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last week of Gears of War 3 beta

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and I've unlocked at this point I play for pride.

So how's it going for everyone else? Who's ready for the withdrawl?



Jeezus.... Im only getting it today!



I've had it since april 28th.... I'm pretty much gears-out

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I unlocked everything already. I play sometimes, but the game types aren't too much to my liking.

I'm more of a Warzone and Guardian player. Guardian won't be in retail though (why, is beyond me), so Capture the Leader it is for me. I need teammates that aren't braindead for that though.



Past few times I've been on and played CTL, I've destroyed the other team. My teamates sucked so I just went crazy. last time I went 27-7, 27 downs, 5 saves, and i think 1 cap, maybe 2. The entire other team quit after that match. Very Happy

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