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Yesterdays games... ME/pvt Gray/Zillah/mr zombee

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We had some tough fought matches yesterday and some that we breezed through.
Non as tough as cold war last night!

We easily stopped the attacking team on defense, shoot i went to zillahs sniping spot before he even joined the game and ended the game maybe 25-2 LOTS of headshots!! no one ever found me till a lucky medic popped me.

The sides switch and now the fun/pain in the ass begins.

We managed to get A rather easily!!! witch was suprising! but for some reason they were guarding B (which is D2.0able) like hawks. Finally i said fuck it and started Winslowing the building! we eventually dropped that and so started the toughest set of m-coms in recent history.

No matter what mills or I or zillah tried we couldn't break through. they kept hitting us 50' out side our spawn and were very effective in spawn trapping us. I decided it's smoke launcher time (2 smokes) effectively saved the game for us. I snuck around the left side and down onto the icey lake. ran all the way to the m-coms as they continued to spawn camp! zillah spawned on me @ A and armed! To no avail they managed a defuse and back to hard spawn we went.

Attempt #2: GREAT SUCCESS!! i snuck around again and waited at the bottom of the hill zillah spawns and runs up to A then Mills spawns and we camp A. it's armed and here comes the swarm!! zillah popped a few so did mills and i shot 2 defusers! Alphas TAKEN!!

On to B, which proved another daunting task!!! A random managed to arm it as i'm in the old A building starring at the objective through the window. Many times they tried running in for the defuse and every time either my grenade or mills m60 or zillahs acog'd snaiperskaya stopped them!! WE TOOK B WITH (2) tickets left.

Last set of m-coms was a cluster fuck of infiltrating and dying then dying some more, again mr winslow made an appearance! somehow A was armed and blown up, like they didn't care about the non-d2.0 objectives.... WTF i know right?! I die again and i hear the building creeking after many explosive rounds entered the shelter! WE WIN and I INSTANTLY GET DASHBOARDED!!!!! WTF

After that we called it a night cause it kept dropping zillah and us outta the games we couldn't even start.

WELL DONE ZILLAH/MILLS and Private whilst you were with us!!!



twas fun. I lagged out after that game. I bet you were cursing me for driving that ATV into the wall. I HAD NO CONTROL!!!!



What I wanna know is........ WHY I have to take a break from the box and NOW Mills decided to start playing BC2!!!!!!! Hmmmmmmmm HAHAHAHA

Sad I missed it!



LOL it's ok mills!! still that was a hard fought game!! you couldn't hear us but zillah and i were definitely voicing our frustrations at that team, when we were attacking!



I sensed you leaving. I had to fill the void. AND I'M HAVING A BLAST!!!!



Well sounds like a fun night!!! I exercised =o\

Did you finish the Halo campaign?



That second set of m-coms was the toughest and funnest in a while!

I just remember the three of us sitting upstairs where A used to be and throwing frags and shooting like crazy at that B m-com in between those houses... WHAT A BRILLIANT MARVELOUS SPLENDIFIROUS BLOOD BATH!!!!!!!



good lord that was awesome last night on cold war. after we capped A, we had only like 8 tickets left. i really didnt think we were going to get A. after someone armed it though, the entire team swarmed it to disarm it! i think about 10 enemies died in about 10 seconds trying to defuse it! The kill feed was off the chain... Very Happy

Sorry about my mic though, it was being really annoying.



I still can't believe that's your xbox making that humming noise!! and especially that LOUDLY!!! wow!!



yeah its annoying as fuck! i think my optical drive is still broken from last time..



Awesome game, guys! SO proud!
Missed another epic night. grrrrr



It was really damn fun. I liked that little spot you found on top of that mountain. Can't believe it took the enemy that long to kill you... Idiots. I might be AWOL for a few days cause MvC 3 just came out and my friends and I are psyched about it.



I got dropped from the game as soon as we won that match!! i have no idea the final headcount or accuracy %. I know it was alot!!

The servers started to act funny after you got off Pvt!! the game dropped zillah a few times and i got dashboarded once. Then i started a new search later on and it dropped me zillah and mills back to the title screen. I called it a night at that point.



Westley wrote:Well sounds like a fun night!!! I exercised =o\

Did you finish the Halo campaign?

Due to the drama that is my step son, Halo is on hiatus until I buy my own copy.



Wow, I can't believe he's doin' ya that way, Mills.



To keep the peace with my wife, I'm just leaving him to do his own thing.



Yes sometimes it is easier to just let things alone.

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