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i love the vague quests.

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1i love the vague quests. Empty i love the vague quests. 2011-02-14, 16:34

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

help! get this man offa me!
*BOOM* winchester

'someone stole mah horse!'
*BOOM* winchester

//stop the fight//
*BOOM BOOM* winchester

'help me mister!'
*BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM* winchester

im too lazy to capture people alive Twisted Evil

2i love the vague quests. Empty Re: i love the vague quests. 2011-02-14, 16:57



I try to capture them everytime now unless they shoot first then...
*BOOM* *BOOM* Winchester

3i love the vague quests. Empty Re: i love the vague quests. 2011-02-14, 16:59

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

<3 the winchester

i got the ammo bandolier so i can use it all the time without worrying about ammo (i always search dead bodies after ive killed them) since i have 190 most of the time

4i love the vague quests. Empty Re: i love the vague quests. 2011-02-14, 18:03



I spent half the game trying to finish missions without murder. It's so much faster, and more satisfying to just kill them. Unless you are told not to of course.

5i love the vague quests. Empty Re: i love the vague quests. 2011-02-14, 18:16

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

if theres no honour penalty then its gunfight agogo.

6i love the vague quests. Empty Re: i love the vague quests. 2011-02-14, 19:15



Quick those 2 prisoners are escaping

Bang Bang

Good work friend Very Happy

7i love the vague quests. Empty Re: i love the vague quests. 2011-02-14, 19:18

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i was doing the 'medicine for jenny' quest or whatever it was.

and while i was talking to her this silhouette of a person ran across the hill skyline in the background, screaming, pursued by the silhoutted wolves.
then he ran back across the hill still getting chased.

made me lol.

8i love the vague quests. Empty Re: i love the vague quests. 2011-02-14, 19:26



Lol i was doing part of the main quest where your stuck inside this Vehicle unable to move or shoot and a cougar was chasing the damn thing

9i love the vague quests. Empty Re: i love the vague quests. 2011-02-14, 19:27

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

well that sucks.
did you get cougar'd?

10i love the vague quests. Empty Re: i love the vague quests. 2011-02-14, 19:31



No i was in an Armored Vehicle didnt stop the Damn thing from stalking us lol

11i love the vague quests. Empty Re: i love the vague quests. 2011-02-14, 19:36

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

them cougars are CRAZY.
is there are limit to how far an animal chases you?

might have to check it out someti-*cougar'd*

12i love the vague quests. Empty Re: i love the vague quests. 2011-02-14, 19:41

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Would be lolsome if they never stopped.

Grizzlies in Mexico? Hells yesh!

13i love the vague quests. Empty Re: i love the vague quests. 2011-02-14, 19:41



Lol i got a bear to chase me into Macfarlanes ranch Very Happy

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