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Virus gone!

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1Virus gone! Empty Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:10


Thank goodness, browsing the web in Safe Mode was ugly ugly ugly.

2Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:11



That's good. Smile

3Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:13




I was a little o_O when I saw YOU getting virus.

4Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:15


Thanks guys.

I pride myself on having my PC protected fully all the time so I have no idea how it happened. It won't happen again though dammit!

5Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:17



Did you figure out which virus it was?

6Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:22


It a fake anti-virus program called Security Suite. It would override all of my programs and stuff and try to get me to purchase the full version.

Pretty pesky, it would pop up this fake ass scan box and make it look like I had every virus known to man lol. If I tried to run any applications it would claim that they were all infected.

All in all it was pretty weak against the stuff I had once I booted in safe mode and I was able to remove it, but when I would go back to normal mode it would be back again so I had to log in, go to task manager immediately before it took over my desktop.

Once I did that I was able to run all my stuff again, my scan just finished and it's been removed so I'm scanning again just to be sure but I think it's all good now.

7Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:23



My Dad's computer had to be completely rebooted and everything because of that virus. Be careful; it'll look like it's gone, but it might not be. If you have a program like Spyware Search and Destroy, use it. Just keep an eye out for it again; it may be back.

8Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:26



It sounds more like a malware than a virus. Are you running malware scan too?

9Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:26


Thanks Bob, yeah I have Spyware Search and Destroy, Malwarebytes, HiJackthis, and a couple of other programs that I'm going to run before i officially call this case closed, but I'm making progress, yesterday I couldn't even get online without booting up in safe mode so it's definitely a step in the right direction.

In the end this virus will be my bitch, just like all the rest lol.

10Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:28




11Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:30



I wish for the best Doomsday, I really hope that it is your bitch, lol; just be really careful. Back up your files if you can.

12Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:30


Hey Stormeye I accidentally edited your post instead of quoting it, damn extra mod button.

My bad.

13Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:31


DrBob276 wrote:I wish for the best Doomsday, I really hope that it is your bitch, lol; just be really careful. Back up your files if you can.

You and me both, hopefully it's all gone and Skynet isn't taking over my shit.

14Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:32

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Kaspersky man. Nothing gets through that shit.

15Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 15:37



D00MSDAY DEVICE wrote:Hey Stormeye I accidentally edited your post instead of quoting it, damn extra mod button.

My bad.
Its all good.

16Virus gone! Empty Re: Virus gone! 2010-09-04, 16:29

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Nice Doom. My friends laptop has something on it called AntiMalware Doctor. I used Malwarebytes to get rid of it, then went into safe mode and did a bit of other stuff to make sure all the infected files are gone. And a week later, it came back.

Now I can't even figure out how to get rid of it.

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