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The Ultimate Choice

Ars Diaboli
6 posters

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1The Ultimate Choice Empty The Ultimate Choice 2011-03-05, 19:15



Open the Front door and freeze to death

Or live with the smell of Cat pee in the living room

2The Ultimate Choice Empty Re: The Ultimate Choice 2011-03-05, 19:24

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Kill the cat. The smell of guts will counter the stench of pee. And you have food.

Also, pull your shirt high enough to cover your nose and use the smell of your armpits. It works.

3The Ultimate Choice Empty Re: The Ultimate Choice 2011-03-05, 19:35

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I could come poop in your living room, right next to you.

Gets rid of to problems, replaces the Cat pee smell, and you can warm up from my dooty.

4The Ultimate Choice Empty Re: The Ultimate Choice 2011-03-05, 19:48



open the door and freeze, eh? what happened to that perfect NZ weather?

5The Ultimate Choice Empty Re: The Ultimate Choice 2011-03-05, 21:17



take deoderant or cologne and put it on your upper lip

6The Ultimate Choice Empty Re: The Ultimate Choice 2011-03-05, 21:38



dont you have the stuff that you spray and makes everything smell clean?

7The Ultimate Choice Empty Re: The Ultimate Choice 2011-03-05, 21:54

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I have a spray that when you spray it it smells like ass.

Brought it to camp last weekend, half my cabin beat me.

8The Ultimate Choice Empty Re: The Ultimate Choice 2011-03-06, 01:06



Wind Chill factor Zillah

9The Ultimate Choice Empty Re: The Ultimate Choice 2011-03-06, 08:29

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Leave the cat outside the front door to freeze to death.

Smoke weed to cover the stench.

10The Ultimate Choice Empty Re: The Ultimate Choice 2011-03-06, 17:31



Also im pretty sure it wasnt the Cat but my Dog instead

Mind you when we first got my Dog my Cat shat in the lounge for like 2 weeks and the Dog got blamed Payback maybe?

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