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Only 2 days left!

Epyk MD
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1Only 2 days left! Empty Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 22:11



Only 2 days left! Pictur18


2Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 22:18



Yup. Warn the masses. For on my 21st birthday I shall judge everyone's...

3Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 22:20

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

What time zone?

Id rather not be at work when this happens...

4Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 22:22



Doctor Whoof wrote:Yup. Warn the masses. For on my 21st birthday I shall judge everyone's...
Ouch grey, on your golden birthday?

5Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 22:22



Awesome MD wrote:What time zone?

Id rather not be at work when this happens...

The Lord's timezone, obviously.

6Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 22:27



i say on this saturday we try the epic massive sec private sec match or squad tdm

7Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 22:29



Zillah wrote:
Doctor Whoof wrote:Yup. Warn the masses. For on my 21st birthday I shall judge everyone's...
Ouch grey, on your golden birthday?

What you don't know is. I will not be judged. I will be judging all.

8Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 22:32



1fnbighen wrote:i say on this saturday we try the epic massive sec private sec match or squad tdm

Without Zillah...

Haha ill be busy laying out sets of clothes on sidewalks around the city to freak people out Very Happy

9Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 22:36



Uh whos getting raptured?

<----not this guy lol

10Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 22:45



Your God is not here. For I am your Lord and Master. I shall strike down all non believers. I shall swallow their souls into the void of black chaos. Where all will feel helpless as pure chaos consumes them while they do not realize their fate. After they have been swallowed up into chaos, their souls will be torn apart while I devour their flesh while the souls will be fed to my living machine of pain and agony. The wails and wains of my Living Horror can be heard through even a Black Hole on the other side of the universe. If you hear anything that cannot be explained at night mortals, don't be afraid. For that is the sounds of the damned, being crushed, not killed by 1 billion times Earth's gravity. I am ZERO.

Last edited by Doctor Whoof on 2011-05-19, 22:49; edited 1 time in total

11Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 22:47



damn i only trained at 100 times earth normal gravity

12Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 22:52


God himself says no one will know when judgement day is but himself.

So i assume we will be safe...

13Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 22:55



So is this happening midnight tomorrow night?

Gotta know when to get really drunk. I mean there's a .00000000000000000000000001% chance of it actually happening but still.

I also need to find someone preaching about it and convince them to transfer all their money into my bank account. Might as well if they're getting raptured and what not.

14Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 23:11



My religious views cause me to laugh my ass off at this shit. Plus this is the same lunatic who said the world was gonna end in 94. Stupid religious zealots.

15Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 23:15



Symbolic wrote:My religious views cause me to laugh my ass off at this shit. Plus this is the same lunatic who said the world was gonna end in 94. Stupid religious zealots.

Wasn't the world supposed to end like... 100 times since the 90's? If it didn't happen then, it's not going to happen now. Same goes for people who are scared to sleep at night after watching a scray movie.

16Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-19, 23:17



ya you guys are safe until i become bored

17Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-20, 08:44

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Zillah wrote:
1fnbighen wrote:i say on this saturday we try the epic massive sec private sec match or squad tdm

Without Zillah...

Haha ill be busy laying out sets of clothes on sidewalks around the city to freak people out Very Happy

Best line ever! Thank you for that Zillah, I needed a good laugh.

18Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-20, 10:46



Kalei2418 wrote:
Zillah wrote:
1fnbighen wrote:i say on this saturday we try the epic massive sec private sec match or squad tdm

Without Zillah...

Haha ill be busy laying out sets of clothes on sidewalks around the city to freak people out Very Happy

Best line ever! Thank you for that Zillah, I needed a good laugh.

yeah even I would be kinda freaked out by that.

19Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-20, 13:07

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


stupid lunatics.

20Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-20, 14:49



Only 2 days left! 130591194048

21Only 2 days left! Empty Re: Only 2 days left! 2011-05-20, 14:55



Above post made me laugh so hard Razz

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