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Helicopter crashes

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1Helicopter crashes Empty Helicopter crashes 2010-09-07, 22:54



Might sound kind of random but I was watching a movie and this came up.

I noticed whenever I hear the beeping after a helicopter takes damage weather its in battlefield or in a movie or something, I always get the chills. I think it is because I always picture the helicopter pilots sitting there completely calm trying to keep the chopper in the air while everyone else is either freaking out or stunned with no idea what to do. One scene comes to mind in Blackhawk down where one of the blackhawks gets hit in the tail and starts going down. While the pilot is calmly saying "were going down" while trying to find the best place to crash.

Does anyone else get the chills when that happens? or anything like that or am I just weird.

2Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-07, 23:10




Helicopters give me the heebie jeebies.

When I was in the Navy as a photographer, I went up in the air in a SH-60 Seahawk with one of the squadrons on my ship. They took me up just to take some shots of some of the other squadrons flying their jets around in formation and whatnot.
A week or so later, the pilot I flew with, and two other people from her crew (and two others I hadn't flown with) went down in the middle of the night. The Nimitz and its rescue crews spent a week searching for them. They found the chopper, but no bodies.
I took the pictures at their memorial.
It would have been a funeral, but there were no bodies.

Helicopter crashes Web_0910
Yeah. Choppers... not the safest things man has ever invented.


3Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-07, 23:42



Shit. I don't even know what to say to that.

I wonder what the ratio is: Number of helicopters vs. crashes/deaths compared to other vehicles.

4Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-07, 23:44

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

well if you count IEDs its probably Humvees

5Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-07, 23:58



Humvees don't just randomly malfunction and leave your body for Poseidon.

Like you said, Humvees explode because of IED, and various other reasons.
External influences.

A chopper can go down at any fucking minute. They're temperamental vehicles.

EDIT: I'm not saying that IED deaths are discountable.

I'm just saying that if I had a choice, a chopper would be the last thing I would want to ride in.

6Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-08, 00:14



Yea humvees wernt designed to be used the way they are right now. But hey, gotta use what you have.

But its probably humvees or helicopters. jets dont crash often, tanks also not often. I think I saw somewhere that we havent lost a single abrams to enemy fire. And apcs I dont think they are vulnerable enough to have significant numbers lost.

Also the helicopters made today are actually very safe considering the physics involved. There is a lot of stuff that can go wrong with it and when it does go wrong it is very dangerous. But they are made with redundancies on everything. And when trained properly, the pilots can land, with no engines, soft enough to be survivable.

7Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-08, 00:17



Navy pilots aren't so lucky; all they have to land on is ocean.

8Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-08, 00:19



That is true. Being stuck in the ocean is a very scary thing. But also navy pilots are some of the best in the world. Just landing on a carrier at night is proof enough.

9Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-08, 00:31



ive always thought of choppers as flismy pieces of garbage that waste money. except for like fast attack choppers that make one pass at a time. or for pure transport in no heat of battle. untill they can take a couple missles, id stick to a jet

10Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-08, 00:32



Id either want to be in a Tank or a Heli

11Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-08, 01:02



ill take the AC-130 ABOVE!

12Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-08, 01:04



Ill be Texan and ride an H bomb to the target Very Happy

13Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-08, 01:07



i would do that but then my penis would explode

14Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-08, 01:09



Its okay its not like your using it Very Happy

15Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-08, 01:13

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Ha Frost!! That was funny.

16Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-08, 01:14



You missed all the Heli Whoring today lol Very Happy

17Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-08, 01:15



ooh soaps new avatar. penis like...

18Helicopter crashes Empty Re: Helicopter crashes 2010-09-08, 01:17



God damnit isnt there an Official Topic about soaps Avatar

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