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Spoilers about Campaign inside

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1Spoilers about Campaign inside Empty Spoilers about Campaign inside 2011-03-23, 03:15



When your in the Little bird about to retake the GOlden gate bridge the pilot turns to you and says

I hope you dont mind a little Bit of music then goes off to play some sort of random ass rock song What he should have played is this

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

They should have at least slipped it in the campaign somewhere since this game was made for Children with ADD i think they would have got quite alot of popularity for it



I thought that part was ridiculous. I really don't think the US military would have ever sent those helicopters up considering the KPA had fucking fighter jets in the sky. It was like what, 7 Huey's? That's about 8.4 million dollars down the drain... considering the situation the US is in it's even worse. Also, how about the fact that the entire plot of the game was to get that fuel for those helicopters that get shot down 5 minutes after they get topped up. Talk about pointless.

What's with modern FPS games and throwing coherency out the window all in the name of ASPLOSIONS AND ROCK 'N ROLL.

Holy fucking rant, Batman.



Not to mention at the End Cooper or whatever the fuck his name is runs into a bunch of koreans waving a fucking flare and not one of them shoots at him

Also they werent Hueys they were Littlebirds



Frostbyrn wrote:Not to mention at the End Cooper or whatever the fuck his name is runs into a bunch of koreans waving a fucking flare and not one of them shoots at him

Also they werent Hueys they were Littlebirds

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic here? Huey = Little Bird = Loach



Whoops, nevermind... disregard what I said. I have committed epic fail.



Yeah i was about to point that out in an Epic flame war possibly questioning your Parentage and mental capacity Very Happy



That song was from The Chambers Brothers you dolt.

Then again you are a you get a free pass I suppose.



Its funny because over here Bushwhacker means something totally different



Uncles of yours?



1.Over here Bushwhacker means someone who sleeps with checks with an Untrimmed hedge Very Happy

2.Not Drunk enough to be my Alcoholic uncle,Not nerdy enought to be my Nuclear scientist uncle,Not short enough to be my Buff Uncle,To big to be my Crippled Uncle,Not weasely Enough to be my Con artist uncle,To buff to be my Pilot Uncle

So nope not my Uncles

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