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2 New Pics

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12 New Pics Empty 2 New Pics 2010-08-23, 04:10



1 D_Gryphon request and the other something i made while fulfilling his request

And before you ask yes i do have a Penguin fetish

Im a Stormasexual 2 New Pics Icon_bounce

32 New Pics Empty Re: 2 New Pics 2010-08-23, 04:13



You really gave up using the image link, didn't you...

BTW LoL at first one. Second one I suppose is the new one you used for the first pic. I liked the last one better.

42 New Pics Empty Re: 2 New Pics 2010-08-23, 04:18

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

DrBob276 wrote:
I got some laughs out of that one. I'm lucky; Frost has RKSed me everytime he's tried to knife me, but then again, vice versa.

Yeah, I always make pictures with Edward in em. Do it just to show what I think of Frost.
But yeah, just found this awesome site tonight that lets you make your own Yu-Gi-Oh cards. If you didn't notice it lets you edit EVERYTHING. Even the little serial code number thats always on the cards. I also thought that what I put for Frost's attack and defense was pretty funny.

52 New Pics Empty Re: 2 New Pics 2010-08-23, 04:20



Lol, thats actually really funny. Im still cracking up from seeing Vampires Suck tonight too.

62 New Pics Empty Re: 2 New Pics 2010-08-23, 04:29

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Im a Yugi, music fanatic, Batman loving, nerd. So I don't think my pics will change much. Frost will always be my center of attention though.

72 New Pics Empty Re: 2 New Pics 2010-08-23, 04:31



Lol Soap is just so upset about him being my Knife Bitch Very Happy

You should just get over it dude its not like i brag about it

also so funny that Soap keeps calling me Gay since i got a 7 SPW last week Very Happy

82 New Pics Empty Re: 2 New Pics 2010-08-23, 04:43

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Man I can't make up anything gay out of SPW. So you win this one.

And I am not angry or upset about it Frost, and I know you don't brag about it. I jsut have fun bringing it up. No anger or spite involved.

92 New Pics Empty Re: 2 New Pics 2010-08-23, 04:44



SPW stands for Score Per week if you were wondering lol

You would know that if you were on the Penguins Arena Board

102 New Pics Empty Re: 2 New Pics 2010-08-23, 12:35


Frostbyrn wrote:1 D_Gryphon request and the other something i made while fulfilling his request

And before you ask yes i do have a Penguin fetish

Im a Stormasexual 2 New Pics Icon_bounce


112 New Pics Empty Re: 2 New Pics 2010-08-23, 23:57



Thanks D glad you liked it

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