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Got a new airsoft gun today.

Patrick Star
Dropped Da Soap
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1Got a new airsoft gun today. Empty Got a new airsoft gun today. 2011-03-28, 03:45

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

It was only 600 bucks.

Its an M60.

But it weighs 34.4 pounds.

The clip, and shoulder rest thingy are the only thing on it that are plastic. The rest is metal.

The clip holds 1500 bbs, and is battery powered. Which means it fires as long as I hold the trigger.

Has a Lipolymer(or something like that battery)battery in it. And has a life estimate of 8 or 9 hours.

Fires three rounds a second, at a speed of 660 FPS.

And comes with a 180 degree rotatable Bipod. So I could pop the bipod open, set the gun on something, and fire in a 180 degree radius.


Only con, the guy lost the charger. So I have to buy a Lipolymer charger to charge it.



That is freaking Badass!

Now you just need a 4x scope and Magnum BB's

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I have to get a strap for it.

I have just been holding it for a few minutes, not firing it or anything just to get a feel for it.

Got this huge pain in my right shoulder now.
There is no way I am going to be able to run and play this game without a decent freaking strap.


I will not be able to run with this gun like I do my AK47.
That thing weighs like 7 pounds, and I get winded running with that.
But this thing, I am gonna have to camp with this baby.

I will post pics when I can.




*looks at tiny p99 pistol*


Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Its okay Tom.

Its all in how you use it.

Although I think my friends are gonna hate me with this beast.

That 660 FPS combined with .20 gram BBs means I can be a beast upclose(when I get that sling, this thing is far too heavy alone for CQC)or I can get up high somewhere far from the battle zone and just snipe away.

I could probably snipe on full auto if I wanted



Pffft real men use Slug guns Very Happy

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

hey well now you know why they switched from the m60 to the saw

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Got to fire it today.

OMG!!! For an Airsoft gun it has such a major freakin KICK!!

which is the only thing I don't like about it. It kicks around so much that after 15 or so seconds of full auto the safety clicks off because my thumb near the trigger hits it upwards.



*Looks at price*

Got a new airsoft gun today. Rocket11



*reads that somebody paid $600 for a toy gun*

Got a new airsoft gun today. CornetteFace



For realz! Sounds nice soap but thats alot of dough for an airsoft gun. I got my .357 for 250$ for comparison!

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well, its moddified, and cost my uncle almost 3k over a period of 3 years.

600 is worth it in my opinion. Plus I havent paid for any of it yet. My uncle is letting me give him like 100 bucks monthly



Thats pretty sweet man. Post a pic!



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Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

t-800 wrote:Wow.

*looks at tiny p99 pistol*


I'm right there with you.

*looks at my 9MM*

Now that's my baby.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I get to use it this weekend against a few friends.

Of course they are all pussies and demanded that I face them 1 vs 7.

I quickly laughed and said hell yes.

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