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Star wars battlefront 3.

Honey Badger
Dropped Da Soap
13 posters

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1Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 20:26



This is pretty much my duke nukem. I have been waiting almost 6 years for this game. Battlefront is still my favorite shooter of all time and I really hope battlefront 3 is announced at this years E3.

2Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 20:34



Loved the second one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 20:59

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I totally agree with you tom. Although you completely pissed me off when I saw the topic.

For starters, your are "tech geek and finds random tidbits of information and news on the internet no one else could ever find" guy. So I saw your topic and thought you found leaked pictures or info or something.

So, I mad at you.>_>

4Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 21:05



The Plutonian wrote:I totally agree with you tom. Although you completely pissed me off when I saw the topic.

For starters, your are "tech geek and finds random tidbits of information and news on the internet no one else could ever find" guy. So I saw your topic and thought you found leaked pictures or info or something.

So, I mad at you.>_>
Here is a rumor about it. and a video from 2 or 3 years ago.

5Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 21:08

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

See, much better.

6Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 21:25



Hey Tom did you ever Play LoTR Conquest its exactly like battlefront just with LoTR instead of star wars

7Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 21:37



Ewwwww LOTR Battlefront.

I hope you like stealth attack!

I did like screaming like some Berserker into the mic as I rushed with my sword!

8Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 21:41



I always played as an Archer it was back during my Im a L33T Snipez days Very Happy

9Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 21:47



Frostbyrn wrote:Hey Tom did you ever Play LoTR Conquest its exactly like battlefront just with LoTR instead of star wars
lotr conquest sucked compared to battlefront.

10Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 22:59

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Yeah battlefront is so much better than any other game like it.

11Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 23:03



Besides Kingdom Hearts, I played the fuck out of both Battlefronts. Wish I still had them... =(

12Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 23:05

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Kingdom hearts was amazing. I wish my ps2 still worked. I got my PS3 right after they stopped being backwards compatible. I need to play DS KH to catch up on story. Once i hear a release for KH3 i will buy them.

13Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 23:14



The Jelly Jiggler wrote:Kingdom hearts was amazing. I wish my ps2 still worked. I got my PS3 right after they stopped being backwards compatible. I need to play DS KH to catch up on story. Once i hear a release for KH3 i will buy them.

The ones for the DS(Days and Re:coded) are not totaly needed, though I do recommend them both. Particularly Days, the ending made a tear go down my cheek(well they all did, except KH1, I flat out cried. I was only 8 or so >_>) and I still haven't finished Re:Coded yet, though It's very good.

14Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 23:16


kingdom hearts is overrated. I did enjoy the game but it gets too much praise.

I'd pre-order battlefront 3 right away loved that game..

15Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-25, 23:16



Battlefront was great. I played both games for hundreds of hours. And I was beastly at Mos Eisly Conquest online. The game essentially took the online Battlefield experience and made it offline with a star wars setting, but it was fun.

16Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-26, 10:47



Battlefront 2 was great minus the NPC's with muthafuckin lightsabeahs!!

My favorite level was always HOTH. flying the a-wings and dropping those AT-AT's? with the cables around their legs!! BRILLIANT.

Even playing as the empire in that level was great. Piloting an AT-AT and seeing laser fire all over the place... AH nostalgia!!

17Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 05:44



Battlefront was a beast. tried getting it for the pc but to no avail. i have it for xbox but they dont support live anymore. I played that crap to death, word yo! would love battlefront 3 anyday

18Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 06:04



My Favourite level was Felucia mainly because i had a Crush on that Jedi chick with 2 Lightsabers Very Happy

19Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 14:46



budha_monks wrote:Battlefront was a beast. tried getting it for the pc but to no avail. i have it for xbox but they dont support live anymore. I played that crap to death, word yo! would love battlefront 3 anyday
Battlefront 1 and 2 are on steam. I do not have a pc than can run them though.

20Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 14:49



Ive always loved Star Wars, and I love battlefield.

So Battlefront = Battlefield + star wars. i would preorder this without even hesitating.

21Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 14:54



Frostbyrn wrote:My Favourite level was Felucia mainly because i had a Crush on that Jedi chick with 2 Lightsabers Very Happy

Aayla Secura and her cheap double force pull move. What a whore.

22Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 14:57



Ducksaws wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:My Favourite level was Felucia mainly because i had a Crush on that Jedi chick with 2 Lightsabers Very Happy

Aayla Secura and her cheap double force pull move. What a whore.
I liked cloud city myself in the first game.

23Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 15:03



I can't remember what the planet was called... It was in the first one and it looked like some sort of temple/sacred ground. It was also raining. And Kasheek(sp) was good as wel.

24Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 18:26



But ducksaws

DAT ASS Very Happy

25Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 18:27



Frostbyrn wrote:But ducksaws

DAT ASS Very Happy

...So you're into blue aliens I see.

26Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 18:41



I thought we already Established that Very Happy

27Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 18:41



Frostbyrn wrote:I thought we already Established that Very Happy


28Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 18:43



Nvm it was a joke about how i always picked Liara over Ashley in Mass effect

29Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 18:47



Dat BLUE ass Very Happy

30Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 18:51



Frostbyrn wrote:Nvm it was a joke about how i always picked Liara over Ashley in Mass effect

Do you have sex with Liara or does she do some sort of mind fuck?

31Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 18:54



both. Some sort of psychic viagra no doubt.

32Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 18:57



Ducksaws wrote:both. Some sort of psychic viagra no doubt.

Hmm... sounds interesting. And kinky.

Can you do her as a girl? Im playing as a girl(Lol, she looks like a prostitute) in the playthrough im on.

33Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 18:58



Thats how Asari's Mate i think she was just doing the physical thing because thats what humans do

34Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 18:58



and yes Lovin you can

She comes from a Race entirely of females she doesnt have a problem with sleeping with girls

35Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 18:59



yeah I think.

Seriously who owns the rights to Battlefront? They're standing on a huge pile of untapped money. It was such a popular game and fans are frothing at the mouth for a sequel. Sometimes I think these companies are just stupid.

36Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 19:01



Ducksaws wrote:yeah I think.

Seriously who owns the rights to Battlefront? They're standing on a huge pile of untapped money. It was such a popular game and fans are frothing at the mouth for a sequel. Sometimes I think these companies are just stupid.

Agreed. I'd stab someone for a new Battlefront.

37Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 19:03



Meh id stab somebody i dont need a reason Very Happy

38Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 20:59



Ducksaws wrote:yeah I think.

Seriously who owns the rights to Battlefront? They're standing on a huge pile of untapped money. It was such a popular game and fans are frothing at the mouth for a sequel. Sometimes I think these companies are just stupid.
It is basically what happened to duke nukem. It went into development hell then the company making it went under. Lucas arts owns the rights to battlefront but crytech are the ones that bought the the company and all their Ip's. (including timesplitters and such) There are rumors that a ton of different companies might be working on it but the most likely case is that it will never be made and or not for a very long time. I have to say though I would sell every single game I own and give up battlefield 3 for it. (if it was good of course and not trash like the psp games)

39Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 21:02

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

I liked the first psp battlefront. But ps2 is far superb.
I remember they announced it at E3 on year and i was like YES!!!! finally!

40Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 21:03



The Jelly Jiggler wrote:I liked the first psp battlefront. But ps2 is far superb.
I remember they announced it at E3 on year and i was like YES!!!! finally!
The first one was ok but the last 3 have been horribad. Online is FILLED with hackers too.

41Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 21:08

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Yeah it is filled with hackers. Its dumb

42Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 21:45

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

I want my jet trooper with the big-ass cannon and awesome pistol again!!!

Nothing like hearing droideka whores freak out when you fly over them shooting that shit!

43Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-27, 22:18



Hopefully Crytek gives us some news on this soon now that Crysis 2 is complete.

They haven't said much about this or Timesplitters 4 since they bought Free Radical.

44Star wars battlefront 3. Empty Re: Star wars battlefront 3. 2011-03-28, 03:32

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I would commit random acts of murder for Timespitters 4.

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