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My ballooning project

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1My ballooning project Empty My ballooning project 2011-04-08, 01:19



So me and my friend have had this idea for a while now, and i think were going to do it.

it involves putting a camera, a gps locator, and hand-warmers inside a small styrofoam cooler, attaching a helium weather balloon to it, and letting it go out in the countryside.

If everything goes well it should reach about 100,000 feet (20) miles up, which is near the edge of space before it bursts. At that point a parachute should deploy and it should come gently floating back down to the surface (about 90 miles east) where we'll track it down with a gps.

If all goes well we'll have some awesome images. Problem is, weather balloons, helium, and gps locators are all pricey, and im unsure of how they'll work at -50 celsius in a vacuum. Ive got special lithium batteries and handwarmers, just not sure if it'll be enough.

wish me luck!

2My ballooning project Empty Re: My ballooning project 2011-04-08, 01:23


What if it lands in someones yard? Or what if it lands in someones yard that has a pet and decides to destory the stuff?

It does sound cool good luck man.

3My ballooning project Empty Re: My ballooning project 2011-04-08, 01:24



chunckylover53 wrote:What if it lands in someones yard? Or what if it lands in someones yard that has a pet and decides to destory the stuff?

It does sound cool good luck man.

yeah ive thought about it, but theres software programs that can approximate the touchdown point. the odds of that happening would be pretty slim.

4My ballooning project Empty Re: My ballooning project 2011-04-08, 01:26



How to do it for $150.

5My ballooning project Empty Re: My ballooning project 2011-04-08, 01:27



What ever happened to flying kites?

6My ballooning project Empty Re: My ballooning project 2011-04-08, 01:28



sheep wrote:What ever happened to flying kites?
Not extreme enough.

7My ballooning project Empty Re: My ballooning project 2011-04-08, 01:29



t-800 wrote:How to do it for $150.

yeah ive used that site as a rough guide. changing some things though, like size of balloon, using a gps instead of a phone (scared i would lose reception). i dont know how they did it for $150. the helium alone is like $60. <---lame

8My ballooning project Empty Re: My ballooning project 2011-04-08, 01:30




Not that I've ever flown a kite.
But I has flown a plane.
I win. I claim Zillah's topic as my own now.

Playing. Share the pictures with us when you do this! Maybe run a collection, or mow lawns or something. Or, sell some video games...

9My ballooning project Empty Re: My ballooning project 2011-04-08, 14:55

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

theres a video of that on youtube, it looks awesome to do Razz

go for it man, you'll get some crazy images.

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