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The Adli Corporation
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51Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:42



I dont know the fact we had to think about it might mean its a little to riske

And Chewy on most maps the Attackers usually have the advantage anyway

52Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:42



Ha ok, well if problem arises, either i will change it or yall can.

But i said that cause at our school, our student council is trying to stop people from saying the "R word" and apparently the politically correct term is intellectually disabled or something like that.

53Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:43



I think the correct term here is Intellectually Handicapped

I actually have a Care house like 2 houses away from me

54Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:44



Sheogorath wrote:

And Chewy on most maps the Attackers usually have the advantage anyway

People keep saying that, but does anybody actually have the stats to prove it? Mine say otherwise, 1.3 on offense, 1.8 on defense.

55Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:45



It's not a very cool word. And people use it with everything. "That's *******! You're ********!" etc... etc...

I think you're fine though.

56Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:46



Thats because most attacking teams suck because of the Recon epidemic

But yes if you notice in Vietnam were the Defenders have the Uphill terrain like they had all along they lose alot less while in Vanilla the Attackers usually get the Uphill

57Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:51



Well most defending teams suck also due to those same recons not disarming.

58Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:51



MISTER ZOMBEE wrote:It's not a very cool word. And people use it with everything. "That's *******! You're ********!" etc... etc...

I think you're fine though.

I never use it in a derogatory manner, just as a replacement for dumb or stupid.

But im also young so i have a different outlook on the word.

59Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:53



Yeah our generation doesnt get our panties in a bunch over politically incorrect words

60Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 18:53



I'm guilty of the same.

61Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:00



I think we all are.

62Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:02



Its like my Favourite passtime of trying not to swear around my Christian friends Very Happy

63Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:05

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


i have a really christian friend who i keep getting into debates over evolution with. its friendly and that but it does get heated since a lot of my friends are science students like me.

its pretty fun since im taking chemistry, biology, philosophy, ethics and history at school so i always have arguements Smile

64Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:06



I hate debating Evolution with christians its so damn annoying

65Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:06



You can never have one word for an iffy subject stay unoffensive for too long. Black people have gone from negro to colored person to black people to african american and all over the place. I don't even know what's politically correct for that anymore.

66Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:07



I'm pretty sure retarded is a correct synonym for stupid, so I don't see what the big deal is. Just way too overused.

67Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:08



Yeah but its still banned here so i would appreciate you not going in to a debate about using it

68Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:09



Yeah I'm not about too I'm just throwing my two cents in.

69Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:09

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

not if your a science student who takes philosophy Twisted Evil

its a pretty bad combo for anyone with a badly constructed argument Smile

70Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:10



And Pray tell how do you get past the wall of Stupid? where they wont listen to Logical Argument?

71Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:14



Christians go with apologetics or "it's in your heart" approach.

I mean on the other hand, you could go with the alternate planes of existence thing. How can you argue with logical rules of our universe when God clearly is not in the same realm of existence?

It's like two starcraft marines arguing that yellow ties don't exist because you can't make them in the starcraft map editor.

My main problem with any religion is that you've got like 7 gods saying "Hey, believe in ONLY me or you're going straight to Hell, oh, want proof that we're the only right religion? It's all right here in this book I wrote"

72Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:14

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

well then you just tear the absolute crap out of their wall of stupid using philosophy until they get really angry and contradict themselves.

then you rip the absolute crap out of their contradiction until they give up.

dont get me wrong, if there argument is sound then i'll be courteous, but if they act superor with an inferior argument they will get outargued.

73Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:20



Chewy wrote:
TheGM wrote:
Chewy wrote:

the way it is now can be explained logically.



If you couldn't blow it up with 75 tickets why should you get a free chance?
I'm gonna go ahead and disregard your trolly comment....

But what makes you think it's free? You still use the respawn tickets to rush in and arm it...

Don't bust out out the logical card then.

It is by definition one more shot at the win even if your team is Dead.

So what people stop respawning?

Can you revive your way out of 0 now that you have The MCOM armed and keeping you the in the game?

Or do tickets now go -1,-2,-3 to be subtracted from you upcoming ticket count if the MCOM happens to go off and you move on to the next base?

