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Fr0st,zillah,jaded,Bolt,Private!! great games.

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Last nights games were the most fun i've had in BC2 in a while.

It all started when i popped in Crysis2 (omg noes crysis2). then i got an invite from Fr0st who hasn't been around lately. So i popped out the crysis2 disc and put in BC2.

From then on almost every game had something EPIC happening.

Be it from zillahs crazy AT4 trick shots.

My lucky jump throwing AIRBURST c4 helicopter kill.

Or the defeating of many tough teams last night!! TEAMwork was top notch.




Tater wrote:
My lucky jump throwing AIRBURST c4 helicopter kill.

that was fuckin awesome! i watched it from the spawn screen, and was just thinking 'no way...'

did you guys ever beat those chopper whores on oasis defense?

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Lol those are the moments i want a capure card recording all my BC2 moments. Then i would make montages. Nobody makes BC2 montages Sad



Zillah wrote:
Tater wrote:
My lucky jump throwing AIRBURST c4 helicopter kill.

that was fuckin awesome! i watched it from the spawn screen, and was just thinking 'no way...'

did you guys ever beat those chopper whores on oasis defense?

YES. we stopped them.

actually we stopped them on the same set of m-coms you left on. A got D2.0'd but we managed to finally take out their chopper and from there it got armed twice and disarmed both times. Fr0st was getting frustrated by some lvl 50's camping up near the hill shooting towards the objective. I threw a motion sensor on both them and he waxed them for the win.

OH i also jum c4'd a pesky recon outta the back buildings in that same set of m-coms. I spawned on Fr0st as a guy comes around the corner and SAIGA his ass saving Fr0st then we're stuck in a motion sensor and i knew Fr0st was right next to the building the wookie was in. I jump throw 2 c4 on two walls and BOOOM got his ass!! then i proceeded to dip my nuts for the first time that night. HE deserved a teabagging.



Jump c4 ftw! Man now I wish I had stayed



Yeah. Those ass fucks really were a pain, but we got it. Cheers.



I really need to add you guys, I was on and had to play with Randies... Sad



I got like 10 private grey tags lol.



Yes it was definitely an awesome night! I shot them down like seconds after you left too



Shut Up Tom. *Grrrrr*

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