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So AvP online sucks...

3 posters

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1So AvP online sucks... Empty So AvP online sucks... 2011-03-10, 19:08



Maybe it was good when there were more people, but I did not have any fun with it in the couple of hours I played.

Infestation wasn't bad but the deathmatches just weren't fun IMO. Some maps had places where preds could just hide out and throw landmines, meaning that if it's only aliens vs predators the aliens can't even get to them.

I'd try it out more but seeing as it takes like an hour to find a half full match it's just not worth it.

Back to BC2 I go!

2So AvP online sucks... Empty Re: So AvP online sucks... 2011-03-10, 19:12



It was pretty boss when it came out and had a population of players to support it.

3 Way Team Deathmatch was nice too.

I haven't played it in a long time. So I don't know how far it has fallen.

3So AvP online sucks... Empty Re: So AvP online sucks... 2011-03-10, 19:17



When I was playing there were only about 2-5 servers to choose from, with an average of 2 people in each one. Tried to start a server myself, had one person come in after 20 minutes and then leave.

Never had a chance to play an evenly matched 3 team deathmatch, hosts were either too impatient(starting game with only 3-4 people) or in one case wanted everyone to be a marine versus them as a predator(that game the connection got timed out so I didn't get to see what that was all about).

Infestation was really the only gametype that I could find any populated matches in. Which is pretty cool but also a little dull IMO.

4So AvP online sucks... Empty Re: So AvP online sucks... 2011-03-11, 03:28

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I couldn't stand the MP in that game. Especially the aliens. Aliens were broken as FUCK.

5So AvP online sucks... Empty Re: So AvP online sucks... 2011-03-11, 19:35



The aliens controlled so much better in the older ones. I miss being able to pounce anywhere without locking on or pointing at a wall.

It would probably be pretty hard to have decent alien control with a console rather than PC though.

Also I'm not a fan of the blocking system...

6So AvP online sucks... Empty Re: So AvP online sucks... 2011-03-11, 19:40

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

How to play as an Alien:

Step one: Hit them with the Tail Whip from twenty feet away effectiviley stunning them for several seconds while hurting them

Step two: Hit the Power Melee attack button.

Step three: They die.

7So AvP online sucks... Empty Re: So AvP online sucks... 2011-03-11, 19:48



If anything I'd say the predators are the most powerful. They have lock on weapons that kill in one hit, and can hide in places with landmines.

To do a tailwhip you can't be on the ground and you have to actually aim it so it's not that easy, unless there's some exploit that I don't know about. Seemed to be really easy to own marines with but predators seemed to have an advantage since they could just lunge and knock you off the ceiling.

Not really sure what you're talking about with the 20 feet, I always had to be almost directly above them for it to work.

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