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Problem w/my laptop :(

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1Problem w/my laptop :( Empty Problem w/my laptop :( 2011-03-03, 18:20



ever since yesterday,my laptop won't turn on if I have the charger already plugged into it when I press the power button....if I remove the charger it'll turn on,then I wait like 30 seconds then plug the AC charger back into it.

this is weird as hell...I tried googling it but to no avail.

I've had it since Jan 2010.It's an HP.I know I know...made in china cheap POS -___-

but what's up with this?I heard laptops break after having them a year and it's just my damn luck this happens right after the warrenty goes out...

is it the PSU breaking?

It's weird because it shouldn't matter if the charger is plugged in...I'm not sure why it matters only when turning the computer on for the 1st time.It's been running all day fine

2Problem w/my laptop :( Empty Re: Problem w/my laptop :( 2011-03-03, 18:48



huh my dad fixes laptops as a sidejob/hobby and ive never seen this.

3Problem w/my laptop :( Empty Re: Problem w/my laptop :( 2011-03-03, 18:59



Try Percussive Maintenence

4Problem w/my laptop :( Empty Re: Problem w/my laptop :( 2011-03-03, 19:02



ha it's weird like on my old dino desktop computer,it wouldn't even turn on if I had my ipod plugged into it via USB,only when it wasn't plugged in would it start up.

5Problem w/my laptop :( Empty Re: Problem w/my laptop :( 2011-03-03, 21:49



call HP if you are really worried but it does not even matter. it is most likely because something broke when the laptop tries to turn on the power adapter is putting to much juice into it so it shuts itself down in defense. (just a guess)

6Problem w/my laptop :( Empty Re: Problem w/my laptop :( 2011-03-03, 22:27



Ive had a few power supply problems with my HP laptop. Its a little older than yours though.

Just recently the powersupply wouldnt work unless it sat for an hour or so unplugged.

My battery lasts for about 2 minutes lol.

Where the power supply plugs in to the computer, if its in a certain position it wont work.

7Problem w/my laptop :( Empty Re: Problem w/my laptop :( 2011-03-03, 23:33



=/ if I had of known I could of built a much stronger computer for the price I paid for this thing,I'd have just made it custom.

mine was $550 with tax...

1TB HDD-100

eh then again I was never much into computer gaming.In my laptop right now it has HD4200 graphics card and 3gb ram

8Problem w/my laptop :( Empty Re: Problem w/my laptop :( 2011-03-04, 00:47



Yea I got mine as a Christmas present. My brother got one also at the same time and hes had more problems than I have. If I could have chosen I probably would have got a desktop.

9Problem w/my laptop :( Empty Re: Problem w/my laptop :( 2011-03-04, 00:53



Laptops always break. Never a good idea to spend a lot on them.

10Problem w/my laptop :( Empty Re: Problem w/my laptop :( 2011-03-08, 09:42



=/ idk what's wrong w/it...........this morning it didn't want to even turn on without the charger plugged in....I took the battery out and held the power button 30 seconds,read online that's supposed to help,then put battery back in the the computer started up fine

=/ I really don't have another 550 bucks to spend on a laptop...I need to get a car >:l

11Problem w/my laptop :( Empty Re: Problem w/my laptop :( 2011-03-08, 12:20



That's weird man. So it does work perfectly as long as you turn it on the right way though?

I'd call HP and ask them if they know about it and if there is a fix.

If there isn't, bitch at them until they give you a free 3 year warranty for your next computer or something(that's what I did but my particular model was defective and I was supposed to get an email with a fix which I didn't).

And then sell the broken computer on ebay. I sold mine that wouldn't turn on period because of a faulty motherboard for $200 to some dude in El Paso.

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