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Not the best way to wake up.

Ron Swanson
Captain Pirate Pineapple
10 posters

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1Not the best way to wake up. Empty Not the best way to wake up. 2011-04-12, 10:14



Got up this morning with a neck pain and the ability to only hear 1/3 of what I normally can out of both ears. I'm practically deaf right now. Neutral



Ear wax can be ones worst enemy... Embarassed



Its been an awful morning for me too..

Allergies are going crazy, as all the plants are just now starting to bloom. I just woke up from a 2 hour nap in the library... tired as hell Sleep

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Yeah, I woke up this morning to a text message from my coworker saying he won't be in at all today because he has a flat tire. He lives 10 minutes (drive time) from work. The text message was at 6:20 AM. We don't start work until 7:30 AM. Something is wrong with that.....



someone had a bad case of the fuckits.



Waking up? Ha! How bought going to sleep. I've only had about 4 hours of sleep cause I kept waking up cause my nose's air passages were completely closed and I couldn't breathe.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

thats rough volt. the GF is fighting an ear inffection as well so I don't know what your up against, but I get to hear about it an awful lot.


I think i might've just gotten over an ear infection.. Got it twice last year and had some medicine left over from when i had it (doctor said i could use it if it acts up again) and have no health insurance now so glad i have some. Haveing senseitive ears sucks.. Have to put plugs in my ears everytime i shower or go swimming and even when you do use them there's still that chance proably gonna need to get tubes put into my ears again.. Gaah why do things have to act up when i lose my health insurance?



You can flush your ears are home to get rid of ear wax. Also I just woke up Razz



I wake up a big pile of money, with many Beautiful Ladies, a the Cabana Boy eeer I mean more Ladies.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i got woken up once by a drunk girl standing on my face...

/anecdote Razz



Ha! Lame man.
Did it eventually clear up?

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