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Metal music suggestions?

Keyser Söze
Ars Diaboli
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51Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-08, 18:53



Maiden is metal. Anyone who says otherwise know the genre Smile while Im not a fan, I do have a great deal of respect for them. Bruce is just such a dick lol.

Thanks for the kind words fox!

Also if I comr across as a dick on this subject at times I apologize lol. Its not on purpose I swear. Just metal is more than music to me, its my lifestyle and has been since my early years. Theres alot of "scene kids" in the community these days that must be removed lol.

52Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-08, 19:16



There are alot scene kids.

Music now is very different now since the inception of itunes and mp3, now the thought out albums are thrown out and singles are concentrated on. Very few bands (mostly mainstream and pop) make a good album. So a lot people hear one or 2 songs and think they are metal, completely missing the idea. I miss the old stuff: good, solid, strong albums. Not just a bunch of singles on one LP.

Okay, I ranted there for a bit, sorry.

Sym, it's all good, I get the same way sometimes with music in general.

53Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-08, 20:20



Metal albums are meant to be listened to in sequence in one sitting. Especially for death metal.

Once my shoulder is healed and we can start playing again ill post some of our newer stuff. I have some of my solo stuff posted in the creative section if your interested. Greg does as well.

54Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-08, 22:24

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Symbolic wrote:Im talking about the sound, and funding principles of the music. The mainstream crowd has very different reasons for making said music than the Underground. This is where money comes in and sacrificng your integrity to appeal to a broader audience. This is what Im getting at.

And who exactly, draws this line about mainstream and underground?

How can you tell that every band you reckon as underground, is in fact, underground? How do you know that they are not just appealing to the underground crowd because of X reason (popularity with the "cult" people?) that doesn't match with someone's criteria of who is underground and who is not?

Or what if a mainstream band makes an 'underground sound'? Even if you supposedly like said sound, you will not accept it because it was made by a 'mainstream band'?

How do you know what is mainstream, by your definition? As far as we know, Lady Gaga may have the same reasons to do what she does (regardless of wheter it sucks or not) as that one underground band.

Jack Torrance wrote:Folk metal isn't underground, at least not in the way Symbolic sees and lives it.

Nor in the way I do.

Underground for me also means the actual music, not just whether or not a band is known or not.

Unknown bands can still make mainstream music.

I didn't mention folk being underground, even though 3 of the 4 bands used as an example were folk. I'm guessing that's why you said that. Just clearing that up.

And what is "actual music"? If some guy tells you that he loves the way traffic sounds, and he thinks it's music, you can't really tell him that he's wrong. Music is art. Art is subjective. He might go ahead and make his traffic music CD the way he exactly wants to, and if he's actually putting an effort and doing it out of his love for it, you're no one to tell him that what he did isn't music.

Symbolic wrote:Also if I comr across as a dick on this subject at times I apologize lol. Its not on purpose I swear. Just metal is more than music to me, its my lifestyle and has been since my early years. Theres alot of "scene kids" in the community these days that must be removed lol.

This is precisely why I asked you. I've been listening to metal for years, and it's been literally a deciding factor in the course of my life. I went to many different places because of it, met plenty of people because of it, met my ex because of it, made me play piano (as weird as it sounds, but loving metal lead me to loving music, which got me into the instrument) etc.

I've met (and actually was one myself) people that love metal to death. But they are very much zealots, they close their mind out of a fanatical love for it. They go on and actually say what is music and what is not, when they are nobody to decide such things. I was once like that, plenty of years ago and I still am sometimes, but try to keep myself in check, even with the shittiest music I've heard (in these cases I just don't talk Laughing ). I don't even consider myself a metalhead, but that's very much the music I like the most together with instrumental (baroque in particular).

I walked away from the whole metal world/life/thing, because while I think it's an incredibly creative music genre, flooding with ideas, flooding with talent, and evolving day by day, it's way too much about appearances and ego in many cases (not all, of course). So I just download whatever, listen to the metal I like but I'm not really in contact with its 'world'.

Anyway, that's why I just say it as known or unknown, when talking about mainstream and underground. I'm no one to say what is, what isn't and the rules for it. At the end of the day, art will always be subjective, for the same reason that beauty is subjective.

Also, scene kids are very much annoying. That much I can give you. They listen to 1 black metal song and suddenly are the spawns of Satan walking on Earth. Laughing

Hopefully, I didn't come up as too douchy. I have a special talent to be a douche.

55Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 10:42

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Ars Diaboli wrote:
Jack Torrance wrote:Folk metal isn't underground, at least not in the way Symbolic sees and lives it.

Nor in the way I do.

Underground for me also means the actual music, not just whether or not a band is known or not.

Unknown bands can still make mainstream music.

I didn't mention folk being underground, even though 3 of the 4 bands used as an example were folk. I'm guessing that's why you said that. Just clearing that up.

And what is "actual music"? If some guy tells you that he loves the way traffic sounds, and he thinks it's music, you can't really tell him that he's wrong. Music is art. Art is subjective. He might go ahead and make his traffic music CD the way he exactly wants to, and if he's actually putting an effort and doing it out of his love for it, you're no one to tell him that what he did isn't music.

For someone that writes so eloquently and delivers his ideas with such detail, I find you misread quite a bit, no offense.

I wasn't commenting on whether music is subjective or not, that goes without saying. Nor was I was I stating that some music is "actual music" and others not (although I could argue that traffic noise has no discernible musical values, tempo, time signature and notes, but that's neither here nor there).

When I said actual music, I meant that I give merit to the type of music the band plays and how it plays it, when concerning if something is underground or not. Not commenting on music as a tangible form.

