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Spring Break! WOOT!

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1Spring Break! WOOT! Empty Spring Break! WOOT! 2011-04-26, 03:50



Damn school is finally almost done. Sorry for the last two weeks, its just been hell. Due to an insaaaanely late break, we have to cram a few chapters in about two weeks just to be ready for finals (which we still wont be....) fml. But hey, now I get to relax and rank up Smile

2Spring Break! WOOT! Empty Re: Spring Break! WOOT! 2011-04-26, 03:56



I am going to have to do summer school since I started so late Sad

3Spring Break! WOOT! Empty Re: Spring Break! WOOT! 2011-04-26, 03:59



That sucks. I cant afford to do SS. I have baseball every day, camp trips, and band rehearsals. Summer school would kill me XD

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