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Bioshock Infinite gameplay.

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1Bioshock Infinite gameplay. Empty Bioshock Infinite gameplay. 2010-09-21, 18:27



It looks... interesting.



I won't lie; it looks really fucking weird. However, I like that. It's original, and it looks fun and interesting to play. It's not: X space marine fights X alien that wants to destroy humanity and wins. The End. I'll probably rent it at least.



I thought that was awesome. Definitely has that Bioshock vibe!


Wow, that genuinely intrigued me.



That looks really fucking cool, i love the color scheme.

i never played Bioshock 2 because it didn't look that great to me(well not much better than bioshock 1 i mean) but this looks awesome.

i'll have to actually watch the video later instead of just jumping around on it since i'm feeling too lazy right now


Yeah I skipped Bioshock 2 also because it looked like more the same, but this looks like it's something fresh.

Good call on changing the setting. One thing all of the Bioshock games nail is atmosphere. I've always been impressed by that aspect of the series.

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