All that shit sounds stupid.

74Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:22

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

what happens if the last guy alive after ''sudden death'' arms the mcom and defends it but it blows up as he dies.


i think its best to keep it as it is, its simpler that way.

75Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:23



TheGM wrote:

Don't bust out out the logical card then.

It is by definition one more shot at the win even if your team is Dead.

So what people stop respawning?

Can you revive your way out of 0 now that you have The MCOM armed and keeping you the in the game?

Or do tickets now go -1,-2,-3 to be subtracted from you upcoming ticket count if the MCOM happens to go off and you move on to the next base?

All that shit sounds stupid.

Ahahahaha don't bust out the logical card? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not even going to read past that...

76Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:25



Disable revives during sudden death

Once again attackers alive doesn't matter in this case. Sudden death only ends when the MCOM is disarmed.

77Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:28



Nice politcal manuver right there buddy.

"I has been Defeeted?! I must reply teh only weys possaball"

"No Comment"

But This isn't about Logic....

This is about Balance.

If this was about Logic then.....The outcome would be the same were I crush you with my SUPER LOGIC(tm) like the combined weight of 1000 Black Suns!!!(i.e. badly)

78Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:30



The sudden death idea is good, but only for the very last mcom. If that last mcom is armed and tickets reach 0, it should go into overtime until the objective blows up or is disarmed. Medic revives don't give tickets back after this, and no one can respawn after being killed. It's hard to argue this isn't a fair idea.

Sorry for the on topic post, lulz.

79Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:33



TheGM wrote:Nice politcal manuver right there buddy.

"I has been Defeeted?! I must reply teh only weys possaball"

"No Comment"

But This isn't about Logic....

This is about Balance.

If this was about Logic then.....The outcome would be the same were I crush you with my SUPER LOGIC(tm) like the combined weight of 1000 Black Suns!!!(i.e. badly)

Any debate is about logic buddy. It's the foundation of anything making any sense at all.

But what I really don't get is why you decide to critique me on that point, when I was saying that the debate wasn't about whether the current way that it works was logical. I was saying that you guys won on that point. Yet that was the basis of your criticism. Good job there chief.

GM the vast majority of the stuff you have said in this topic isn't even technically an argument. You aren't winning, if anyone is winning it is KutKu.

80Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:33

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i can understand it for the very last Mcom, but not for the last mcoms of the other bases since you've already had your 75 tickets.

81Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:37



ante87 wrote:The sudden death idea is good, but only for the very last mcom. If that last mcom is armed and tickets reach 0, it should go into overtime until the objective blows up or is disarmed. Medic revives don't give tickets back after this, and no one can respawn after being killed. It's hard to argue this isn't a fair idea.

Sorry for the on topic post, lulz.

Sure I could...

1: It rarly happens so there is no need for it.

2: You are out of tickets so you lost...the end.

3: The attackers have so many advantages they really need one more?

82Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:41



0 tickets

8 guys die defending the armed bomb site passed the 0 ticket mark which is supposed to be the end of the game.

The Defenders get their win usurped by bullshit and technicalities. The only way it could possibly be fair for the Defenders is if the tickets lost beyond the 0 point mark represented multiple defect tickets - ie you'd start the next round with half as many, or a 1/4, or an 1/8 of the 75 total.

And even then it'd just be handicapping yourself and delaying the inevitable - as in losing the game.

It's fine as is. Even if its not going to happen 'in every game' it's still bullshit and it temporarily suspends the Defending objective entirely and instead puts all the weight on something that ordinarily doesn't end a round anyway (defusing as the Defenders).

Last edited by Marxist Dictator on 2011-01-12, 19:45; edited 1 time in total

83Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:45



I agree that it should only be on the last crate, that sounds fair to me.

Marxist Dictator wrote:0 tickets

8 guys die defending the armed bomb site passed the 0 ticket mark which is supposed to be the end of the game.

The Defenders get their win usurped by bullshit and technicalities. The only way it could possibly be fair for the Defenders is if the tickets lost beyond the 0 point mark represented multiple defect tickets - ie you'd start the next round with half as many, or a 1/4, or an 1/8 of the 75 total.

