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Any Ska fans in here?

Air Supremacy
Patrick Star
Keyser Söze
The Adli Corporation
17 posters

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1Any Ska fans in here? Empty Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 17:39

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

one of my HEATHEN friends didnt know what Ska was earlier today.
THEN she heard it and DIDNT LIKE IT.
i was basically speechless.

so is anyone else in here willing to cheer me up by showing good taste does still exist?
im counting on you people! here are my faves Very Happy

2Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 17:59

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I like the Specials' Ghost Town, but that's about it.

Maybe a little bit of Madness in the background, but I would never actually play the music myself.

3Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 18:03

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

is so happy though.
its the kind of thing you start bouncing around to without realising.

4Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 18:13



Double ew.

Ska is on my short list of music types I don't like.

5Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 18:16

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I can;t say I really agree.

I do love Ghost Town though.

6Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 18:19

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


7Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 18:20



Because it suuuuuucks. That's why.

I'm saying this out of love, of course....

8Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 18:21

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

SeC. I am dissapoint.

9Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 19:30

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i love it man theres only like 5 other people in my town who listen to it
we're a dying breed man!

10Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 19:53



I'm a Skatman myself.....

11Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 20:27

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I have quite a few friends that are into ska, as well as reggae and the likes.

I for one can't stand that non stop syncopated guitar chord.

12Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 20:48



I dont mind that music. I wont go out of my way to listen to it but its not like I cant stand it or anything....

Rap on the other hand...Ill go out of my way to NOT listen to it.

13Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 20:57



zk50 x erk wrote:I dont mind that music. I wont go out of my way to listen to it but its not like I cant stand it or anything....

Rap on the other hand...Ill go out of my way to NOT listen to it.

What kind of rap? *gets baseball bat ready*

14Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-10, 23:53



There are different kinds of rap? They are all the same....

*grabs 12 gauge*

15Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 00:48




Good. (Old)


Bad. (new)

*grabs 30-06*

16Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 01:48



Neither are really very good....

*Grabs an m2 browning....*

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


17Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 01:58



Oh I get it....You just hate music to be cool.

*Zues Slaps zk into the stratosphere*

18Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 02:03



Nah...I love music....its just rap sucks.

And maybe the old rap is good but I havent heard enough of it to make a choice. All I know is all this M&M or w.e crap is...well crap.

19Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 02:11



Rap sucks ass as does this Ska that Snuffy speaks of

20Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 02:15



Obviously you have been hearing the wrong rap.

If it came out in the last 12 years are so chances are it is utter garbage.

21Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 05:15

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Old rap is called hip-hop and is a beautiful thing.

Rap is for morons.

22Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 05:19



Not the biggest morons

Apparently Justin bieber is currently barricaded inside his Hotel room in Liverpool and the cops are thinking of charging him with Inciting a riot

23Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 05:23

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I hope he gets the death penalty...

24Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 05:45



I say they chuck him to the mercy of the Crowd!

25Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 05:51

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I read somewhere that he feels like the Kurt Cobain of his generation and that no one gets him.

I hope he inspects the barrel end of a shotgun too...

26Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 05:53



Nah i hope they send him to prison then he can get all the special hugs he wants from his cellmates

27Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 05:54

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Point blank shotgun.

Forgotten in a couple of years at most.

Rest my case.

28Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 05:56



Gang banged in a prison shower i rest my case

29Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 05:58

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Whatever, I'm off to run some errands...


...fucking errands.

30Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 06:03



I thought joo was sickness?

31Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 07:20

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I am, that's what sucks about running errands.

32Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 09:33



1) I have friends that LOVE ska. I'm not overly fond of it, tends to be the same guitar rhythm to me. It's good once in a blue moon, but outside of that, I don't have it in any of my music stores

2) Rap is Razz, it's the one genre I don't get. The old school stuff (Greg, I agree with it being hip-hop) had a purpose, it had a soul, now IHMO it has lost it's way and has blended in with all the pop/poop thats out there

3) Bieber, as his voice lowers so will his record sales. He has no right to compare himself to Cobain (who I think is slightly overrated due to his suicide, but I do respect him highly). He needs to start comparing himself to the Backdoor Boys and NSTINK, and see where his career will end up.

33Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 10:20

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

Just can't listen to ska. The same guitar chords over and over make me want to shoot myself. I simply can't hear it for more than 5 seconds. Oh and uppity love songs about "getting away" are so dime a dozen it makes me want to stomp a cat to death.

Rap and hip hop was good with Biggie, Tupac, Ice T, NWA, Wu Tang and lots of others. Really about the struggle and had a lot of social commentary. Now it's sort of dead and all about money, bitches, and being 50x better than you. I had faith in Eminem, but he pretty much stopped being good about 7 years ago.

Rock right now is dead, with Screamo (OMG shoot me) being the newest genre out there. Progressive Metal sucks too; FAR too studio altered IMO. Ska is pretty much mass produced super white calypso with repetitive guitar chords to appease every middle class white boy.

BTW I am white, but I'm just echoing the writing on the wall.

34Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 11:21



There's still good new rap out there. Just none of it on the mainstream. You can't listen to someone like Immortal Technique and say it doesn't have a purpose.

Not a huge fan of ska myself, although I do like Sublime if that counts.

35Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 19:01



Im with GM and Greg on this one, most rap/hip-hop after the year 2000 is shitty. Though the stuff from the 80's and 90's is good.

And I never even heard of Ska til today. Not bad, but a little too peaceful and calming for my tastes.

36Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 19:06



Never got ska, I had friends who loved some Christian bands that were popular at the time that played ska (keep in mind this was 2001, not 1995). I laughed at it and put in 80's Metallica. Very Happy

37Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-11, 19:20



Yo rap is great. grew up on that shit. But just like what GM is sayin' the newer shit I'm not feeling. Some tracks I like but for the most part all is crap.

On topic though I do like ska a lot, just don't follow it as much as any other type i like. The only ones I do know are the specials and the like. I know I like 2 tone ska more.

38Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-18, 00:40


If you love Ska & Jamaican Music, check out the trailer for, The Legends of Ska, featuring The Skatalites, Prince Buster, Derrick Morgan and much more. Be a part of bringing this film to the world. Go to

39Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-18, 00:42

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

... I can't tell if your a enthusiast or a bot Crying or Very sad

40Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-18, 00:44

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

And I mean no offence, we've just getting a lot of those recently.

41Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-18, 00:52

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

im guessing a bot.... i could be wrong tho

42Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-18, 00:55



that link doesnt look very nice....

Who wants to click it first?

43Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-18, 00:56

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i already did its for a donation fund thing :\

44Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-03-18, 07:37

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i call hax.

OT: yeah hip hop and rock died a long time ago. all the ''modern rock'' is either screaming, whining about yourself, or pointless.

and dont get me started on the trash they cal 'rap' nowadays.

the only way to get good rap or rock is to go pre 2000s. i love ska because its just so happy, and isnt tainted by modern crap like autotune or money spinning ( Lil Wayne, Kesha and bieber for example), its just good music for the sake of good music.

45Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-04-25, 20:30


I know this thread is old and the topic probably got thrown off, but I do happen to like a little ska. Although I listen to some french stuff called Babylon Circus, mostly as background as I write. I like not understanding the lyrics when I'm working.

46Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-04-25, 21:26


Lol, rock is not dead. Mainstream rock is for sure, but that's why you ignore the mainstream, as with any genre. Alternative-rock/indie/hipster music or whatever you want to call it is pretty good if you listen to the right stuff. Also, electronic rock is awesome too. LCD Soundsystem, Cut Copy, etc.

47Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-04-26, 12:48

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

thelittleone wrote:I know this thread is old and the topic probably got thrown off, but I do happen to like a little ska. Although I listen to some french stuff called Babylon Circus, mostly as background as I write. I like not understanding the lyrics when I'm working.


this day gets better and better Very Happy

48Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-04-29, 17:57



wow, I totally missed this thread. I played Reel Big Fish - Beer at my wedding... I told the wife it's the only song that i HAVE to hear with all my friends.

49Any Ska fans in here? Empty Re: Any Ska fans in here? 2011-04-29, 18:01

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Very Happy

im loving pomp and pride atm loving it so much Smile

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