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TEH Ultimate Laptop.

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1TEH Ultimate Laptop. Empty TEH Ultimate Laptop. 2011-05-29, 15:20

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

We must haves it!

300 MHz processor, 2GB HDD!

Windows CE 6.0.

I dare not ask how much RAM it has.

It can be yours for just 150 dollars! Get yours while supplies last!

2TEH Ultimate Laptop. Empty Re: TEH Ultimate Laptop. 2011-05-29, 15:26



Man, you'd be beasting all the fools on BF3 with that speed demon.

3TEH Ultimate Laptop. Empty Re: TEH Ultimate Laptop. 2011-05-29, 15:32

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I'm thinking about buying 50 of those, link them all together and have my very own laptop farm that will be used to play BF3. It will be sweet.

Only 1 hour of playtime though, or else they will start melting down.

4TEH Ultimate Laptop. Empty Re: TEH Ultimate Laptop. 2011-05-29, 15:42


Ars Diaboli wrote:I'm thinking about buying 50 of those, link them all together and have my very own laptop farm that will be used to play BF3. It will be sweet.

Only 1 hour of playtime though, or else they will start melting down.

Or hire koreans and let them do some WoW gold farming.

5TEH Ultimate Laptop. Empty Re: TEH Ultimate Laptop. 2011-05-29, 16:20

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Weren't those chinese?

I do wonder if these can run WoW...

6TEH Ultimate Laptop. Empty Re: TEH Ultimate Laptop. 2011-05-29, 16:22


Ars Diaboli wrote:Weren't those chinese?

I do wonder if these can run WoW...

They'll make it work... Trust me.

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