn but can use remaining lives to try and take out all the remaining attackers tickets.

125Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 14:02


If anything I think it makes it unfair to the attackers since once the tickets get low enough (say 5 or so) you can ignore the charge and just kill 5 people to get the win, with an armed charge, even though the objective text tells you otherwise.

I look at the armed charge as an WR running with the ball after time has expired in the game. You still have to tackle the guy in order for the game to be over and he can still score if no one gets him.

I don't really care either way since this situation is pretty rare, but I can appreciate the dynamic it would bring to Rush matches. Changing the instruction text would help also since I'm sure that puts this idea in folks heads to begin with.

126Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 14:03



I will say if I spawn at the base and I see we only have 5 tickets I don;t even try for the charge as I know its pretty pointless. So i can understand this as a valid argument.

127Interesting topic! - Page 3 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-13, 19:59



The Dark Passenger wrote:If anything I think it makes it unfair to the attackers since once the tickets get low enough (say 5 or so) you can ignore the charge and just kill 5 people to get the win, with an armed charge, even though the objective text tells you otherwise.

I look at the armed charge as an WR running with the ball after time has expired in the game. You still have to tackle the guy in order for the game to be over and he can still score if no one gets him.

I don't really care either way since this situation is pretty rare, but I can appreciate the dynamic it would bring to Rush matches. Changing the instruction text would help also since I'm sure that puts this idea in folks heads to begin with.

I suck at arguing man so thank you for typing out what my brain couldn't put into words.

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