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The Gamefaqs board...

7 posters

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1The Gamefaqs board... Empty The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:18



It has been over run by newbs D:

2The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:20



Meh, it gives reasons for me to go back and help some people

3The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:22



I noticed. Well still slightly new myself, Its been getting alot of crap lately.

4The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:24

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i instituted Awesome Cred...
you get 1 cred per LOSE 20 per keep the post counts up

5The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:26



Mr. Dr. Awesome wrote:i instituted Awesome Cred...
you get 1 cred per LOSE 20 per keep the post counts up

6The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:27

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i was tempted to give my self 9001 cred

7The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:28

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Mr. Dr. Awesome wrote:i instituted Awesome Cred...
you get 1 cred per LOSE 20 per keep the post counts up

Haha, devilishly clever.

8The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:34

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

DrBob276 wrote:What is Awesome Cred for? Is it named for how Awesome I am?
were gonna have to come with something, since you all have pretty much everything but mod rights

and i have now renamed them to EpyKreds

9The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:36

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

no one got the ITS OVER 9000 joke?

10The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:37



Mr. Dr. Awesome wrote:no one got the ITS OVER 9000 joke?
It was my intentional action in protest to the Tyranny.

11The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:38



I did. i was just eating ^_^

12The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:40



Also, has anyone read the Scott Pilgrim comics?

13The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:53

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Fine, that's the new thing, who ever has the most creds by next sunday 5pm est gets to name them what they want for the week, then we reset the points

14The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:55



Alright, I'm going to make 17 topics and spam the fuck out of them so I can name it "Douchebag Points" Very Happy

15The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 20:56



My last post kinda spelled that out, didn't it? xD

16The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 21:08

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

honor system here gents....or i will godmodd your asses so hard...

17The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 21:12

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

hmm fine, we will think of somthing else.

18The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 21:17

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

ill be back later all, i should have ranks up by the end of the night, and color scheme by tomorrow

19The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 21:50



Lol Fox has more Awesome Points than Epyk Very Happy

20The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 22:51



Yeah also i think he meant -10 points a day not -20

Also Fighter has -1 Awesome points ROFL Very Happy

21The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 22:55

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Mr. Dr. Awesome wrote:ill be back later all, i should have ranks up by the end of the night, and color scheme by tomorrow

Colour scheme? But, why...? Black is the new colourful.

The Greg KG says "leave be."


22The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-22, 22:59



These boards reminded me of something and i now know what it is these are a superior version of the Gamestop Boards

23The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-23, 02:02



im modding the colors to be black/gray/blue since its winning polls atm, will will look rather similar to what it is now

24The Gamefaqs board... Empty Re: The Gamefaqs board... 2010-08-23, 02:14



HOLY SHIT I MISSED AN OVER 9000?! And I cant keep up with creds, im not on enough. I have to share a cpu! Tyrrany!

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