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new gaming standards

Keyser Söze
Ars Diaboli
Captain Pirate Pineapple
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1new gaming standards Empty new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 19:19



So if Battlefield 3 actually beats CoD (which it will), wont it be seen as the new best FPS? And wont it be modeled after for all the new games (like CoD was?)
I guess my train of thought is that if BF3 is the new top game and play style, and other games now go to that "next level" were bound to see some damn good games Very Happy

2new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 19:28



makes sense, or a bunch or leet pro 8 year olds will migrate to bf3 and infest it. rendering a used up burlap sack that not even your uncle wants

3new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 19:37



Hopefully it will set the new standard. The game needs to have a real learning curve like MAG where you will die, and die, and die, and die for the first 10 hours of game play before you get the hang of it and where your level actually says something about your skill level and not how much you play. I would really like to see some more massive and realistic shooters, again, kind of like MAG except not be so generic and boring. Having fully destructible environments is a step in the right direction. Right now gun stats are just a bunch of hex coding. Maybe in the near future a real modeled bullet with real situational physics (not a preprogrammed consistent drop) in a clip will exist. Wind could actually be a factor in a sniper shot. I hope that soon we'll have reloading that doesn't compress all of your clips will exist. Maybe instead of just running over a dead body with compatible ammo, I actually need to stop and grab clips from their vest. Maybe when I'm carrying a rocket launcher I can't sprint as fast as another guy with a SMG. I want a more realistic shooter where I still use a controller. The idea for games like SOCOM 4 to use the PS move sounds cool but just aren't where the game industry is headed, as FPS's and any full body involved games for the Wii have left a bad taste in our mouths.

4new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 19:37


I don't think it'll pass COD in sales but in gameplay yes.

5new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 19:39



COD's downfall is that it's too playable. DICE needs to make this game so that it takes some true skill too be good at and not an overused gun and a set of perks.

6new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 19:48



CoD's downfall is not that it's too playable. That's the cause of its popularity, combined with its cool factor.

7new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 20:05




Cod 4-Wow! Very original FPS! Lots of fun game play and the Multiplayer is unbeatable! Grenade launchers are a little annoying though.

COd WaW-Zombies is really cool but the graphics have something to be desired. Feels a lot like cod4 but it's WWII so we can let it pass. The grenade launcher is a buried attachment that uses up a perk so it's not cheap.

MW2-The grenade spamming is horrible. It takes 10 kills with any assault rifle and instant death reigns. Danger close makes it worse along with scavenger so these people never run out of ammo. Commando triples your knifing range. All of the guns are way overpowered. Quickscoping is really cheap, environment is generally indestructible which encourages camping, along with rampant nukeboosting, and don't even get me started on tactical insertions and the thumper. This game is broken and just too easy for people bad at it to score highly and play well.

Black Ops-More zombies, not very original, but still worth a play or two. Feeble attempts at fixing quickscoping don't work because of acog on snipers. The grenade launchers are nerfed slightly and they're harder to get. Better, but MW2 is still in our heads and Cod really swallowed the proverbial gun with that one. Even worse, this game tries to advertise to a broader audience that ruins it for gamers because now we need to deal with even more little kids.

MW3-It's like we're about to resurrect MW2 or the new Cod4, it's going to work, or it's going to be a nightmare beyond our wildest dreams. I'm voting the latter.

8new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 20:07



Ashitaka wrote:CoD's downfall is not that it's too playable. That's the cause of its popularity, combined with its cool factor.

9new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 20:11



I don't disagree, but I think that once you get past sales, the games kind of kill themselves.

10new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 20:44



true, but sales is all activision cares about.

11new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 20:47



I'm talking from our perspective, yeah, COD is an "in" game for little kids that twist their parent's arms to buy it for them. Activision gets their sales, people buy it, they don't really care.

12new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 21:27

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Ashitaka wrote:true, but sales is all activision cares about.

I didn't think they cared about anything other than that, like ever! As for BF3 beating CoD, I do see that happening to an extent. CoD is too popular to be beaten by any other game when it comes to sales. Even though BF3 is gaining a lot of steam and popularity, I just don't see it happening. It will be a big hit, but once the next CoD releases, I see that taking it's spot back. It's a shame though as I'm sure the next CoD is going to blow horribly.

