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List the most Awkward situation you can think of

The Adli Corporation
Air Supremacy
Ron Swanson
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Keyser Söze
15 posters

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Calling a guy out on quoting a line from a porno because you saw the exact same thing

List the most Awkward situation you can think of Funnybot-150x150


Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

That must have been the second worst episode of SP in it's 15 year history.



It had a Dalek rip off in it Very Happy

But i like the one were Al qaeda crahes 747s into people from Jersey lol

Snook snook go!

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Wait, are we talking about real akward situations that happened to us personally or not, because if so, I have a few.



Either the one i said has never happened to me Very Happy

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Frostbyrn wrote:Either the one i said has never happened to me Very Happy

Well that's just cheating then! Here I was, about to share some personal experiences with you, but noooooo. You have to go and ruin it. Well good day to you sir!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

This is a situation that actually happened to me

I was walking to the gas station one night, and my friend stuck his head out of an apartment window and shouted for me to come over. They were hanging out and drinking in an empty apartment, my 2 friends and 2 chicks. well long story short one of my friends passed out the other left with one chick so there I was, hanging in an empty apartment with my friend passed out drunk and one topless chick (she was topless at this point). little did I know her parents found out where she was, and they come busting in the door. The see me, their little girl ( I was 17 she was 16) and my buddy passed out on the floor of an empty apartment. Her dad backed me into a corner and threatened to kill me lol.

On a side note. My friend who was passed out, died three times that night. I called an ambulance and the docs said they had to bring him back a couple times. pale



Yup most awkward ever that i remember was..

Being pantsed next to the hottest girl in school during gym class! my "friend" thought it'd be funny, thank god my Boxers didn't drop!! IT WAS COLD in there.

In retrospect though, when my shorts hit the floor she did look and as i quickly grabbed at the floor in desperation for my clothing she said "oooh and her eyes lit up" NO BULLSHIT!!

I hated highschool!! tongue

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Well since we are sharing, I guess I'll be nice and share since Frost won't. Razz

I was over at my girlfriends house and her bedroom was the whole basement of her parents house. Well we were doing "something" when her mom decided to walk in. Thankfully we were under blankets. Now, I'm not one to really complain, I'll be honest and say yes my mind went somewhere else real quick when she decided to sit down on the bed too. Well her mom then proceedes to ask me a question on if I'm related to someone. I say yes, that it's my grandfather's youngest brother. Turns out that he years ago he was involved in an accident where a person had died. That person turned out to be my girlsfriends cousin, who she was close to. Long story short, we didn't see each other much longer after that.

Another situation I caused myself. I was younger, and an asshole, and ended up cheating on my girlfriend at the time. I was in Atlanta visiting my mom for the summer, came back home, went and slept with my girlfriend. She was watching her sisters house, so that made it kind of worse too. Well as I got dressed, decided I should probably fess up to what I had done. She wasn't happy. A couple glasses, pictures and light were all thrown at me. I made it out unscathed, for the time being. Only when I got home did I realize that I had left my watch. I called her and asked for it back, but never got it back. I missed that watch. Sad


Theese are some crazy storys... And damn Terry that sounds crazy sorry about your friend did you even do anything with the topless girl? lol

I can't really think of anything i could call a really awkward situation in my life..

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

A few weeks ago I was a party with a few friends. Now I hadn't partied much in a few weeks because of school stuff, so I decided to get really fucked up.

I woke up at 11 o'clock AM in a room I somewhat recognized, but not clearly. I went to figure out where I was to find out I didn't have any clothes on. Then I turned around and saw my friends girlfriend on the other side of the bed. At this point I'm almost freak out, but against all odds manage to sneak out of the house and discover that I brought my car too. I drove away and hoped to God nobody recognized my car.

So I meet up with all my friends that day to have lunch, my friend's girlfriend included. So I ended up having only 2 coffees since I was so hung over. I then told everyone that I was going back home to get some sleep.
Then, the same girl asks me for a ride home since she had something to do with her family later. We talked a little bit and found out she assumed her boyfriend went home with her last night, so I thought I was in the clear. But then she found her panties from the night before underneath the passenger-side seat. I fessed up and told her I was sorry and wouldn't have done it if I was conscious. She surprisingly was cool about it and that it was her fault too.

