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the waiting room is semi-completed.

3 posters

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Epyk MD

Epyk MD

If anyone would like to start adding content
go to and register, then send me a pm or post here and I will update your account.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Few other things.

Direct posts under posts parent directory.
if your adding a youtube Iframe post it under html tab in the post section, hit update with out going back to text tab or it will delete the iframe.

Near the bottom you'll see a widget for featured image, find a decent sizee image and add one along with fillinf out any options you want, this will automatically update the slider and featued content.



You just made my brain hurt. Now, how do I go view the waiting room again?

Epyk MD

Epyk MD
there is only one post, and ots only a video, I was more worried about the site Features.



It was prettier before. Sad Oh well, should still be interesting to look at.

You should put a DA 2 preview up on there so I can watch it over and over and over and over and over and over... well, you get the picture I'm sure.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

That's why I moved it, now you can put one....or 17 up.



You mean... you can put on up for me! cheers

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

No much interst in it to far, ill make alot of new posts tonight so everyone can see it in its full glory.
ill work on the sceme colors too.



Thanks again for your work, Epyk it IS appreciated, sir.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I made it gor all the trailers/funny vids or news stories you guys find, this way they are all in one place and sortable.

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