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I killed you all!

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1I killed you all! Empty I killed you all! 2011-04-17, 01:42



Ranked up, and broke my most kills record. Go new number 28.

Less than 300 kills left until I plat the SAIGA!

Hehe. It was funny hearing everyone panic because I was at B. Why so desperate to kill sheep? We're harmless, really!

2I killed you all! Empty Re: I killed you all! 2011-04-17, 01:45

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Nice. You are gonna get your first Weapon Platinum before I did. I platinumed the PP2000 at like level 38.

3I killed you all! Empty Re: I killed you all! 2011-04-17, 01:48



Dragon challenged me. And I'm addicted to the SAIGA. Although there were some points tonight where I really wanted to switch it up because I needed some more long range abilities. But, oh wells!

I could totally see not platting a gun until way late. I like to try different things throughout a game.

4I killed you all! Empty Re: I killed you all! 2011-04-17, 02:13


I used to have OCD and wouldn't stop using a gun until I platinum'd it. Now, I just don't care anymore. I just use whatever's fun, which right now is the USAS or a bolt action with a 4x scope Very Happy

5I killed you all! Empty Re: I killed you all! 2011-04-17, 10:43



Wacco... not feeling the love so much after last night. Evil or Very Mad lol

6I killed you all! Empty Re: I killed you all! 2011-04-17, 14:16



i am platinum addicted right now... going for the xm8 and t88 lmg plat atm.

7I killed you all! Empty Re: I killed you all! 2011-04-17, 16:12


sheep wrote:Wacco... not feeling the love so much after last night. Evil or Very Mad lol

Yes you are, don't lie Razz Should've just joined our team.

8I killed you all! Empty Re: I killed you all! 2011-04-17, 16:14



Sheeps is dangerouses aminals!

9I killed you all! Empty Re: I killed you all! 2011-04-17, 20:39



Wacco, the invite I sent you was supposed to put you in my squad, but texas jumped in and bumped you.

I thought about switching to your side when I heard that all your teammates had rage quitted... but I didn't want to lose all my points. =P

Shhhhh Metal, don't tell the secrets!

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