For example, Pantera's music, is kick ass, but not underground.
Beyond Perception, a metal band from Greece, are not widely known, are part of a growing scene (maybe even an underground scene to some extent), but I would hardly consider their music 'underground' due to it's accessibility. Doesn't mean they don't rock.
A band like Archagathus, DIY grindcore fiends from Canada, that play free shows on campus and in squats around the world, now they're underground.

56Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 10:45

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Symbolic wrote:Metal albums are meant to be listened to in sequence in one sitting. Especially for death metal.

Hail Satan to that man!

57Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 13:56

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Yeah, I read that part wrong. You are right. Laughing

I'm very curious as to what the answers may be, because Symbolic's answers up 'till now, have been the very same I would have given a couple of years ago.

Anyway, talking about that traffic thing, it was an example of course. Just record some traffic sounds and arrange them in a way that they will have more shape according to the desired result, if that makes any sense. Wheter it's possible or not, I'm not thinking about it.

58Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 14:11

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Oh it's possible. Anything can be recorded and made into music with some form of editing as loops can be found anywhere and can be manipulated to sound nothing like the original source.

But, just unedited traffic noise on it's own, I would call ambiance...

59Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 16:31



heres my opinion on metal... just a but too angsty.

its kinda unsettling and makes my blood pressure go up.

maybe im just a pussy.

60Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 16:32



Zillah wrote:heres my opinion on metal... just a but too angsty.

its kinda unsettling and makes my blood pressure go up.

maybe im just a pussy.
That is the point of it.

61Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 16:33



t-800 wrote:
Zillah wrote:heres my opinion on metal... just a but too angsty.

its kinda unsettling and makes my blood pressure go up.

maybe im just a pussy.
That is the point of it.

and? just because its the 'point of it' doesnt mean i like it...

62Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 16:38



Zillah wrote:
t-800 wrote:
Zillah wrote:heres my opinion on metal... just a but too angsty.

its kinda unsettling and makes my blood pressure go up.

maybe im just a pussy.
That is the point of it.

and? just because its the 'point of it' doesnt mean i like it...
Oh I did not mean it that way. I personally do not like hardcore and death metal for that same reason.

63Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 17:00

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Zillah wrote:heres my opinion on metal... just a but too angsty.

its kinda unsettling and makes my blood pressure go up.

maybe im just a pussy.

There's plenty of it, to generalize it as angsty. The thing is that it's always integrating something else into it, which leads up to quite a lot of variations. Unless you just can't stand electric guitars and drumming, then there's nothing for you there Laughing

64Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 17:12



Throaty monster like vocals, 180 bpm rhythms, and the percussive use of guitar chords can be a bit much for me

65Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 18:13

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Zillah wrote:Throaty monster like vocals, 180 bpm rhythms, and the percussive use of guitar chords can be a bit much for me

Anything below 200 is too slow.

66Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 18:29



Lol greg I was gonna say the same thing. Hell the song ive posted of my material is sitting at 220 and that aboit average lol. Shredding is my passion woot!

67Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 18:44

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Don't know if it was listed or not, as there are a lot of posts and I don't feel like reading them all (maybe I will later), but Lamb of God is another great one. Ashes of the Wake is by far my favorite album of theirs.

68Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 19:19



Jack Torrance wrote:
Zillah wrote:Throaty monster like vocals, 180 bpm rhythms, and the percussive use of guitar chords can be a bit much for me

Anything below 200 is too slow.

well whats the average for other genres? like 80 - 120?

You could say a song is at 60 bpm and then just play a bunch of 32nd notes. it would sound the same.

69Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 19:49

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Zillah wrote:
Jack Torrance wrote:
Zillah wrote:Throaty monster like vocals, 180 bpm rhythms, and the percussive use of guitar chords can be a bit much for me

Anything below 200 is too slow.

well whats the average for other genres? like 80 - 120?

You could say a song is at 60 bpm and then just play a bunch of 32nd notes. it would sound the same.

Sure you can double and divide tempos in half, but when you might be playing material with riffs of different time signatures, it's easier to just count each click as one full one and basically play with a high temp in 1/1.

In fast music where you have multiple hits of double and triples, played fast and tied together, you need a fast tempo to play steady and in time with the song's changes.

You divide a 300bpm song and play it at 150bpm, you're going to have a hard time filling in those gaps between clicks without losing consistency.

Think of it as dividing and conquering.

The more clicks a metronome gives you to stay in time, the more reference you have to maintain a consistent tempo in your playing.

70Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 19:52

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Symbolic wrote:Lol greg I was gonna say the same thing. Hell the song ive posted of my material is sitting at 220 and that aboit average lol. Shredding is my passion woot!

I was gonna push it and state 240...

71Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 20:02



Poly- Rythems is where its at

72Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 20:07

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Brain fryers....

Always fun stuff.

But as far as I'm concerned In Grind We Crust
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

73Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 20:20

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Jack Torrance wrote:Brain fryers....

Always fun stuff.

But as far as I'm concerned In Grind We Crust

is it supposed to sound like marbles falling off the roof of a skyscraper, onto a 2ft thick titanium sheet?

74Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 20:23

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Yes. Success.

75Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 22:47



Judas Iscariot wrote:
Jack Torrance wrote:Brain fryers....

Always fun stuff.

But as far as I'm concerned In Grind We Crust

is it supposed to sound like marbles falling off the roof of a skyscraper, onto a 2ft thick titanium sheet?

or a chihuahua being sodomized? haha

76Metal music suggestions? - Page 2 Empty Re: Metal music suggestions? 2011-04-09, 23:06

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I just listened to the beginning of that video. Made me think of a band I haven't heard in a long while. Six Feet Under - Bringer of Blood

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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