Also, great f'ing movie! I haven't watched that in a long time, thanks for reminding me of it Duck. Hello Netflix.

13new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 21:30



It'll be a big hit with FPS gamers, but not a hot christmas present for lil' johnny.

14new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 21:33



Zillah wrote:It'll be a big hit with FPS gamers, but not a hot christmas present for lil' johnny.

Which is exactly what we want.

BTW, I'm getting mine for my PC so I can do 64 player matches, anyone else getting it for PC?

15new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-10, 23:07



ThePeavstenator wrote:
Zillah wrote:It'll be a big hit with FPS gamers, but not a hot christmas present for lil' johnny.

Which is exactly what we want.

BTW, I'm getting mine for my PC so I can do 64 player matches, anyone else getting it for PC?

First day PC purchase for sure. I might get it for 360 as well.

16new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 08:07



To add to the streaming thought, I'll get it (BF3) when it comes out, or close to it for 360. Never took to PC gaming.

As for the standard: I just want to throw a thought out there. What constitutes skill? Skill gets thrown alot when comes to FPS, and usually when it has to do with an OP weapon/item, and everyone's opinion on what "skill" is seems to competely different.

17new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 18:42



I ve considered upgrading my PC for BF3 but Im not 100% on it yet.If I can find some guys who are going to stick with BF3 the way we have all stuck with BC2,I'll go with PC.

18new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 19:21



I'm not terribly excited for BF3 since BC is basically broken and way to easy to just rocket objectives to win. also I am not a huge fan of vehicles and the guns didn't feel all that great.

Call of duty does the infantry warfare pretty excellently. Guns all feel different and aiming and shooting down iron sights has never felt better in any other game IMO. (some guns are a little too weak though but its the same in all games)

I'll be buying both but battlefield will be played more when i have a few friends on that aren't that great at cod but anyone can be good in a vehicle in battlefield so it makes it more enjoyable for them. I will be playing Modern Warfare 3 more though.

I'm always for just strict gameplay and could care less about graphics and other non essential things. People say cod looks ugly but to me after the first game i could care less about graphics and it all goes too gameplay, game modes, and maps.

I thought BC2's modes were boring and some were insanely cheap to win. Don't know if that was ever patched, I played back for the gamestop 4v4 squad rush tourney, i played the other modes but they seemed boring to me and way too easy to win if you know how to use rockets. Also again vehicle combat to me is just lazy.

I haven't looked into BF3 much but i assume its going to be more about "big" battles with vehicles and such and that doesn't excite me all that much. I like games with 6v6, 8v8 max.

19new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 19:48



BC2 is far from broken. You sure you were playing the same game? C4 and rocket sniping used to be a problem months ago, but I haven't seen an objective blow up by anything other than an armed charge since then. The Gustav can be annoying, but it was nerfed as well.

You did not give Battlefield a fair chance.

20new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 22:21



To be fair this was before patching which I forgot to add in my post. rocket sniping was extremely easy to do when the game came out. also taking down buildings that house objectives was also extremely easy.

Like i said I'm just not a huge fan of vehicle combat to me its just annoying to deal with vehicles and not all that fun.

Also the big maps to me just means less interesting things about the maps. In smaller games maps can have more of a feel to them then the same old expansive areas in battlefield.

To me squad rush was the only good mode in the game and some maps were just broken by the ability to destroy buildings or by rocket sniping.

To me battlefields biggest problem is the infantry fighting. To me COD does this 20x better than battlefield.

21new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 22:28



CoD does do fighting well, but its all small scale. You never stop moving and you never really take cover. Theres times in BF where I can take one cover, holding down one path the entire game. Its times like that, when it gets to the point that you and your team are literally thinking the same thing at the same time that is just so much fun. In bf there are just so many more ways to strategize and coordinate, and actually carry out a plan. It just makes it better, IMO.

