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Should I sell my soul...

Epyk MD
Cookie Monster
15 posters

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1Should I sell my soul... Empty Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-19, 23:34

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

To WoW? I've got an 80 Death Knight I left behind...and I'm terribly bored. It looks like I won't be able to get a 360 and BFBC2 anytime soon. It's either that or DC:O, but then DC:O doesn't seem to have the amount of content I want. I guess I just have to discipline my ass and manage my time carefully. What do you guys think?

2Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-19, 23:45


Meh, if you feel like you can handle your time go for it. I started playing LoTRO for fun and it can be really fun, just gotta manage time well.

3Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-19, 23:48



Dont do it!!!!!

4Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 00:09

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster


5Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 00:55



I as well, have sold my soul to Blizzard. It's ok, if you manage your time right, it's not so bad. I say go for it =/

6Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 01:04



Blizzard is kind of like a Pawn Shop for souls in a gaming world.



7Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 01:14



Just don't let your roommate steal your girlfriend because you play WoW too much. It happens!

8Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 01:18


sheep wrote:Just don't let your roommate steal your girlfriend because you play WoW too much. It happens!

Speaking from personal experience?

9Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 01:21



No. A friend of someone I used to know. I'm too cute to be ignored!

10Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 01:32



You need to shave in order to be in that 'cute' realm.



11Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 01:46



Hi Im Eric and Ive been WoW free for 2 years. *Knee bounces uncontrollably*

Dont be tempted. A few friends tried to get me back on but I managed to resist. Most of my friends that used to play, stopped after the last expansion came out. One had been playing since the game was in beta and he said that the new one sucks.

Pick up a hobby to keep yourself occupied. Or find a project to work on. After I quit wow I started working on my 78 firebird and really enjoy it.

12Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 01:47


StormEye wrote:You need to shave in order to be in that 'cute' realm.



I don't have a proper anime reaction picture folder, so I just gave an awesome credit instead.

13Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 02:04

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Well, I have my guitar and improving my cardio/calisthenics as a hobby. I need something else recreational to do to mix it up a bit.

14Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 03:13



There's nothing wrong with playing an MMO if you can control yourself in the slightest. I don't get why people make such a huge deal out of a god damned video game. Nobody posts topics like these for CoD and Battlefield and they're just as "addictive" as WoW. This negative stereotype that surrounds WoW is such a crock of shit, if you want to play the game, play it. If you don't, don't. Simple.

Roll a warrior, rogue, or mage, hit 85, get a good PvP spec and just stomp scrubs whenever you have the free time.

EDIT: Oh, and whoever's friend said the new expac sucks has no idea what he/she is talking about. This game is in top form right now.

15Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 09:05


Just play the ****.

16Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 09:56



Video games = good times with friends and people you never met. casual gaming mostly!

WoW = nerd rage. I've heard people talking about WoW before, it's quite hilarious to hear teh conversations.... all i wanna do is walk over and scream "LEEERROYYYYY JAAAANKINNNSSSS". then slap them in the throat.


do what ya want it's your life.... or lives?!

17Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 11:14



One day you all are going to have to explain this Leroy Jenkins thing to me.

I always wanted to play Everquest. I never have.

18Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 11:21

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Youtube vid of it I believe sheep.

19Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 11:36


20Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 17:30



To Ante I dont know about it being in top form right now. I since 2005 and all I have to say is its gone downhill since then. BC was all right but wrath was pretty bad. And honestly from what Ive seen the newest one doesnt have much going for it. Vanilla wow was easily the best its ever been.

21Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 17:38



WoW is the most addicting game out there. Blizzard built the game to be addictive.

22Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 18:46



Thanks for the link, that.was.awesome.!

Bah. anything can be addicting.

23Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-20, 19:01


I played it for a littile while myself and it's not a bad game like any MMO it requires a timesink tho raids are a pain in the ass thats the only thing i dont really like "you need to do that and have this much of that.. you can't have that you haven't raided long enough with us etc etc" I really liked pvp with my undead warlock i quit a few months before they released WOTLK.

24Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 00:01



Erk, why exactly do you think Cataclysm is bad? I'll admit Wrath was horrible, but Cata has done a complete 180 in terms of game design. What is it about vanilla that you find so great?

25Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 00:09



I always preferred City of Heroes also i really didnt like Lich king and i havent been on to check Cataclysm though i dont think it has any more places like STV which was my fave place on the map

26Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 00:33



Guild Wars! don't like the cartoony look of WoW. I am planning on doing LOTRO again though.

27Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 00:36



Yeah i liked Guild Wars it was fun Very Happy

28Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 02:44



Ante I havent played cataclysm. I quit midway through wrath. My opinion is based on what my friends, who have the same views of the game as I do, have to say about it and what I have read about. First off, the whole guild leveling system is stupid. Honestly I dont know how it works and dont really care either because that just doesnt really fit. I also dont like that they changed all the pre BC landscape. That was the best part of the game for me and now its changed to the newer "style" for lack of a better word.

What was so great about vanilla was just about everything. 40 mans were awesome. Sure, sometimes it was a pain in the ass to get it going but it had a more epic feel to it. It didnt have settings to change from one size group to another. If you wanted to have less people in the raid, do ZG or AQ20. But to get to the top tier you had to have a guild that really put forth the effort. When your guild was first clearing the raid, you might spend a week on a boss...not 2 wipes and you got it. I also liked the PVP system more. After BC came out, battlegrounds were just an after thought. I loved the fact that if you didnt PVP for a while, you would lose a rank. I thought arenas were the stupidest idea. I played the game because it was cool to have a big ass group of people wrecking shop...not some 2 on 2 bullshit.

Also the armor was much cooler Very Happy. What was more badass than a warrior running around in full dreadnaught with might of menethil or a human warrior in full Field marshal/marshal gear with a GM 2h sword? Although I will admit...BC had some pretty cool gear too.

29Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 02:49



Pffft 40 man raids

Try a 100 Man Raid on CoH with Infinitely Fucking Respawning enemies on a Spaceship from outer fucking space

If you didnt Set your Graphics to the lowest you got DCed like hell

30Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 03:03



You've never done a 25 man on heroic difficulty, and I'm sorry but most of the vanilla raid encounters were bland. I wasn't a huge fan of Wrath, but fights like Yogg Saron and Arthas were fucking epic beyond scale.

Also, you're friend isn't well educated on this because he apparently hasn't heard of rated battlegrounds. Probably one of the best environments for PvP. You don't have to deal with all the fucktards who don't know how to cap flags or hold an objective.

Another thing, the landscape hasn't changed as drastically as you think. the only thing that got a major overhaul was questing which no one can argue is anything but AMAZING. 1-60 quest flow was GARBAGE until Cata. The whole leveling experience is so much more immersive now, it's crazy.

Overall, endgame is more on par with BC in terms of difficulty, quest flow is seamless and PvP is much more focused on BGs than on arenas. The only reason to do arenas now is for quick conquest points and some aesthetic frills. They even brought back the old PvP ranks, how awesome is that? Can't wait to get High-Warlord.

31Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 03:09



Different Strokes for different Folks Ante if his friends who have the same taste as him dont like he probally wont it doesnt mean a shitload of other people are wrong for liking it

Opinions Folks they arent Right or Wrong unless theyre Discriminatory but thats just my opinion Very Happy

32Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 03:40



Sheogorath wrote:Different Strokes for different Folks Ante if his friends who have the same taste as him dont like he probally wont it doesnt mean a shitload of other people are wrong for liking it

Opinions Folks they arent Right or Wrong unless theyre Discriminatory but thats just my opinion Very Happy

I didn't say his opinion was wrong? I'm voicing my opinion in response to his, or am I not allowed that privilege?

33Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 03:43



Yes thats exactly what i meant by that Sentence

But no your just coming off like your Opinion is more important than his which is a pet peeve of mine

34Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 03:48



Sheogorath wrote:Yes thats exactly what i meant by that Sentence

But no your just coming off like your Opinion is more important than his which is a pet peeve of mine

No it's not more important than mine, but my argument actually has fact and experience to back it up and his doesn't which is a pet peeve of mine. Assumptions are a bad thing.

35Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 03:50



It not an Assumption hes basing it on the fact that his Friends have the Same taste in gaming as him and they have disliked the same htings in the past

36Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 03:54



Sheogorath wrote:It not an Assumption hes basing it on the fact that his Friends have the Same taste in gaming as him and they have disliked the same htings in the past

Yes and his friends are assuming Cata is something completely different than what it actually is. If you don't like something, fine, say you're not interested, but basing your dislike of something on falsities and half-truths is just annoying. People always feel the need to justify not liking something. Why? If you just don't like something, say you don't like it. Simple.

37Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 03:56



guys...this is going nowhere.

38Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 04:00



Zillah wrote:guys...this is going nowhere.


On a serious note, I'm just bored... waiting to get tired and fall asleep. Yay insomnia?

39Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 04:04



man its like 2 o'clock, i should probably be getting to bed.... g'night

40Should I sell my soul... Empty Re: Should I sell my soul... 2011-01-21, 04:30



Night man

Also Back and forth Arguments are the entire Internet Zillah

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