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Gears of War 3 beta players. Sign here NAO.

Ars Diaboli
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Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I'm playing tomorrow for a good part of the day, except for some hours where I'll be making a video for a class. Drop a post so that I add you if I don't have you already and we can play.

I should be working, but fuck it.



*Signs* I should be playing it for a solid portion of the day. Do you know what time it's going to be available?

By the way Ars, you're not on my friends list, this needs to be fixed.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

No idea man. It should be about 3-4 a.m. I guess. I'll try to get up at 10 a.m. for breakfast and to start playing.

Add me and see you tomorrow! I don't have all of SeC on my list yet : < Mainly because I have not played BC2 in quite a while.



I'll be on for while today, I'll need to go to bed around 10am, tomorrow and Wednesday I'll be on a bit more often.




Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Is there going to be an open Beta or is it just for people that bought Bulletstorm? I haven't really followed too much of this, and well if it's not an open beta, won't be playing it. Even if it is an open beta, still don't know if I'll be playing it.

This is another one of those games that I think I'll probably end up getting simply because I played the first two and am curious to see how the story ends.



Its not an open beta, you have to buy Bulletstorm <-- lame

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Zillah wrote:Its not an open beta, you have to buy Bulletstorm <-- lame

Then yeah, I'm not going to be in on the beta. That is kind of lame that they would do that.



what makes me even more mad is that you have to buy MoH to get the BF3 beta...



I'm playing a bit today add me if you want. also you can get the beta by preordering gears at gamestop. not sure if your store will have codes left though.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Zillah wrote:what makes me even more mad is that you have to buy MoH to get the BF3 beta...

Even they are not having an open beta!? This is starting to make me Crying or Very sad



yeah im thinking about paying my friend who bought MoH for the code.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

The double barreled shotgun is kinda annoying. People literally bum rush, hope to get close to you and shoot without aiming. It's easy to stop if your teammates have half a brain and just shoot at them with their assault rifles, but if they don't, you're screwed.



Love using the DBS, hate being killed by it. It's easy to get around, so far everything has a counter. just keep in mind, the DBS has no power outside of melee range.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I have had people hit me no more then six feet away with the DBS shotgun and kill me. I hate the damn thing. I can pointblank people at times with my gnasher, and they just turn around 10 degrees, and not even look anywhere near me and fire and I die from that damn noob shotgun.

Considering most players hide around corners with it, or bum rush you, its freaking annoying.

Bum rushing wouldn't be so much a problem if the maps were a bit more spaced out. I mean there is so much obstacles in the maps you don't have much room to keep backing up or moving if they rush you with it. Then the fact that if you roll anywhere away from them, and they just graze you with it, your dead.

Other then that I think the Hammerburst needs a bit of a damage weaken. As of now, you can barely be out of cover and die almost instantly from one guy shooting at you with a non active reloaded Hammerburst. You can't kill people that quickly even if you are using a Lancer with a Full active reloaded clip and you have perfect aim

Other then that the Beta is great



I guess the code worked for you ars? I was kind of worried it wouldn't.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Yep. It worked perfectly man, thanks a lot Very Happy

I also agree with you Soap. That's my only gripe, the weapons is a sort of noob cannon. I played against a clan yesterday, that literally all they did was bum rush with it, shoot and if they fucked up run away and try the exact same thing again. It was on Checkout, and there's just a fuckload of cover there, so you NEED a buddy to back you up when downing them.

It takes literally no skill, even less than the Boomshot. You don't even have to aim with it, I think Epic dropped the ball here. Should make it a power weapon, give it more power and just have 2-3 bullets in it.

I love the Hammer, but I do think that it will be nerfed. It has almost zero recoil and does good damage, specially when active reloaded.

But well, it's a Beta. Chances are that some things will change.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah as it is now the Hammerburst is the easiest gun to use.

Great power even when not active reloaded, low recoil, and the fact its the only gun(aside from the Longshot) that can go First person and has a zoom added with it.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

The Retro may get a slight a nerf too, probably. It has such a high power and at close ranges you can just blind fire with it and down people in no time.



So far,I haven't had much trouble with the S/O. I'm using it right now, just to use it. I keep getting killed by gnashers all the time. 2 shots and I"m down, and they are still a good distance away. Really, I've found a counter for everything: S/O problem, use lancer or hammerbiurst, Retro chargers, use shotties, or just an AR till they are down.

I think it's balanced, though I would like to see a slight ammo bump for a hammerburst.

PS-16 kills away from gold retro in retail!!!
PPS- do king of the hill for the 100 kills, it's much easier.

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