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idea for waiting room?

The Adli Corporation
Epyk MD
6 posters

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1idea for waiting room? Empty idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 11:11

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Games that Intrest: _________

I know it seams like im beating a dead horse here... but would anyone be interested in activly perticipate in talking about upcoming games that interest you?

The would be in the form of mini articles ...


2idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 11:12

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah it would be cool.

im interested in homefront but im not sure about the battlepoints system, so some debating and stuff could be good.

plus you could edit it when new info comes up.

maybe have a upcoming games info category? with all the stuff thats official, and stuff which is semi-official or speculative.

3idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 11:15

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Aye, im still working on the html aspect of it, but I want to start adding solid content to the SeC along with our kick ass forum.

4idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 11:17

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

the forum is awesome enough to stand-alone but some solid gaming shizz will make it greater. Smile

5idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 11:25

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Oh im not dogging our forum eva. *Captain Morgan pose*
I just want to bring more content to you guys.
keep things fresh, get out name out there...

>.> conquer the forumotion forum directory...
we are" umber one in xbox and console catagories...I want to shoot for all of the games category. Then move on to moving up the top sites list. Twisted Evil

6idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 11:26

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


7idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 11:27

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Grats on 500 posts

8idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 11:28

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


posts fly when you go OT with greg XD

9idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 12:00



While I like the idea, I also know I just don't have the time (or inclination) to write reviews and articles myself. It feels like homework to me.

Myself when I find an upcoming game I'm interested in and want to let people know is coming I make a topic about it (like I did with Homefront, Brink and a couple others).

I'm all for it if there are people willing to do it though. Or we could use it as a punishment for naughty members. For example: Let's make the GM write a positive article about Bioware...

Very Happy

10idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 12:05

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I think GM would do a great job at it. Sure it will be extremely biased and probably a little demeaning...but full of lulz for sure.

I completely understand the lack of time some of us face. Trust me Crying or Very sad

11idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 12:23

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

after exams are over ill have so much more free time, so i can do a short review/speculation on homefront. it'll help me decide if i want to get it or not.

12idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 12:29



Wouldn't it be easier to post links to interesting articles on upcoming games and just let people comment from there?

Kind of like how IGN has forum posts directly underneath their articles?

13idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 12:35

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Sounds good sir.
that will give me time to set up an html template and get things rolling.

I intend it to be more than gaming:
strange news / current news.
random stuff I find online.
a "DID YOU SEE THAT" video section. Whre we post amazing vids from gameplay/ real life.
game trailers.
movie news/ trailers.

Basically its replacing the portal that no one uses with somthing that will hopfully ger read.

Gots any ideas to add to it?

14idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 12:36

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Metalzoic wrote:Wouldn't it be easier to post links to interesting articles on upcoming games and just let people comment from there?

Kind of like how IGN has forum posts directly underneath their articles?

That's what im doing. Once the artical is up, ill make a thread in an uncreated forum soley for that use.
this just let's us put everything in one page and you can branch off from where you choose.

15idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 12:46

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i just looked a tthe stats on the right hand side

''We have 166 registered users
The newest registered user is UpTheBracket84

Our users have posted a total of 95691 messages in 4461 subjects''


16idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 13:01

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Almost to 100000 posts...I remeber when we were excited about 9000.

17idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 13:59



I wonder who will nab the 100,000th post.

18idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 14:54



Everyone's gonna want that 100 thousandth post. =D

And I have lots of free time on my hands, I'd be up for writing some reviews.

19idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 14:55

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

you should make a stacked award thing for post milestones, if theres a record of who posted the Nth post.

1000th post
5,000th post
10,000th post
50,000th post
etc etc.

20idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 15:19



I like the idea of member reviews, and the links to reviews. I still think we should be able to write reviews, when we want to or have time to.

21idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 15:27

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

ConciliarFox wrote:I like the idea of member reviews, and the links to reviews. I still think we should be able to write reviews, when we want to or have time to.

absolutly. I would add them to the html site too, with back links.
just think of the" waiting room" as a SeC newsletter each week.

Iv been thinking about adding that somthing you guys would be cool with?
say post badges, milestone badges, article badges...

22idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 15:32

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah that would be cool.

23idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 16:28



Sounds good.

24idea for waiting room? Empty Re: idea for waiting room? 2011-01-16, 17:24



MD Awesome wrote:
ConciliarFox wrote:I like the idea of member reviews, and the links to reviews. I still think we should be able to write reviews, when we want to or have time to.

absolutly. I would add them to the html site too, with back links.
just think of the" waiting room" as a SeC newsletter each week.

Iv been thinking about adding that somthing you guys would be cool with?
say post badges, milestone badges, article badges...

A weekly newsletter, kewl! Badges? Sure, why not!

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