And even then it'd just be handicapping yourself and delaying the inevitable - as in losing the game.

It's fine as is.

This could be fixed by changing death tickets to respawn tickets.

84Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:49



Chewy you are going about it all wrong my boy(girl? horse?)

We (The Legion of Logic) have made the case as to why this dumb and silly, not to mention a unbalanced mess.....

It is now up to you to make a logical and Balanced*snicker* Case as to why!

85Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:50

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Sheogorath wrote:And Pray tell how do you get past the wall of Stupid? where they wont listen to Logical Argument?

expose every single contradiction in there beliefs. for example:

an omnipotent (all-powerful) god must logically be able to create an object that he cannot himself lift, but this would negate omnipotence = contradiction

god created everything (creatio ex nihilo) = god must have created evil, since nothing existed before him.

if god is all powerful, why does he not destroy evil? where is your lovey dovey super god NOW!?

if god created the world out of pre existent matter which contained evil, see above.

if god is all seeing and all powerful, and evil still exists. this means that he acknowledges evil and allows (!!!) evil to exist even though he has the power to end it.

basically anyone who believes in an omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all seeing) and omnibenevolent (all good) god is going down.

p.s) use the ''omni-'' words and their contradictions to confuse the crap out of them, then you have the advantage and can have fun.

86Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:52

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

TheGM wrote:Chewy you are going about it all wrong my boy(girl? horse?)

We (The Legion of Logic) have made the case as to why this dumb and silly, not to mention a unbalanced mess.....

It is now up to you to make a logical and Balanced*snicker* Case as to why!


87Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 19:56



TheGM wrote:Chewy you are going about it all wrong my boy(girl? horse?)

We (The Legion of Logic) have made the case as to why this dumb and silly, not to mention a unbalanced mess.....

It is now up to you to make a logical and Balanced*snicker* Case as to why!

The topic of debate: Currently the round ends once all 75 tickets are gone, they should change it so if the MCOM is armed when all tickets are lost that it still has a chance to detonate.

Your initial "argument": Currently the round ends once all 75 tickets are gone.

Do you see the problem here yet? Come up with an actual argument and I'll respond to it OK?

And you were right with horse.

88Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 20:00



Chewy wrote:
TheGM wrote:Chewy you are going about it all wrong my boy(girl? horse?)

We (The Legion of Logic) have made the case as to why this dumb and silly, not to mention a unbalanced mess.....

It is now up to you to make a logical and Balanced*snicker* Case as to why!

The topic of debate: Currently the round ends once all 75 tickets are gone, they should change it so if the MCOM is armed when all tickets are lost that it still has a chance to detonate.

Your initial "argument": Currently the round ends once all 75 tickets are gone.

Do you see the problem here yet? Come up with an actual argument and I'll respond to it OK?

And you were right with horse.

I already stated The "is" and Why it "is" and why it should remain.

You never gave a reason why it should be changed? Can you do it? Can ya? Hunh? Well?

Or did you just pull a Glenn Beck and spout a bunch of words hoping to out nonsense my nonsense.

Cause I can assure you chumly....That ain't gonna happen!

89Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 20:00



an omnipotent (all-powerful) god must logically be able to create an object that he cannot himself lift, but this would negate omnipotence = contradiction

that's really just nit picking. You could say he's all powerful be any reasonable standards, ie, not being able to create paradoxes.

god created everything (creatio ex nihilo) = god must have created evil, since nothing existed before him.

if god is all powerful, why does he not destroy evil? where is your lovey dovey super god NOW!?

Something along the lines of God wants people to choose him over evil. How are they supposed to do that if there is no evil? Christians never say God is the nicest guy in the world. Ever hear of the phrase "wrath of god"? Where do you think it came from? Athiests?