22new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 22:34



BmmFlash wrote:CoD does do fighting well, but its all small scale. You never stop moving and you never really take cover. Theres times in BF where I can take one cover, holding down one path the entire game.

This is exactly what i find extremely boring...I like moving and strategizing more on the fly. I feel it takes more effort to strategize in a game like cod then battlefield since the maps are smaller and people are moving around a lot more.

23new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 22:38



Gibbs wrote:To be fair this was before patching which I forgot to add in my post. rocket sniping was extremely easy to do when the game came out. also taking down buildings that house objectives was also extremely easy.

Like i said I'm just not a huge fan of vehicle combat to me its just annoying to deal with vehicles and not all that fun.

Also the big maps to me just means less interesting things about the maps. In smaller games maps can have more of a feel to them then the same old expansive areas in battlefield.

To me squad rush was the only good mode in the game and some maps were just broken by the ability to destroy buildings or by rocket sniping.

To me battlefields biggest problem is the infantry fighting. To me COD does this 20x better than battlefield.

new gaming standards Brainfuckdashpony

24new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 22:39



Gibbs wrote: I feel it takes more effort to strategize in a game like cod then battlefield since the maps are smaller and people are moving around a lot more.

I find that its hard to strategize inside a blender.

CoD is fun for me because i dont have to strategize. I just try and get kills.

Battlefield is definitely the more team oriented, reasonably paced game, which makes coming up with a gameplan actually make sense (Especially with the way Rush is set up, with an attacking team and a defending team).

25new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 22:42



I can see that. I've always been more of a fast paced player myself so that's probably why battlefield is a bit more boring for me. I love strategizing though have always done it on competitive teams but i just prefer in fast paced bites.

26new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 22:55



Gibbs wrote:I can see that. I've always been more of a fast paced player myself so that's probably why battlefield is a bit more boring for me. I love strategizing though have always done it on competitive teams but i just prefer in fast paced bites.

An extremely aggressive playstyle is the most enjoyable way to play BC2. I don't know why people say it's a slow paced game because it just isn't.

27new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 22:57



I think it depends. There are definitely times I can shout FUCK because theres just to much shit going on XD

28new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 22:58



Ante wrote:
Gibbs wrote:I can see that. I've always been more of a fast paced player myself so that's probably why battlefield is a bit more boring for me. I love strategizing though have always done it on competitive teams but i just prefer in fast paced bites.

An extremely aggressive playstyle is the most enjoyable way to play BC2. I don't know why people say it's a slow paced game because it just isn't.

Theres more action on a lot of the infantry maps (Cold war, Nelson Bay, White Pass, Arica Harbor) than a lot of Call Of Duty maps.

29new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 23:01



Zillah wrote:
Ante wrote:
Gibbs wrote:I can see that. I've always been more of a fast paced player myself so that's probably why battlefield is a bit more boring for me. I love strategizing though have always done it on competitive teams but i just prefer in fast paced bites.

An extremely aggressive playstyle is the most enjoyable way to play BC2. I don't know why people say it's a slow paced game because it just isn't.

Theres more action on a lot of the infantry maps (Cold war, Nelson Bay, White Pass, Arica Harbor) than a lot of Call Of Duty maps.
This is true. Even Oasis can get nuts

30new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 23:10

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

It won't beat CoD. Never, not sales-wise.

I also hope it doesn't become the "standard". I see nothing good happening because of it, it will just become a dumb kid magnet. There are enough bush wookiees as it is, and shitty players that play the game like it's a death match.

Anyway, Battlefield wins hands down, simply because shit that other games use for their trailers, is something that happens in Battlefield matches.

Last edited by Ars Diaboli on 2011-05-11, 23:14; edited 1 time in total

31new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 23:11



I can agree with the bush wookies, but I must say I look forward to a game that will break the system of FPS's right now. CoD has basically dominated it for a long time, and Im tired of all the CoD spin offs being released.

32new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 23:13

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

The utter "oh shit" factor that can be found in a bc2 match when crap starts to hit the fan is something that I think CoD has yet to come close to.

It just feels more like a warzone than CoD does to me. It's a clusterfuck, which isn't bad, but far lacks the scale of bc2.

