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Crysis 2 multiplayer

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1Crysis 2 multiplayer Empty Crysis 2 multiplayer 2011-05-18, 01:53



For those that have the game and have played the MP what did you think?

I just watched some gameplay videos of the new maps and the MP looks so awesome
I almost left my house just now to buy a copy.

It seriously looks fun as hell. How is it really?

2Crysis 2 multiplayer Empty Re: Crysis 2 multiplayer 2011-05-18, 02:54



I dont really like it. Its fun to mess around with. But nothing that could hold my interest. The SP however is awesome.

3Crysis 2 multiplayer Empty Re: Crysis 2 multiplayer 2011-05-18, 02:58



I heard the MP is very cheap and all boils down to turning invisible and either sniping or cheap shotting.In many reviews I read they said this,and said they didn't expect the online community to last long in it.

I haven't played it,but really want to..... =/ I should of got it instead of Mortal Kombat which was eh to me.

I need to get gamefly back Very Happy

4Crysis 2 multiplayer Empty Re: Crysis 2 multiplayer 2011-05-18, 09:45



Honestly rent it first Metal.

I bought it for the SP and don't regret it. But Sym's right. we played the other night and it was par at best with the MP. when your shooting someone you have no way of knowing if your shots are actually registering. theirs no headsup blips or anything like you get in CoD or BC2.

Hit detection can be a mess sometimes and the pre-rendered deaths are so last gen!

It's definitely a MP that you have to play constantly to get any good at!

5Crysis 2 multiplayer Empty Re: Crysis 2 multiplayer 2011-05-18, 11:21



Hmmm OK glad I didn't rush out to get it.
Although I like the thought of no hit-markers. I think I know a guy that owns it, maybe
I can try his to see if I like it at all first.

Thanks guys.

6Crysis 2 multiplayer Empty Re: Crysis 2 multiplayer 2011-05-18, 13:38



Whenever i play MP fps's this is not my first choice. they did however just release new DLC. 800msp and it's like four maps and game modes i guess. not for me though.

7Crysis 2 multiplayer Empty Re: Crysis 2 multiplayer 2011-05-18, 17:43



Again- SP is amazing

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