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horribad news everyone.

Captain Pirate Pineapple
The Adli Corporation
Patrick Star
Ron Swanson
Epyk MD
16 posters

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1horribad news everyone. Empty horribad news everyone. 2011-05-06, 19:42

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I wont be getting brink until the 15th.

Somtehing about being responsible I think. I couldn't make out much from the blurred vision and flailing temper-tantrum I was in at that time.

2horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-06, 19:43




3horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-06, 19:45



I dont get it till the 13th so

Ill see you 2 days after i get it Very Happy

4horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-06, 19:59

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

even worse news people....... I won't be getting it at all affraid

5horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-06, 20:01

Patrick Star

Patrick Star


6horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-06, 20:05

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Awesome Terry! wrote:even worse news people....... I won't be getting it at all affraid

Why do you hate me terry? Do you enjoy hurting me?!
Your. Off. The. Banner.

7horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-06, 20:07



I didnt think he was on the banner

I mean unless he was wearing a shirt praising himself

Mind you he is that Egotistical

8horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-06, 20:09

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

>.> the terry may is elusive...ita all we could capture of him.

9horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-06, 20:09



That's a mix of lust and pride. You're going to hell twice Terry.

10horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-06, 20:42

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Grey wrote:That's a mix of lust and pride. You're going to hell twice Terry.

at least I will have a better seat than any of you there.

and Epyk...... I love you. I just haven't had the courage to say so yet >_>

11horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-06, 20:49



Only Terry could handle that amount of Self loving Very Happy

12horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 02:27



Bummer. You need to put your big-boy pants back on and just tell her "I'M BUYING BRINK WOMAN AND THAT'S FINAL... "

Moonchild if you're reading this, DL made me type that. silent

13horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 06:32



i wish a menacinglemon was on the banner lol

14horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 06:51



*Knocks on door*

*Moonchild Answers*

*Takes off hat and absent mindedly plays with it while looking at his shoes*

Ms Epyk can Jethro come out to play?

15horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 09:02



I can't get it till June at the earliest. Oh yeah, I think I'm gonna get the game. The latest I can get is my Bday in July.

16horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 09:42

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i know how you feel, my exams end on the 15th of June, so no fun until then.

cant even play HF with DL since i have to stay up until 2am if i do (damn timezones).

17horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 09:46



I dont think im getting it either.... Games are just too damn expensive.

18horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 10:33

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Yeah, I still don't know if I'm getting this game at all yet. Think I'm still just going to wait like a week or two after it comes out to see reviews and such.

19horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 10:56



It gets released here on the 13th, but I'm expecting my copy to turn up on the 12th (Game always deliver a day early!) - looking forward to it Very Happy

20horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 11:22


Epyk.. I will play enough Brink for the both of us.

21horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 12:30

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Woah, for a sec I thought this was something serious ...


22horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 12:31



This is serious man.

Some of us wanted to play Brink with Epyk. Now we won't be able to. Until 5 days after it comes out.

23horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 12:33

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sounds like the apocalypse is at hand...

24horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 13:28


Chewy wrote:This is serious man.

Some of us wanted to play Brink with Epyk. Now we won't be able to. Until 5 days after it comes out.

This! But atleast we will have some people. I know i will be getting my 360 back next week since everything is done just don't know when.

25horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 14:04



oOO. I won't be getting the game till........ Hmmmm ever I guess.

26horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 14:08

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I'm not so dead set against this game that I wouldn't consider it but It would take some Epyk ([email=lol@pun]lol @ pun[/email]) reviews for that to happen

27horribad news everyone. Empty Re: horribad news everyone. 2011-05-07, 14:11


But guys.. It's a Homefront expansion!

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