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my best game yet :D

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1my best game yet :D Empty my best game yet :D 2011-01-14, 12:42

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

atacama desert defense. 8/9 defenders vs 10 enemies. i was running Scar-L with ammo+ and mag ammo.

first base lost, nothing much happened due low player count at the time.

second base lost but more players joined in which was good. i got a few good kills but nothing great. not much organisation within the team, a load of the enemy were using 4x mag ammo on M60's and XM8 compacts, so it got pretty messy.

third base... hells to the YEAH!
everyone worked well together and did all the stuff they were supposed to, killing, disarming, ammo/health. lots of spotting and all that.

i got a few kills with the VADS, killed 2 guys running around the back of the base. then i stayed behind the building in front of the VADS and held A. an entire squad ran down along the outside-side of the radar trailer, and i killed them as they ran arouind the corner of the crates really near A. i guess they never wised up to the fact i was killing them from 5 meters away, as they were shooting in the wrong direction Twisted Evil

jumped back on the VADS to scare the HIND off, then jumped off after it had suicided. killed another 2 guys running to A, from the same place in front of the VADS as last time. silly buggers didn't learn.

then i saw a cobra coming around to the left of the VADS, so i AT4'd it, but only splash damaged the back. then 3 guys who know where i am get out. i stil manag to kill the assualt and medic attacking me. the third guy (engy) runs to the other of the 2 stairs (trying to flank me lol) and i shoot him in the back. it made me very happy.

then i see a medic in the road behind our base but cant VADS him since it doesnt point low enough, so i run up and Scar him and the buddy who just spawned on him. then we win a few seconds later.

end game

1.5k+ (i usually only get near 2k when playing medic or repairing as an engineer)
nemesis pin
2x SMG pins
combat efficiency + excellence pin
anti vehicle pin (for the UAVs lol)
mcom defender, kill assist, blah blah blah.

so damn happy now, it was worth the 3v4 lobbies and rubbish games to get that one great game Very Happy

2my best game yet :D Empty Re: my best game yet :D 2011-01-14, 13:15



Congrats on a good game mate!

3my best game yet :D Empty Re: my best game yet :D 2011-01-14, 13:20

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i went 21:10 as well, proper chuffed Smile

4my best game yet :D Empty Re: my best game yet :D 2011-01-14, 14:12



Well done!!

I mah self prefer uav road killing people...

"YEAH that's right i just squashed you with a remote control helicopter!!"

5my best game yet :D Empty Re: my best game yet :D 2011-01-14, 14:30



I don;t know the last time I have even touched the UAV stand........... Demo days maybe! HAHA Never was a fan of the thing. Not fun for me to sit on the damn thing!

6my best game yet :D Empty Re: my best game yet :D 2011-01-14, 14:34



The only time i regret (partially) using the uav is when khult is on the other team! he quietly sneaks back and knifes the user! he did it to me twice, months ago. so whenever we play against khult there's no uav for me.

7my best game yet :D Empty Re: my best game yet :D 2011-01-14, 14:58




The game winner right there!

8my best game yet :D Empty Re: my best game yet :D 2011-01-14, 16:23



congrats on the good game. I know how you feel had my first amazing game yesterday on vantage point rolled as assault with m16 lightweight and mag ammo we defended stoped the nva on the first base and I ended up going 25-9 It sucks I had to leave right after that game though wanted to keep the hotstreak going.

9my best game yet :D Empty Re: my best game yet :D 2011-01-14, 18:20

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

lol, ive only had 1 UAV roadkill.

i tried to run someone over over when i was attackers, but i went straight through him TWICE.

then he shot me down with an M95 Sad

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