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Picked this up(as promised)

Ron Swanson
9 posters

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1Picked this up(as promised) Empty Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-06, 20:52



Played one match and got raped by airstrikes the whole time Sad went 4-7 with 5 assists. Any quick tips for a noob?



Yes Personal UAV sweep is really useful

I thought it was a one use thing but it stays up your entire life also sometimes the game will glitch and let you keep it if you die immediately after ordering it

Ghost is Also Useful as well as the Scavenger perk whose name i forget

And Kill wise its easier to keep up an abrams than a Apache



Yeah the UAV has some glitches....I died at the end of one game and spawned in the next with UAV up for my first life lol.

Also RPGs are nice to have but dont try and take down aircraft with it. Have another class with a anti tank drone and use that to take out aircraft since it locks on. Also I have not had any luck with the anti tank drone on ground vehicles so Id say stick to anti air with it.



If you got it for $60 return it and order it from kmart for $40. Link is in my sticky.



Proximity Launcher is Cheaper for Anti Air purposes if your only trying to take out 1 thing and not being Anti Vehicle all around



I wouldnt know frost lol...havent unlocked it yet. But the drone is nice cause you can sit there for a min or so after you take out the helicopter and start shooting down the other drones around



I got it from Kmart ha. Is ground control what most of you guys play?



Thats what I play...but I havent played with anyone from here yet.



I stick to TDM, just because Ground Control can get too hecktic. And as for tips, just play it more like real war. People can turn on you extremely fast, which will suck when you think you have the jump on somebody. Also, when you round corners, always jump. You can bunny hump like its halo, if you havnt tried XD

10Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 01:02

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Sym, don't be afraid to stop and hold down an area for a while, if you keep moving all the time you will get owned. for example if your team has 2 out of 3 bases, just hold the one your at. No need to go rushing into the enemy until you get a hang on this game.

If your useing a LMG you MUST crouch or you will hit nothing. for the LMGs to be effective you kinda have to camp a spot because you can't kill anyone while stnading let alone moving

Be aware of your teammates, not just for teamwork purposes, but if your in a large group you will be hit by an airstrike, if yoru under a tree or balcony your safe from them I think.

Make use of the drones and such, I have trouble leaving my guy in the middle of nowhere to operate a drone, but since I use them a bit more my scores have been on the rise.

the biggest thing is patience. I was terrible when I first started. I was getting killed by every airstrike and camper there was. Since I slowed everything down my K/D and SPM are both going up. just think about where your trying to get to before you start running. Never go anywhere without a plan for cover.

11Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 01:37



Sym, I'll send you my early unlock pre-order bonus I never used.

12Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 06:58



It seems really hard to pick out enemies in tgis game so far. Granted Ive played online less than an hour. But therr seems to be tons of prone campers on top of buildings.

13Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 07:31



Even if you dont have the Proximity launcher unlocked you can still use it with the Explosive Class

Its great for taking down little birds and apaches

14Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 09:28



I will always hit the UAV right before the game ends because 9 times out iof 10 it is still going for the next match.

Also use the ACR as soon as you unlock it. One of the best guns in the game I think.

I like Ground control myself. Hope to see you online soon Symbolic!

15Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 13:19

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i do like the wolverine now.

i stayed away from it when i was learning but its on my drone class and its pretty decent on GC when taking objectives with a friend.

i think 'thick skin' and 'my buddy' unlock pretty early so stick those on Very Happy

p.s) if you're looking for easy EXP, do the parrot expert challenge (200 marks)

16Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 14:13



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:
Also use the ACR as soon as you unlock it. One of the best guns in the game I think.

Its true. They say the accuracy gap between the M4 and ACR is big, but its really not. The ACR is poenty accurate, and really powerful.

17Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 14:16



When I first started playing I just could not use the M4 for shit! Used the Diablo till I unlocked the ACR and it was like a whole new world for me. I have everything unlocked for the ACR including the dragon camos.

Recently I started using the M$ and with steady aim this thing has pretty much zero recoil. It just sucks ass at longer ranges.

18Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 14:20



I found that I got turned on too much with the m4. It never killed quick enough. With the ACR I can stop people before they get to cover. Also, the scar is one of my new favs. Other than that, I dont have much unlocked XD

19Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 14:22

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah i was getting outgunned with the M4.

then i switched to the ACR and it got a lot better.

now im on the T3AK and tearing everything up Razz

20Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 14:26



They should really give you a plain ACR first. The Acog sorta sucks....
And I got so pissed at the game untill I unlocked the ACR. Its a big turn off to get killed so much right away. There should be at least some way to win gun fights as a lvl 5 and below.

21Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 18:16



I have a tough time with the irons on the acr so far......

22Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 18:17

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

^ slap a Holo on it then, its sweet with a holo sight Smile

23Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 18:20

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I have a confession..... The M4 is my best gun in the game. I do better with it than most any onther gun. Granted I haven't used the ACr a lot lately

24Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 18:27

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


jokes, i had experted the M4 before i swapped for the ACR.
but now its M16 for long range, and T3AK for everything else Razz

25Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 18:30



I like all the ARs.

I don't call The SCAR-L a AR.

That POS is a frigging Airsoft gun.

26Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 18:36



God I played the first SP level last night and there was this one smg I loved. Cant remember the name of it though now.

27Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 18:37

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

there is the diablo and the super v. I prefer the super V, but not by much, they both rock in close quarters

28Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 18:37



The Scar- L is really an smg in all conceptual aspects. Dice got it the Scar-H on the other hand

29Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 18:44

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Symbolic wrote:God I played the first SP level last night and there was this one smg I loved. Cant remember the name of it though now.

that'll be the PWS Diablo, i dont think the Super V is on the first level Razz

30Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 19:58

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

what is up withyour stats sig Addi?

31Picked this up(as promised) Empty Re: Picked this up(as promised) 2011-04-07, 19:59



Awesome Terry! wrote:what is up withyour stats sig Addi?
Played with the editor to edit the stats.

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