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Just started playing Dragon Age: Origins. Who wants to help me by giving me some advice?!

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Okay, So I been playing it for like 5 hours or so. And I just


But can anyone give me some info and stuff? I have most guys all around level 8, and my main character, and that one.....Grey Warden guy you meet in the beginning die all the time. Yet Morrigan and my Dog are the only ones who ever seem to live or survive anything.
I try and upgrade their armor whenever possible, and I try and keep their Constitution as one of their highest stats....and nothing. They drop insanely quickly.

I also have a hard time finding my damn quests. I can start them, or get them. But actually find them is frickin annoying. In the beginning there were markers that told me were to go, now they don't appear. Or sometimes the quest info says "Check your map for the region or trail" or something like that, and I check the full map, AND NUTIN.



Do play the game like a hack and slash or do you pause it to issue commands? Playing the game in real time is almost impossible.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Uhh.....wait....theres another option to play it aside from Real Time mode?? >_____>



You need to focus on building up your Tanks Defensive Skills

Also did you unlock Bloodmage when you went through the Redcliffe quest?

Oh and i would Switch out your Dog for something else since The Dog Allistair and you all sound like your Tanks i suggest doing the Mage Quest before getting the Sacred Ashes so you have a Healer

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

.....I still got no idea what you are talking about...>_>....

I might just restart the game over...or something I don't know.



Right now you have 3 Warriors and one Mage

All your Warriors are made for taking Damage not dealing it

You need a better balance i suggest Leliana,Allistair and Morrigan

Get the Girls to do Damage while you and Ally Soak up the damage

I also Suggest you do the Circle of Magi Quest right away since it unlocks Wynne who can heal your party

Either that or Spec Morrigan into Holds

You may also want to play the Strategic way by dictating each of your partys moves via the Radial menu



The key is iniating all the special moves for your party membets, as the ai wont do it.



You can do that via radial menu or literally switch between party members with the numpers. Thats what ante means. You cant control your character alone or youll get prison sexed.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Uhh............>_>.....yeah.....I think I may have killed Wynne or whatever....>_>



The game is a bit tough on consoles tbqh. This is something being fixed for 2 big time. Im not a pc gamer so im thrilled ha. Pc guys are getting the short end this time. Play on normal until the system clicks.



The only way you could have killed Wynne is if you had already been to the Circle tower

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Wait, I thought Wynne was the one mage thrown in the dungeon for poisoning that king dude or whatever?

But yeah I might just start a new game.

So what do you recommend I do from the get go?



Being a two handed warrior is the easiest way to go imo. Wynne is female, sounds like your talking about Anders I think



I dont know pick a clear defined Character plan

I started out as a mage

You should always do Redcliffe first because if you dont people there actually die and shit depending on your progress

Also Rogues can steal stuff i know one of the Dwarfs gives a shield that increases your Defense by like +16 you can get right away

Anyway you party should always consist of 1 Tank 2 Damage Dealers and whatever else of your choosing



He was a blood mage correct?

Being a mage can be tough unless you really know how to level your character. You can screw yourself as a mage easily, very early if your not used to playing rpg's.



All the Mage Specialisations suck i mean come on Shapeshifting is dumb,Blood mages are freaking Emos who cut their own health,Arcane Warriors are OP as shit but if i wanted to be a Tank i would have chosen the Warrior class and Spirit healers are actually the only useful one

Hey Symbol you know about the Dragon in the throne room in Orzimmar that gives you that legendary 2H Sword?



Oh yeah, I forgot this game was for 360 too... ugh, my advice is to get it for PC.



I liked it fine for the 360.

Soap, no need to start a new game. Also, new places you can/need to go usually glow on the map, so the marker isn't very distinctive once you get pass having more than one place to choose from on your map.

Before going to the dwarves, I would go to the Circle of Magi, like Frost suggested. You have to go to a small port town first. It's by a lake, forget what it's called. Or go to the forest. Also, try to do as many side quests as you can. These help get your levels up for the bigger quests. You can get a lot of them off the Chanters Boards.

Also, the radial menu, where you can use potions and special moves is the left trigger button, if I remember correctly. Going into your options and switch it to were you have to press it to open, and then press it again to close. This will help you A LOT. Beats the hell of holding the trigger down and trying to select what you want.

(Dual wielding thief FTW!)

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap


I finally broke down and put this game on Casual. I had it on Easy but I just can't do shit.

I can't get used to using the Variant Wheel to command my guys and all that. So both my main character, and Alistar just die and my Dog and Morrigan are the only ones that can live through most attacks. And I have started using Morrigan as my healer, but even then she can only do so much.

I am in the mission were you have to kill that Silver Warewolf and I am in the lower levels and keep getting raped by Skeletons.
Yet my entire team was able to take out two Ogres at once by themselfs with no one dying, yet a few skeletons rape me.

I need to get used to this gaem....



Did you change the settings so the variant/radial wheel/menu stays open with one click and closes with another click? I'm telling you, that helps so much.

Man, only a few more days til 2 comes out! I'm so stoked!

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah I changed it, but I still have a hard time using it and my parties abilities with it all in the middle of heated battles.

I just beat that one storyline quest with the Werewolves and stuff. So I am getting farthur, still my party is only level 10...



Hmm. I can't remember what levels I was at when I played certain parts. So this might be normal?



I only played it for maybe an hour before I got rid of it.
That solved my problems with it! Very Happy

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

But I don't wanna get rid of it....I like it....its just....hard.

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