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Aw CRAAAAAP. My best friend just broke up with his girlfriend.

The Adli Corporation
Epyk MD
Dropped Da Soap
12 posters

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap


Hate to see it due to him being my friend and all. But god, this is the 4th like.....5 months.

He gets far to overdramatic when this happens. All his posts on facebook are all doom and gloom.
Anytime someone says something like "Oh wanna go somewhere for dinner?" or Wanna watch this tv show" he always gets upset and says no, it hurts to much.
Even over trivial things like what to eat and crap.

LAst time he broke up, he was in this mood all week, then BAM! 8th day, starts going out with his most recent girlfriend. Then gets upset thinking and crap.

GUH. Cue the week of constant doom and gloom whining before he starts hooking up with another girl.

Its just annoying cause he spends a week whining about how its the worst thing ever, then at the end of the week, gets a new girlfriend.


Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Tell him this is be best time to confess your feeling for him as you didn't think you could wait another day.

Bet you don't hear from him for said week.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Honestly, we joke around like that all the time.

All it would do would make him laugh for a good second before he goes on about his ex used to make him laugh and how upset he is.



I'd say find something to do for a week, but that won't help. Maybe you can convince him to swear off women for a while.


High school... that happened a lot in my high school glad i am out of there lol.

Go out for 1-2 weeks break up find another girl repeat step 1. Then it's an endless cycle.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

bro films.

just hang out and cheer him up.
maybe watch bad boys or something.

distraction will do him good, get his mind away from everything thats happened.



Punch him in the nuts and tell him to quit crying like a little baby with a diaper on it's head.



Metalzoic wrote:Punch him in the nuts and tell him to quit crying like a little baby with a diaper on it's head.

LOL! What Metal said will do quite nicely.



do it everytime he talks about her.



my two best friends (boy and girl) have been in an on/off thing for a year or so...

it gets really old, especially when they talk about their sex experiences (ive known both of them since i was 5)



I had friends like that, I eventually told them to stop telling me everything because I didn't want to know. It made the relationship(s) a bit rocky, but it ended up working out for the best.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Zillah wrote:it gets really old, especially when they talk about their sex experiences (ive known both of them since i was 5)

one of my female friends, in a room FULL of guys, randomly says to no-one in particular:




SO whattaya doin' Satruday night? HeeHee



Judas Iscariot wrote:
Zillah wrote:it gets really old, especially when they talk about their sex experiences (ive known both of them since i was 5)

one of my female friends, in a room FULL of guys, randomly says to no-one in particular:







I know what you mean man I had a buddy in highschool I partied with all the time and his on and off again girlfriend. It was usually pretty cool but every 3 or 6 months they'd get in a big damn fight (generally in front of everyone) and then it was a good month or so of depressed drinking and smoking and eventually theyd get back together and the cycle repeats itself.

Hate to sound like an asshole but it sounds like your buddy's either wanting to get attention or is just reacting how he thinks people should react after a break up just gotta tell him to man up I suppose.

edit: what the hell i'm in a posting mood so I'll throw my own random dumb chick moment into the mix.
This was back when I lived in pittsburgh and was going to college/working at bk there. One day I found out my buddy wanted to hook up with an big girl not a little big like jabba the hut big. So I'm making fun of him talking about the horrible mistakes I've made after to much alcohol and how there's no way I'd ever hook up with her (all in front of customers. What can I say I was a model employee.) This was just the guys talking but theres also a 15 year old high school slut trying to fit in for some reason who interepts me in the middle of my rant looks me in the eyes and asks. "Would you fuck me?"
Shocked I don't think the front counter has ever been cleared so quickly at that place.



zachattack46 wrote:I know what you mean man I had a buddy in highschool I partied with all the time and his on and off again girlfriend. It was usually pretty cool but every 3 or 6 months they'd get in a big damn fight (generally in front of everyone) and then it was a good month or so of depressed drinking and smoking and eventually theyd get back together and the cycle repeats itself.

Hate to sound like an asshole but it sounds like your buddy's either wanting to get attention or is just reacting how he thinks people should react after a break up just gotta tell him to man up I suppose.

edit: what the hell i'm in a posting mood so I'll throw my own random dumb chick moment into the mix.
This was back when I lived in pittsburgh and was going to college/working at bk there. One day I found out my buddy wanted to hook up with an big girl not a little big like jabba the hut big. So I'm making fun of him talking about the horrible mistakes I've made after to much alcohol and how there's no way I'd ever hook up with her (all in front of customers. What can I say I was a model employee.) This was just the guys talking but theres also a 15 year old high school slut trying to fit in for some reason who interepts me in the middle of my rant looks me in the eyes and asks. "Would you fuck me?"
Shocked I don't think the front counter has ever been cleared so quickly at that place.

Every ridiculous mistake made with female's involves heavy amounts on alcohol.

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

Your buddy needs moar weed.



Just tell him about it. It'll piss him off hardcore for a little while and then he'll get over it and realize that he needs to stop being overdramatic.



If this is a poll I'm going to have to go with Metal's

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