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BF3: Jets only in Conquest

Ron Swanson
Manila Plague
Ars Diaboli
14 posters

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1BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-10, 17:09



Sounds good to me. Jets in Rush would be ridiculously overpowered.

2BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-10, 17:17



I hope they won't be able to spawn rape everything like in BF2's Wake Island.

3BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-10, 22:06

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli


Why? Sad I don't play Conquest, I don't care about that mode. Just put AA guns in Rush.

4BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-10, 22:08



This is a good thing. Strafing runs in rush would be lulzy, though.

5BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-10, 22:26



Ars Diaboli wrote:...

I don't play Conquest, I don't care about that mode..
BF3: Jets only in Conquest Theres-the-door-now-get-the-fuck-out

6BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-10, 23:51

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i will be happy if you can surf the on the jets like you can now on the blackhawks

7BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-11, 00:46

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I have never surfed a blackhawk..... I might have to

8BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-11, 01:22



Ars Diaboli wrote:...

Why? Sad I don't play Conquest, I don't care about that mode. Just put AA guns in Rush.

WHAT! Conquest is the monkeys teets! It's my favorite. I honestly wouldn't even care if BF3 didn't have a Rush mode... although I'd be sad on the inside for those of you that love Rush.

9BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-11, 01:24



Kinda makes me sad. Why couldn't they accommodate jets in some Rush maps after the attackers get further and the maps gets extended?

Maybe it's the weapons on the jets...

Btw, has anything been said on how to counter jets?

10BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-11, 01:28



razelas wrote:Kinda makes me sad. Why couldn't they accommodate jets in some Rush maps after the attackers get further and the maps gets extended?

Maybe it's the weapons on the jets...

Btw, has anything been said on how to counter jets?

Good point. Maybe jets can damage the Mcomm far to much? They need to straight up remove Mcomm damage in my opinion.

Haven't really seen any solid info on jets besides this.

11BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-11, 01:41



There's an AA tank. As far as I can tell. From the theme I got on XBL.

And if past experience is anything they have either lock on missile turrets or a portable AA launcher.

I would shit bricks if they brought something like the Pilum back though. Screw rockets, just use an oversized sniper rifle that takes out tanks.

12BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-11, 03:43

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Conquest just ain't my type of game type, truth be told. I've only played it in BC2 though, so I will obviously give it a shot in BF3. Which I'm sad to say, I may have to get on consoles first... ;_;

But overall, I have more fun with Rush, which has a "storming the enemy base" feel, instead of the sort of randomness feel I get from Conquest. Don't really know how to put it into words, I'd just rather play Rush a thousand times over Conquest.

13BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-11, 04:01



Rush feels structured and like there is a point to it. Conquest is just random slaughter around three points, and the paths between. Conquest feels too much like an over sized, although fun, version of domination on a CoD game.

Just my thought. Conquest can be fun, but not always. At least in rush, you have a general idea of where the enemies are coming from.

14BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-11, 10:31



Conquest is the original Battlefield mode, though. Jets were MADE for conquest, they would be so stupidly overpowered on the linear maps of rush, not to mention you would be flying out of bounds every 2 seconds.

15BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-11, 13:44

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

xsilentshooterx wrote:Rush feels structured and like there is a point to it. Conquest is just random slaughter around three points, and the paths between. Conquest feels too much like an over sized, although fun, version of domination on a CoD game.

Just my thought. Conquest can be fun, but not always. At least in rush, you have a general idea of where the enemies are coming from.

Exactly. That's how I feel about that mode.

Ante wrote:Conquest is the original Battlefield mode, though. Jets were MADE for conquest, they would be so stupidly overpowered on the linear maps of rush, not to mention you would be flying out of bounds every 2 seconds.

I don't think that's really an important point. Whether it was its first mode or whatever, doesn't matter. But anyway, I have never seens Jets in BF, so you may have a point with them being OP in Rush, but meh. It all depends on how the maps are like, so I don't see having jets in Rush as a problem if DICE is creative enough with their maps, and smart enough with their AA placement.

16BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-11, 23:47

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

The way I break it down between the two modes if we must make a comparison to Call of Duty.

Conquest functions very much like Domination, people who enjoy this game type favor the play style tend to be more methodical in their approach, the large maps tend to give the player broader choices as far as tactics are concerned. There is a little bit of everything in this mode, base assault, vehicle combat and objectives that must be held to win.

Rush plays like Headquarters, no matter what the map or where you spawn, there is only one set of objectives, resulting in all of the action being focused in a relatively small location. People who favor this play style enjoy being in the action for nearly the entire match with little down time in between waves caused by the need to travel from one objective to another. This mode awards aggressive offensive just as much as it does well coordinated attacks down to the squad level, team work is absolutely crucial to secure a win in this game type, while in conquest, a single squad can help turn the tide in the event the enemy team is just as unorganized as the squads team (There is a little bit more room for tactical error in Conquest)

I personally prefer Conquest, Rush is fun and all, but there is nothing more annoying than dieing a billion times because your team is all sniping (Rush seems to exasperate this even more so than when you have a sniper team in Conquest). Not to mention the choke points that seem to occur on many of the maps where no matter how hard you push, the enemy will just continue to mow you down over and over and over again. (Port Valdez and Sniper hill from Vietnam, can't remember it's name) and Kao Sun Temple come to mind)

Don't get me wrong, if you enjoy Rush, then more power to you, but It's not my cup of tea. On topic of Jet, I can see that they could become dreadfully OP due to the nature of the game type. Bombing runs and such would destroy the infantry style of approach that is usually prevalent in Rush.

17BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-11, 23:52



I enjoy rush when I feel like camping with an LMG. Everybody gets funneled down the same paths every time. Of course, half the conquest maps in BC2 might as well be rush *cough port valdez cough*. Generally though, conquest is for people who like to flank and I LOVE flanking.

18BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-12, 22:37



I have a feeling Jets = New Chopper Whore vehicles, and will be hard to shoot down and be overpowered. They better not be. That's all I have to say, or I'm not playing Conquest (which usually is a shitty gamemode anyways).

19BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-12, 23:51

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

To be honest.. i hate the idea of jets in the game. Your going to have all these little kids waiting around for the jet like they did with the Helicopter, which means less active teammates on the battlefield actually doing the objective.

20BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-12, 23:54



Didn't you get an artillery shell up your ass if you stood around for too long doing nothing in BF2?

21BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-12, 23:56



I like the idea of the Jet as an anti-chopper/tank weapon, but I hope it has limited functionality against infantry (minus blowing up buildings I guess). Conquest is usually unplayable by some means anyways; maybe they're just adding to it because they know it's a mess anyways? Lol.

22BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-13, 02:51



How is conquest unplayable? scratch

23BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-13, 02:53



Metalzoic wrote:How is conquest unplayable? scratch

Conquest has a majority of the maps with Attack Choppers, as well as the fact that every game of Conquest (bar a few exceptions) has always devolved into one team spawn camping the other until they all leave, and then the match never ends. One of the factors to my SPM being low, is staying in Conquest matches because nobody else wanted to leave -_-

24BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-13, 03:38



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:How is conquest unplayable? scratch

Conquest has a majority of the maps with Attack Choppers, as well as the fact that every game of Conquest (bar a few exceptions) has always devolved into one team spawn camping the other until they all leave, and then the match never ends. One of the factors to my SPM being low, is staying in Conquest matches because nobody else wanted to leave -_-

Hmm... this might be your experience with conquest, but don't assume it's everyone else's. I have more close matches in conquest than in rush by far. And it's easy to avoid the chopper maps, just leave the game.

25BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-13, 03:42



Chopper whoring is usually just the icing on the cake; it's almost always that way, on console games at least. One team always traps the other in their spawn, and then spawn kills them for 20 minutes or so. I don't know, every party I've been in, or every game I've been in, it always turns into that, whether I'm on the winning/losing team. Maybe you're just lucky? lol

26BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-13, 03:49



I really wouldn't call it luck. Maybe the extra 8 players makes it harder to keep all the points locked down.

27BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-13, 03:51



Ante wrote:I really wouldn't call it luck. Maybe the extra 8 players makes it harder to keep all the points locked down.

That makes sense; spawn trapping would probably be harder with a better chance of players escaping. Conquest on console = pile of shit; I don't know how people can stand playing it.

28BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-13, 03:55



The thing that stands out to me is Heavy Metal. Even on PC that map is a barren wasteland with only the occasional attack chopper or tank passing by. I remember playing it once on 360 and I think I went 10 minutes without firing my weapon...

29BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-13, 10:26



Ante wrote:The thing that stands out to me is Heavy Metal. Even on PC that map is a barren wasteland with only the occasional attack chopper or tank passing by. I remember playing it once on 360 and I think I went 10 minutes without firing my weapon...

yeah heavy metal is virtually unplayable if youre not in a vehicle. I think jets would actually work on that map.

30BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-13, 23:07



I'm at the point where I almost never want to play Rush anymore unless it's Isla or Valpo. They're just the only maps I always enjoy, attacking or defending. There's too much bottlenecking and meatgrinding in Rush for me to enjoy a lot of the maps. And at the same time that I enjoy being in the action more consistently on Rush, I like being able to move more strategically on Conquest.

31BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-13, 23:12



Shaymojack wrote:I'm at the point where I almost never want to play Rush anymore unless it's Isla or Valpo. They're just the only maps I always enjoy, attacking or defending. There's too much bottlenecking and meatgrinding in Rush for me to enjoy a lot of the maps. And at the same time that I enjoy being in the action more consistently on Rush, I like being able to move more strategically on Conquest.

Man, Isla is like, one the meatgrindiest maps in vanilla. Can't stand that place.

32BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-13, 23:13



but it has blackhawks! blackhawks make any map much better.

33BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-13, 23:14



True, but I'm such a horrible gunner and I always kill myself trying to Gustav out the side.... so much fail. Embarassed

34BF3: Jets only in Conquest Empty Re: BF3: Jets only in Conquest 2011-06-13, 23:16



Ante wrote:True, but I'm such a horrible gunner and I always kill myself trying to Gustav out the side.... so much fail. Embarassed

me and camel got 62 kills in the blackhawk today on isla, pretttyyy crazy. we got hit with rockets like 4 or 5 times and everytime we ended up with less than 5 health. lucky as hell. we didnt even have armor on.

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