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Epyk MD
Patrick Star
The Adli Corporation
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1UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-25, 18:06

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


2UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-25, 18:23


Nice. I'm guessing it addresses:

- rank resets
- being matched in distant servers
- in game freezing
- party system
- vehicle assists

3UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-25, 18:24

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

hot damn, i hope it fixes vehicler assists.

maybe then ill have some ****ing help from my damn team...

4UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-25, 19:40

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

NewSprayer wrote:Nice. I'm guessing it addresses:

- rank resets
- being matched in distant servers
- in game freezing
- party system
- vehicle assists
one can only hope

5UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-25, 19:46


Yes considering they've taken so long to do it. I was deranked for the 3rd time just now after trying to see if dashboarding would let me join lemon and adli but nope. It keeps saying that I've disconnected from host...

6UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-25, 20:03

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

NewSprayer wrote:Yes considering they've taken so long to do it. I was deranked for the 3rd time just now after trying to see if dashboarding would let me join lemon and adli but nope. It keeps saying that I've disconnected from host...

This is why I use my copy as a dart board now.

7UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-25, 23:56



What's the vehicle assist problem?

8UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-26, 03:12


You don't get any assists on vehicles even if you cause 99% of the damage, all the points goes to the person who did the last 1%. The devs said they were working on a fix for it so hopefully its in this patch.

9UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-26, 03:58



Ive noticed that lately...
Mine has been going pretty smooth since saturday actually. Friday sucked, and it wouldnt let me in. It kept saying that it couldnt connect.
I really dont have a problem with anything besides the assist. Its been fine for me, except for friday, and I still enjoy playing it.

10UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-26, 10:46

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Totally psyched.

since my rank never reset I'm most excited about the vehicle kills assists

11UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-26, 10:51



Gettin into games is smooth as butta right now but when I tried to join games again last night I got the host failed BS again. Had some good games though. I hated the M4 on release but really like it now for some reason. Started using it and quickly unlocked everything including the dragon camos.

12UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-26, 10:56

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

M4 is my best loadout with airburst, boomer/blastwave. the ACR is a superior gun in itself but I hate the irons. M4 is accurate enough I don't need steady aim either.

13UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-26, 10:58



THe M4 has almost no recoil. It is a beast. Its a run n gunners dream I think. THe ACR has some recoil and side to side bounce issues but I still love the gun.

14UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-26, 11:01

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I just love the airburst. Its a snipers nightmare. "ohh your on top of that building? I don't think I can shoot you.... BAM!"

I turned a campfest TD match last night on cul de sac into a normal match by spamming the airburst to the tops of the two sniper buildings

15UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-26, 11:13



UG! Want to play with Terry so he can kill da snipers. I really havn;t tried using the air burst but I guess I'll have to. I played some this morning befroe work and was getting destroyed by snipers and helos. I was the ONLY one on my team trying to take out the helo and the guy seemed to know where I spawned every time so It took awhile before I could kill him. He was a good pilot.

16UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-26, 11:55



NewSprayer wrote:You don't get any assists on vehicles even if you cause 99% of the damage, all the points goes to the person who did the last 1%. The devs said they were working on a fix for it so hopefully its in this patch.

OK I've noticed that and it has definitely pissed me off. Would be nice to see a fix for it.

Terry I can't use the airburst for shit! I've tried it several times and I'm pretty sure I don'y have a single kill with it yet. How do you use it? Do you mark your distance and then walk forward a bit before you fire or just mark and fire?

17UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-26, 13:19

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

we should try a big game when the patch is released.

ill go CQB with the AK or Super V, terry can go antisniper like a boss and DL can littlebird to his hearts content.

18UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! Empty Re: UPDATE SUBMITTED TO MS!!!! 2011-04-26, 13:37

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

it depends on where they are and where you mark but I useually mark the wall outside of a window, take two steps foreward and let loose inside the window. For rooftops its basically the same, just aim over the roof a touch and let it fly.

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