33new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 23:15



Mortal Kombat wrote:The utter "oh shit" factor that can be found in a bc2 match when crap starts to hit the fan is something that I think CoD has yet to come close to.

It just feels more like a warzone than CoD does to me. It's a clusterfuck, which isn't bad, but far lacks the scale of bc2.
Hellz Yeah!! Thats what I mean! It gets down right intense when theres explosions, shots, buildings falling, choppers, tanks, and infantry all around you!

34new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 23:23

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

What Greg says. There are insane moments in BF. You are running to support your teammates, kill 3 enemies about to knife your buddies and right there and then, a tank shell blows them to bits.

You are damaged, and run inside a hole near a hill caused by an explosion to take cover from the tank, you can't hear shit because there's still stuff blowing up around you. Another tank shell strikes near you and you are nearly dead, you can't see too well, but you did spot the tank. As you are there, ready to die from another tank shell, 2 teammates destroy the enemy tank.

As you notice your points from the spotting, you know you will live. But wait! There's an Apache coming your way. You are fucked. You have nowhere to run or hide, if it sees you, you are dead. You can:

A) Run and hope for the best.

B) Take the kit of a dead engineer and attempt to bring it down.

C) Try to hide and don't move, hoping it doesn't see you.

That's the kind of shit that happens, that no other game can manage. I've had choppers crash down beside me, C4 charged bikes suicided into my tank, I've parachuted out of a chopper to fire rockets at an enemy tank, and damn I can't remember what else. Crazy shit just happens half the time I play.

And there are also my manly man moments. Like that time I got an octokill with C4s and destruction 2.0. Or the teammate I saved by crushing his would be killer with my upside down Apache in the middle of the city in Oasis, and then killed another guy with a shotgun buck just as I bailed out.

35new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-11, 23:28



Choose your own adventure books? I love these!! LOL XD

36new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-12, 00:56

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The thing about BC2 is the game depends on the everyone else around you. When this game is played right, I find it every bit as fast paced as any CoD because the BATTLE itself changes. A tank or a heli moving on your position effects the gameplay so drastically that if you don't adapt you will be crushed.

CoD the only thing you have to adapt to is if the other team is grenade spamming or camping corners. BF eliminates that to a small extent by making those corners meaningless. So you have the building on lock down? who cares, it cna be knocked down or bypassed completely. CoD I always feel like I'm being lead to slaughter by narrow hallways and winding paths.

37new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-12, 01:05

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

The fact that you need people is what draws me to battlefield. In BO, armed with a completely unbalanced weapon such as a ak74u or famas...teamwork is out the window. Even domination can completely be raged by one or two good plays.

Battlefield, one good player on a team of nothings is about as useful as spitting on fire to put it out. Between that and the spastic nature of certain games, it wont be matched anytime soon.

38new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-12, 01:29

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Well siad byas.
I only play cod when all you lazy basterds are sleeping in the mornings.

39new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-12, 01:35

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

I actually gave my Black Ops away and converted anyone who would listen to Battlefield. Im doing God's work as an apostle for better gaming.

40new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-12, 01:43

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Some times you just nees some good ol fashioned lazer bullets.

41new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-12, 02:14

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

You must enlighten them, Byas. They know not of the light!

I actually got a friend into Battlefield about a year ago, after he was pissed off with MW2.

42new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-12, 11:16

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

I forced about six or seven friends into the light of battlefield and except for a random game of Zombies, they never looked back.

43new gaming standards Empty Re: new gaming standards 2011-05-12, 11:23



You've had good luck. Not all of us have!

I tried getting 4-5 friends into BC2 and all i heard was.

"OMG i'm hitting this guy and he's not dying"

"why aren't my bullets hitting him, FUCKING LAG" referencing bullet travel.

"how come my bullets look like they're dropping?"

"why didn't that rocket instantly hit that chopper?"


they were too used to the fail that became the FPS genre!! CoD had ruined their gaming experiences.

btw non of them had played BC1 either. they were to used to the physics and bullet travel of the CoD series!! Shame shame.

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