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I swear, BC2 is made to piss you off.

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Did fucking horrible (13-7) as a Recon, then at the screen, I'm shown 7 survellience ops pins, and a kill assist pin, so basically, I'm being told that I'm a fag who can't shoot straight or see anybody, because I should've went 55-7. Thank you DICE. Fucking assholes.




What setup were you running?



I don't see anything wrong about going 13-7 with lots of assists. At least you are not going 2-0 with no motion assist



GOL with 4x. I swear, some of the shots that I landed didn't even count. I can't wait for Black Ops, so I can actually play a game that when people bleed they take damage. I 40MMed a guy with a shotgun today from 2 feet away, got a hitmarker, he knifes me and gets my dogtags (DICE's way of basically pissing on you and calling you a retard), then it says he has 100% health.



Call of Duty games are way worse.



StormEye wrote:I don't see anything wrong about going 13-7 with lots of assists. At least you are not going 2-0 with no motion assist

Still, my stats drop, I look bad, and it's still a way to make you angry knowing I should've had all of those kills.


Damn Bob, chill out Benicibro Del Toro.



Higurashi wrote:Call of Duty games are way worse.

The hitboxes may be messed up, but I don't like seeing someone bleed, then take no damage. It would be like getting ticket that said you won the lottery, only to find that the wrong number was off and winning a dollar. It's worse than if never had even played the lottery. It's a huge letdown. I'm finally cooled off, but I swear to God: I'm tired of seeing blood, and people taking no damage.



DrBob276 wrote:
Higurashi wrote:Call of Duty games are way worse.

The hitboxes may be messed up, but I don't like seeing someone bleed, then take no damage. It would be like getting ticket that said you won the lottery, only to find that the wrong number was off and winning a dollar. It's worse than if never had even played the lottery. It's a huge letdown. I'm finally cooled off, but I swear to God: I'm tired of seeing blood, and people taking no damage.

Hitboxes aren't the only problem in Call of Duty. Modern Warfare 2 makes me rage every time I play it, but I rarely get angry at BC2.



Well, MW2 is another story, but CoD4 and WaW never have enraged me as much as BC2 has, but MW2 took to a whole other level; I pretend that game never existed.



DrBob276 wrote:Well, MW2 is another story, but CoD4 and WaW never have enraged me as much as BC2 has, but MW2 took to a whole other level; I pretend that game never existed.

I'll agree with you there, except WaW makes me rage whenever I could have killed someone if they weren't using the MP-40, which happens a lot.



Yeah, the MP-40/M16 are both really irritating. The thing I like about CoD, is that I don't eventually mentally breakdown after losing repeatedly because my teammates are retarded and can't do one thing without me doing everything at once.



I've noticed a large decrease of M16s in CoD 4 since the release of MW2. I've also noticed a large decrease of good players since the release of MW2.



Lol, yeah. It makes CoD4 more fun. Even though most of the "good" players that left, actually weren't even good; they just had the M16/MP5 as a crutch, and thought that they were good.



Don't forget the M40 ACOG pros, and the people that glitched into the rock on Overgrown.



Higurashi wrote:Don't forget the M40 ACOG pros, and the people that glitched into the rock on Overgrown.

Oh God...actually, most of the M40 "pros" have stuck around (not really suprised, considering that they suck, but try to make themselves look good), so I keep an M60/P90 Juggernaut class just for them. I just ignore people who get in the rock, but then again, it's hard to ignore the helicopter that they get because my teammates are dumbasses and keep trying to go over there. The stupidity of other human beings never fails to amuse and disappoint me.



I like seeing people glitch into the rock. Just use the default shotgun class and RPG the rock for a free kill.



The only problem is, if they know how to to do it right, they can move back just enough to not kill themselves, but enough to not stick out, then they're completely invicible, but RPGS and such work against people who aren't very good at it.



I think every game is made to piss you off Bob Very Happy



Except for Portal, Braid, and Starcraft, yes. >_>



I just remembered that the multiplayer reveal for Black Ops is tomorrow. Hopefully it won't have as much crap as MW2.



what about Warcraft?



Higurashi wrote:I just remembered that the multiplayer reveal for Black Ops is tomorrow. Hopefully it won't have as much crap as MW2.

It is? I hope they announce a Beta, and it is better than MW2. Smile

I've never played Warcraft; I don't like fantasy and BS little swords and arrows compared to lasers and guns, lol.



But it had Dragons

Although i prefer Zerg over Undead Very Happy



I don't know, the BOOM! of the siege tank combined with all the yelling of the marines getting ripped apart by Hydralisks, while hearing the Battlecruisers firing those missiles off makes my day. It's so hectic.



Yeah and it had Better Cut Scenes Very Happy

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