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wake the fuck up!

Keyser Söze
6 posters

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1wake the fuck up! Empty wake the fuck up! 2011-03-15, 09:24

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Goodmorning people.

What is everybody's agenda for today.

Ever have one of those morning where you wake up high from the night before?
That's me today.

2wake the fuck up! Empty Re: wake the fuck up! 2011-03-15, 09:35



Congrats on the morning high man those are the best days.

3wake the fuck up! Empty Re: wake the fuck up! 2011-03-15, 09:38

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I'm going to re-enforce it with some extra high.

*lights up*

4wake the fuck up! Empty Re: wake the fuck up! 2011-03-15, 10:40



I don't blaze the wakky tobacky.. (nerd).

Morning Greg!! or should i say Afternoon to you?

My days a plethera of nothingness, followed by a honda dealership visit to potentially buy a new car tonight.

5wake the fuck up! Empty Re: wake the fuck up! 2011-03-15, 10:51

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

lookin at picking up the new car today tater, thats exciting.

I have work all day and then it's to wal mart to get homefront and a new mic. Then I will veg out in front of the tv and make my GF watch me play homefront all night!

6wake the fuck up! Empty Re: wake the fuck up! 2011-03-15, 11:01



No unfortunately tonight is the hard part

Walk in dealer
Get molested by salesmen
bicker back and forth for hours about trade in and financing
walk out or shake hands and go back tomorrow or thursday
drive home new car by end of the week.

I'm looking forward to tonight and dreading it all the same.. HOWEVER my quarrel is pennies to the big picture. Japan has MUCH MUCH bigger issues than my small ones..

7wake the fuck up! Empty Re: wake the fuck up! 2011-03-15, 12:58



LOOOOOONNNNGGGG ass few days. Today is the first day I can relax. Doing nothing today, hopefully I can get some more Mass Effect time in so I can finish it. Otherwise it;s eat lunch, nap, take kids for walk, eat dinner, and sleep.

8wake the fuck up! Empty Re: wake the fuck up! 2011-03-15, 14:24



I went to the DMV (uh)

9wake the fuck up! Empty Re: wake the fuck up! 2011-03-15, 15:39



<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="440" height="290" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

10wake the fuck up! Empty Re: wake the fuck up! 2011-03-15, 18:05



Work was a bitch had to stay 2 hours later than usual and we where busy as hell today. but tonight should be sweet. Just grabbed my copy of shogun 2 total war installing now and finally found someone to come through with some wacky tabacy as you call it tater been dry for like 3 damn weeks.

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