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Crysis 3 Multiplayer Beta starts Next Week

Ron Swanson
Green bean Specialist
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Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

Today, Crytek and EA announced that the Crysis 3 multiplayer beta will start next week on January 29th for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC players, with two maps and two modes being available to play.

Last edited by Green bean Specialist on 2013-01-23, 18:43; edited 1 time in total






Cry sis 2 was a ton of fun, but the delayed hit detection and massive lag ruined it. If they have that fixed in this one then it might be great!

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

Begins Tomorrow Smile

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

ive never played a crysis game. I may have to check out the demo since I have no clue about the series.



Is this an open beta?

EDIT: Yes.



Ferris wrote:ive never played a crysis game. I may have to check out the demo since I have no clue about the series.



Ferris wrote:ive never played a crysis game. I may have to check out the demo since I have no clue about the series.

For shame



Game runs pretty great. On high with 1x SMAA I get 60 fps. Also hunter mode is a lot of fun.



Nice maybe Ill try it

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

if its an open beta ill give it a bash, nothing to lose Smile



just watched my bro play it on xbox,looks like ass,reminds me of Killzone 1 ps2 graphics....Halo 3 looked better. He was playing on that map with the crashed plane and a little jungle around it >__>



Well JR it is a beta and its a console title

Only going to look so good, especially at dat resolution.



true lol. Hit detection and everything seemed to be a mess though. Eh,I'll probably get it when it's on sale for like 20 bucks



I'm still downloading it, 80% done.

If it's at least as good as Crysis 2 I'll probably end up getting this game. I actually liked Crysis 2's campaign better than 1, thought it was a lot more fun.



C2 was a huge step back for me

I still liked it though



Metalzoic wrote:Cry sis 2 was a ton of fun, but the delayed hit detection and massive lag ruined it. If they have that fixed in this one then it might be great!

So much this! I wanted to love the game, but it was a mess online. Have downloaded the beta for 3 but not played it yet.

As for the console visuals, it's worth noting that the visuals were very much improved between the Crysis 2 beta/demo and the final retail version. I think most of the discrepancy is in the textures - to keep the file size down the one's that ship in the beta are not as high quality as the final build.



Metalzoic wrote:Cry sis 2 was a ton of fun, but the delayed hit detection and massive lag ruined it. If they have that fixed in this one then it might be great!

So much this! I wanted to love the game, but it was a mess online. Have downloaded the beta for 3 but not played it yet.

As for the console visuals, it's worth noting that the visuals were very much improved between the Crysis 2 beta/demo and the final retail version. I think most of the discrepancy is in the textures - to keep the file size down the one's that ship in the beta are not as high quality as the final build.

I would be surprised if it actually does look bad. Crysis 2 is easily one of the top best looking console games.

I seriously doubt 3 would look considerably worse. Especially since the devs stated a while ago that it actually looks better.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Metalzoic wrote:I would be surprised if it actually does look bad. Crysis 2 is easily one of the top best looking console games.

I seriously doubt 3 would look considerably worse. Especially since the devs stated a while ago that it actually looks better.

from what the Crysis 3 devs have said, they've almost reached the breaking point of the hardware, so if thats the case i'd expect it to look better than 2.



It seems like it looks worse than 2 at the moment, but maybe I just haven't played 2 in a while.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

remember what the BF3 beta looked like guys.



I find Witcher 2 to be the best looking console game...



This apparently isn't maxed out yet.



ya know,that's true....bf3 beta was a mess but still fun as hell lol. In this beta,my bro didn't even know he was getting shot at then he was instantly dead,etc. but it has promise

apparently there's killstreaks and shit where you can get a mech and a chopper with mini gun to pilot >___>



menacinglemon wrote:I find Witcher 2 to be the best looking console game...

Best looking game period on PC too



Sym wrote:
menacinglemon wrote:I find Witcher 2 to be the best looking console game...

Best looking game period on PC too

Yep, that game looked awesome. The scenery and lighting system were quite amazing.



Cool gonna borrow my bros wired controller to play it maxed out one of these days



Why use a controller for it?

Its perfect with M/KB



Sym wrote:Why use a controller for it?

Its perfect with M/KB

I disagree. Third person sword combat games are better with a controller in my experience. Analog movement helps a lot.

The only advantage a mouse has is when throwing stuff at people. I very rarely ever did that. That and the faster menu navigation.



I never even thought to play this game with controller.

I loved it regardless.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Lol at how bad players are on this beta. I have no fucking idea what is going on and i still pull a 1.5 kd or better and take first in half my matches. I cant wait till i start to figure some of this crap out



I don't get what the use is throwing stuff at people...yeah it felt crazy with all the stuff going on at once haha

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I threw a shield at a guy and OHK him. so there is that.

Loving the recon class with shotgun. I'm so fast that I just run and jump around like a crazy person and drop fools with a shotgun blast every so often.

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