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Well im out for a Week

Ron Swanson
7 posters

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1Well im out for a Week Empty Well im out for a Week 2011-05-13, 05:14



See you guys all in 7 days

Or if you play Brink ill probally be on that Very Happy

2Well im out for a Week Empty Re: Well im out for a Week 2011-05-13, 20:05



What happening? o_O Are you locking your self up or something?
But how would you play brink? Sad So confused

3Well im out for a Week Empty Re: Well im out for a Week 2011-05-13, 20:40

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I wonder where frost goes when hes isn't at the SeC? does he even exist outside of this place?

4Well im out for a Week Empty Re: Well im out for a Week 2011-05-13, 20:53



Nevermind I know EXACTLY why he isnt coming on this site which I find kind of ridiculous to be honest.

5Well im out for a Week Empty Re: Well im out for a Week 2011-05-13, 21:08



Care to explain?

6Well im out for a Week Empty Re: Well im out for a Week 2011-05-13, 21:17



Because of Shoji maybe?

7Well im out for a Week Empty Re: Well im out for a Week 2011-05-13, 21:31



bingo, frost butthurt of where shoj's Well im out for a Week 2855922021 is going

nevermind that would make his sister hurt

8Well im out for a Week Empty Re: Well im out for a Week 2011-05-13, 22:50



[youtube]<iframe width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]


9Well im out for a Week Empty Re: Well im out for a Week 2011-05-14, 06:47



Well yeah I will explain..

Basically because Shoji is now in New Zealand and Frost's sister is having an operation right now on some tumors (Non cancerous), Frost doesn't want to be anywhere near the couple when they get back to Frost's house (Most likely). Plus he doesn't want them touching the xbox either incase they want to play something on the xbox 360 together.

On top of that I think he hates his sister AND shoji because they are together despite the fact that he warned shoji not to go near his sister.

So i guess that's a brief explanation and he probably hates me because I talk to her sometimes and stuff which I find is pretty stupid because I have done nothing wrong and simply talking to someone isn't really bad.

EDIT : Although he'll be on brink and stuff it sounds like he's forgot he has a girlfriend and such to go see o.o or his girlfriend is probably somewhere like normal.

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