Or when he killed Pharoah's entire army to protect Moses, or blessed the Jew's assault on Jericho, or killed the world with a flood. The guy's like an evil kid with a magnifying glass roasting ants up there. All this "God is super lovey dovery nice" stuff is clearly not in the Bible, so it's just churches making stuff up or something :\.

if god created the world out of pre existent matter which contained evil, see above.

if god is all seeing and all powerful, and evil still exists. this means that he acknowledges evil and allows (!!!) evil to exist even though he has the power to end it.


90Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 20:00



Okay, if we go with that then a single defuse should automatically win the game for the Defenders for the sake of fairness at any point in the game. Why would it only apply when there are no Attackers left? If you're going to remove one team's objective from play entirely under certain circumstances then it should just become the team's objective in the first place

91Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 20:03



Marxist Dictator wrote:Okay, if we go with that then a single defuse should automatically win the game for the Defenders for the sake of fairness at any point in the game. Why would it only apply when there are no Attackers left? If you're going to remove one team's objective from play entirely under certain circumstances then it should just become the team's objective in the first place


92Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 20:03

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

^ varied interpretations of the bible.

some are literal, others are metaphorical. the literal ones are scary, the metaphorical interpretations are much more diverse but less ''solid''.

93Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 20:05



why are there two topics in this topic

94Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 20:05

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

they are both interesting. thats why Smile

95Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 20:06



KutKuSlayer wrote:^ varied interpretations of the bible.

some are literal, others are metaphorical. the literal ones are scary, the metaphorical interpretations are much more diverse but less ''solid''.

So you can't disprove them all by general statements like you said before. Religions are all disproved by my standards. If this loving God wants us to so badly accept him as our God, why didn't he leave behind any good damn evidence to prove he's there and not any other god?

96Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 20:10

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

^ not all of them, but the ones that believe in this strange overly perfect god.

as for the evidence, theres a theory that god wants us to have faith in him, rather than knowing he exists and following him because of that.

but then again that extends to every main religion really apart from buddhism, and doesnt give us any proof of gods existence whatsoever.

plus if there WAS any evidence, whats the bet that all the other religions would claim that their version of god is what it points towards?

97Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 20:11



TheGM wrote:

I already stated The "is" and Why it "is" and why it should remain.

You never gave a reason why it should be changed? Can you do it? Can ya? Hunh? Well?

Or did you just pull a Glenn Beck and spout a bunch of words hoping to out nonsense my nonsense.

Cause I can assure you chumly....That ain't gonna happen!

But you've mostly just stated the "is".

My initial argument was that it would make more sense for it to keep going, since after all you would have completed the given objective. KutKu provided a logical(oh shit sorry, am I allowed to say that?) argument against it, so I gave up on that point.

Right now my argument is that it could help balance it even more. My W/L ratio shows that I win more defense games than offensive games and I have so far seen no proof that it is balanced as of now. If there was a site that said the entire communities average W/L for both sides that would help.

Marxist Dictator wrote:Okay, if we go with that then a single defuse should automatically win the game for the Defenders for the sake of fairness at any point in the game. Why would it only apply when there are no Attackers left? If you're going to remove one team's objective from play entirely under certain circumstances then it should just become the team's objective in the first place
I fail to see how those two things are anywhere near equal.

98Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 20:39



as for the evidence, theres a theory that god wants us to have faith in him, rather than knowing he exists and following him because of that.

The problem with that is that there is that the bible doesn't have anything any more compelling than the Bible or the Qu'ran. If he truly wanted most for us to come to him naturally, I wish he would've made some kind of indication that the other religions were wrong or. If he's not willing to give anyone any good reason to believe in him then he can't be very focused on not having everyone go to Hell.

99Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 20:58



1: That site about W/L ratio is glitched. Hence my attacking ration of 11.07

2: you have yet to state any reason (valid or not) about why this is needed.

So now I rule in favor of keeping it as is.

*puts down ceramic clown*

The Clown is Down.

100Interesting topic! - Page 2 Empty Re: Interesting topic! 2011-01-12, 21:04



Guys i really dont get what the argument is here. Something bout wether the Mcom should blow up if its armed and the attackers run out of tickets?

Maybe like 1 in 20 games do the Attackers lose with an armed Mcom... pretty rare.

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