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I swear to cake...

6 posters

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1I swear to cake... Empty I swear to cake... 2011-05-30, 15:27



Every time I log on to this site, someone needs my help with something. Or has a questions, or want something blah blah blah blah.

I had barely replied to Whee Brit's thread before someone started hollering for me. ><

Miss this stupid place.

I hope you all die in a fiery crash for having some much fun without me.

2I swear to cake... Empty Re: I swear to cake... 2011-05-30, 15:30



You should see some Minecraft servers; so many people are crying to the admin and mods "MAKE IT DAY" "OMG I LOST EVERYTHING, GIVE ME ITEMS!!1!" HALP ME PWEASE" "I'M STUCK!" "TELEPORT ME TO MY FRIEND" I would want to go on a murderous rampage by the end of the day. xD

3I swear to cake... Empty Re: I swear to cake... 2011-05-30, 15:31



....But that's just a game! This is my life man! My free time!

I think I shall become a hermit. Yes I shall.

4I swear to cake... Empty Re: I swear to cake... 2011-05-30, 15:31



sheep wrote:....But that's just a game! This is my life man! My free time!

I think I shall become a hermit. Yes I shall.

Lol! xD

5I swear to cake... Empty Re: I swear to cake... 2011-05-30, 19:14



Too be fair i dont think ive ever asked you for anything Very Happy

6I swear to cake... Empty Re: I swear to cake... 2011-05-30, 22:22



dude, you gotta help me sheep man dude the popo is coming and like dude I haven't sold all the goods yet man you need to take them off my hands man help a brother out dude ohhh shit I hear sirens I'm just gonna leave this stuff with you then kay ahaha what are friends for

7I swear to cake... Empty Re: I swear to cake... 2011-05-30, 22:23



oh my

8I swear to cake... Empty Re: I swear to cake... 2011-05-30, 23:35



i saw cake and was like OOOH then i got here and was like damn. true story.

9I swear to cake... Empty Re: I swear to cake... 2011-05-31, 00:29




Oh my indeed.

lollerskates for heeblies!

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