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Modern Warfare 3 being built on a new engine - UPDATE: Gameplay trailer

Captain Pirate Pineapple
Ars Diaboli
12 posters

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This is good news for people who dislike the floaty controls and movements of recent CoD games. AKA EVERYONE.

Last edited by Ante on 2011-05-23, 22:24; edited 1 time in total



engine isnt the problem. Its the lack of them changing anything significant...

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Well, at least they a bringing SOMETHING new.



<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here's a small gameplay trailer just released. Shows off some of the new environment destruction effects. Nothing close to BC2, but still nice.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Ars Diaboli wrote:Well, at least they a bringing SOMETHING new.

Couldn't have said it better. I watched the teaser trailer they just released. Eh, might be interested in playing the campaign, but looks like I'll be skipping over the multiplayer, again. Don't really know if I'll even play the campaign though. I've grown tired of CoD. It's always the same thing over and over. RAMIREZ!



Ante wrote:<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here's a small gameplay trailer just released. Shows off some of the new environment destruction effects. Nothing close to BC2, but still nice.

Will there actually be at least moderately destructible environments in MW3?

Looks almost exactly like MW2 from the trailer tbh.



From the trailer it looks like any destruction is scripted. With the way Craptavision forces developers to shovel out games, I doubt IW had time to build a proper destruction engine.

It looks better (graphically) than MW2 to me, but maybe I'm just used to Black Ops (eww gross.)



CoD caters to children. Im sorry but I just cannot stand the.entire community being snot nosed kids and gangsta wannabes.



Yeah Mw2 definitely had better graphics than blops.

Even though the graphics in battlefield arent as crisp and refined as CoD, theres something about them that I like more. They just seem more "real" so to speak.



The biggest turnoff to me is the gun mechanics, and bullet physics. Also the extreme lack of recoil makes the noobs flock. Plus CoD fanboys are.just the worst.



Ok, and I know this is a n00by question... but how does the engine of a game affect the gameplay?

I know its like the framework, but how does it actually show?



Zillah wrote:Ok, and I know this is a n00by question... but how does the engine of a game affect the gameplay?

I know its like the framework, but how does it actually show?

It affects lighting, physics, movement, everything. If they truly built the engine from the ground up, MW3 won't "feel" like Black Ops and MW2. It may look similar, though.

And I agree about BC2's graphics. While they aren't as good as MW2, BC2's graphics convey information to the player muuuuuch better.

Last edited by Ante on 2011-05-23, 23:29; edited 1 time in total

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I'm no expert and I don't really know, but I'm guessing that the engine is akin to a programming language. Depending on how it's designed and its purpose, what you can do with it. So, the programming language (engine in this case) limits what you can and what you can't do, or how easy/hard it is to do some things.

For example, making destructible environments is probably a hell of a lot harder or takes way too many resources to do in CoD's engine than it is in Frostbite 2.0, which is designed with destruction in mind.

Something like that Very Happy Maybe, just guessing.



I wonder how long before people get tired of buyin the same game every year >__>

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I just bought it twice Razz CoD 2 and 4, though they were actually different from each other.



Ohhhhhhhhh, yes Call of Duty.

Call of Duty's Campaign has been great. I would get it if the campaign was like Gears of War. Where you can play the whole Campaign by yourself or with a friend.

The multiplayer has WAY to many problems to list. All i have to say is a 12 year old can dominate at this game and not necessarily by skill. The multiplayer is designed very poorly. Every game has noob tactics that anyone can perform. But, Call of Duty masters the noob tactics in game. Call of Duty will always be a game i will rage on.



Ante wrote:This is good news for people who dislike the floaty controls and movements of recent CoD games. AKA EVERYONE.

scratch CoD games always feel very crisp and snappy in the control department to me.

It looks good to me.



Yeah ill probally rent it just to play the Campaign



I'll buy it just to run around in MP shooting people.



HAHA I know most people here are Battlefield fans and CoD haters but it cracks me up. To me Battlefield and CoD are both FPS yes but play entiraly diferent. I like CoD. Its a fast paced fun game. I don't understanmd rage. I get a little frustrated by lag at times but all games have lag.

The more CoD suceeds the more others will try to dethrone it producing bigger and better games.

I love CoD! =o)



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:HAHA I know most people here are Battlefield fans and CoD haters but it cracks me up. To me Battlefield and CoD are both FPS yes but play entiraly diferent. I like CoD. Its a fast paced fun game. I don't understanmd rage. I get a little frustrated by lag at times but all games have lag.

The more CoD suceeds the more others will try to dethrone it producing bigger and better games.

I love CoD! =o)

Word. Very Happy



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:HAHA I know most people here are Battlefield fans and CoD haters but it cracks me up. To me Battlefield and CoD are both FPS yes but play entiraly diferent. I like CoD. Its a fast paced fun game. I don't understanmd rage. I get a little frustrated by lag at times but all games have lag.

The more CoD suceeds the more others will try to dethrone it producing bigger and better games.

I love CoD! =o)

I dont really hate CoD itself its not bad IMO and i would play it over other FPS games like Reach

My problem with CoD is its Community and the way it stagnates the market ATM



Guest wrote:Ohhhhhhhhh, yes Call of Duty.

Call of Duty's Campaign has been great. I would get it if the campaign was like Gears of War. Where you can play the whole Campaign by yourself or with a friend.

The multiplayer has WAY to many problems to list. All i have to say is a 12 year old can dominate at this game and not necessarily by skill. The multiplayer is designed very poorly. Every game has noob tactics that anyone can perform. But, Call of Duty masters the noob tactics in game. Call of Duty will always be a game i will rage on.

who the dick was this guest?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

^ fr0st i think.



Blue text, must have been Fr0st.

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