When we finally got to her place, I apologized again and she swore we were still cool. So cool that she threw me back her panties and winked as she left. Was awesome.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i had a really boring friend who sat next to me in science class a few years ago. he had a boring voice and not much to talk about.

i was in an english class, i went of to my friend and said 'man, i never want to sit next to XYZ in science again...'...

i TOTALLY forgot the boring friend was IN my english class, and sat 2 spaces away from the guy i was talking to... Embarassed very embarassing but it needed saying anyway Very Happy



Yeah. Wednesday's episode was even worse than the NASCAR episode. The only funny part was how Token kept giving money to Tyler Perry.




I'd go for round two if i were you!!! Twisted Evil



Well there's accidentally mixing up a famous person's name with a porn star's name on national television.



Oh geez im gonna have to plead the 5th on this one



Ducksaws wrote:Well there's accidentally mixing up a famous person's name with a porn star's name on national television.

do tell...



Zillah wrote:
Ducksaws wrote:Well there's accidentally mixing up a famous person's name with a porn star's name on national television.

do tell...

hypothetical haha



Sometimes when im out in public i think "now what would be the most awful, embarrassing thing i could do right now"

Really strains my imagination...



When I was in High School my gf's mom walked in on me getting some oral loving from her daughter Shocked



so how did that go for ya?



I like all you guys, but I'm sharing in this. I'm still blocking out memories affraid



The only part of that episode I laughed at was when they insulted Long Island. Other then that it was complete crap.



It was funny when Cartmen spoke fluent German and kept trying to give Kyle to the Germans Very Happy




Frostbyrn wrote:It was funny when Cartmen spoke fluent German and kept trying to give Kyle to the Germans Very Happy


Shit I just remembered that after I posted, that was actually pretty funny. Razz



The most awkward pary about it was she didnt even really care. She was like " damnt Danielle, lock your door next time!" Lol and we never spoke of it again.....



Symbolic wrote:The most awkward pary about it was she didnt even really care. She was like " damnt Danielle, lock your door next time!" Lol and we never spoke of it again.....

score dude, score...



Hey Frost. Get Jaded in here. He has a tale or two.



What the hell am i supposed to do send him a party invite?



Not you Kiwi. The good Frost.



Then put a freaking 0 in there its confusing otherwise



one time my ex was riding me and her grandma walked by in the hall lmao!Luckily she hopped off swiftly back under the blankey >:3

another which this girl and same damn grandma happened when I was doin oral to her and grandma decides to walk right by but I guess she didn't notice >__>

another was this awkward as hell convo with another ex's parents as they tried to tell us the birds and being 18 and her 17 I just found the whole thing stupid as hell,I just sat there and pet this one fat cat as it sat in my lap lol



Nothing like being caught with your pants down lol



literally XD



lmao!yeah man!I felt like I was robbing a bank and just had a cop pull a gun on me from behind or somethin XD

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Symbolic wrote:When I was in High School my gf's mom walked in on me getting some oral loving from her daughter Shocked

You should've just told her to give a hand or two.



Mortal Kombat wrote:
Symbolic wrote:When I was in High School my gf's mom walked in on me getting some oral loving from her daughter Shocked

You should've just told her to give a hand or two.

Classic. Goes along great with other cliche porno lines such as

*fighting giant snake to save girl*
Want to see a more friendly snake?

*Kung fu board breaking*
Want to see some wood that won't break?

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Fernando the Manwhore wrote:
Mortal Kombat wrote:
Symbolic wrote:When I was in High School my gf's mom walked in on me getting some oral loving from her daughter Shocked

You should've just told her to give a hand or two.

Classic. Goes along great with other cliche porno lines such as

*fighting giant snake to save girl*
Want to see a more friendly snake?

*Kung fu board breaking*
Want to see some wood that won't break?

Funny, both lines I've used on more than one occasion.

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