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Battlefield 3 Shenanigans?

The Adli Corporation
Cardboard Fox
Retired Muffbuster
13 posters

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1Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-12, 23:27

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

I have no clue if this is actually true or anything but was something maybe you guys knew about.
Is the United States getting different things from the UK?

Last edited by Retired Muffbuster on 2011-06-12, 23:44; edited 1 time in total

2Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-12, 23:38


It's EA.

3Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-12, 23:44



Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 130499183203

As long as the US gets cool exclusives, I don't give a shit. Actually, either way I don't care, as long as the they're balanced.

4Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-12, 23:52



As long as we get all the stuff, that would be nice Very Happy

But anyways, it's probably just a rumour; hopefully we'll all the the same (or different, yet same quality) DLC.

5Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 02:59



Just camp Adli's corpse for the T88 if you really want it.

6Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 03:10



My country gets British pre order bonus's anyway

Maybe if you didnt come from a nation {Expletive Deleted}

7Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 03:40



Wouldn't it make more sense for the UK to get something like the L85? (L86 if you really want an LMG)

8Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 03:46



OMG the L85 is so fucking sexy i hope its in!

9Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 03:48

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Fuck that, I want a Challenger 2 tank.

10Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 03:48



It used to be a Medic weapon in BF2... so MAYBE IT'LL BE BACK?!

11Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 03:50



Tanks are for pussys

12Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 14:30



If the SKS gets to come back, why not just go back a few more years, and bring back the Thompson (actually on par with other weapons this time), the Nambu, the Mosin Nagant, and the MG42. Very Happy

13Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 14:45

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Jinouga wrote:Just camp Adli's corpse for the T88 if you really want it.

pretty much. is the preorder bonus store specific or not?

14Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 14:48



yeah GAME and Gamestation stores adli

15Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 14:52

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


i know where im going this saturday. its only £40 for the Limited Edition preorder. totally getting it Very Happy

16Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 14:54

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I'm not sure whether to preorder at Gamestation now, or wait and see what places like and Amazon have for preorders.

17Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 15:01

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Cardboard Fox wrote:I'm not sure whether to preorder at Gamestation now, or wait and see what places like and Amazon have for preorders.

so far amazon doesnt have any (since BTK pack is part of the limited edition copy anyway).

atm GAME looks like the best offer (T88 ftw Razz)

18Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 15:09



yo some of you guys should get on (european time zone lol...) Cardboard Fox I am going to add you

19Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 15:14

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

^ ill be able to hit you up for some HF next week lemon, my last exam is this wednesday = lots and lots of free time Very Happy

20Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 15:17



I start work full time on the very few hours available with prime internet but we must play together HF or BC2

21Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 15:22

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

damn, but yeah we should Smile

22Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-13, 22:33

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Terrible idea.

It's basically 1 weapon and 2 attachments exclusively for the ones that pre-order. I wouldn't mind if everyone could just unlock them later, but if they are exclusive (as they say they are), it's a dumb move.

I would expect these kind of things if I'm buying a game from Activision. I don't know the full details, but it's no-no if it's as I described.

23Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-14, 01:27



As I understand it, it's EA that's pulling this, not DICE. As far as my history goes, DICE themselves haven't screwed me over in any of their games yet.

24Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-14, 02:13

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Yes, it is EA. At least from what I know too. They are fucking up, and the game has had a golden road up until know.

There's been some backlash at EA, I hope they reconsider this stupid idea. Just let everyone use every weapon, like in any other fucking game. DLC like Vietnam is a completely different thing of course.

25Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-14, 03:53



This will answer all of your questions.

26Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-14, 04:26

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

dumb as fuck that you have to buy that other shit

Last edited by Retired Muffbuster on 2011-06-14, 16:39; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Use of a banned word)

27Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-14, 09:35

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i would be fine with day 1 access of the T88, i dont care if its exclusive.

im getting the LE for the BTK pack at no extra cost, the preorder bouns is just extra.

28Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-14, 22:17

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

It's bullshit. Either everyone should have access to it or no one does, unless it's just a reskin of a gun that everyone can use, then no.

Sure, I'll pre-order it too (at least I plan to, but I'm still thinking on which platform), but I hate those sort of practices. It could be me the one being screwed up, and I'd rather not wait to see what other crap they can eventually pull. These ideas always serve as a way to test the waters of how far they can go with their crap. Like Activision's CoD Elite service, if it works, that's a green light for Activision to go ahead and try more shit like that.

Just make it day 1 access, not exclusive items with no way of getting them, like BC2's limited edition, and everything will be just dandy.

29Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-14, 22:21



If anything, it should be that if you insert the game disc within 24 hours of release you get the bonus crap.

I think the whole preorder bonuses are stupid, but if it should work anyway, I think it should be like that.

30Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-14, 22:30

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Pre-order bonuses are all right in my book, but not if they are touching the gameplay. DON'T TOUCH THE GODDAMNED GAMEPLAY! Fucking publishers.

I mean, Dark Souls has an incredibly awesome pre-order bonus and I'll cry like a baby if I don't get it. Know what it is? It gives you the collector's edition just for pre ordering. No stupid crap that affects the gameplay of others.

"The Dark Souls Collector's Edition will come in a metal case and will include an art book, mini strategy guide, behind-the-scenes development videos and a download of the game soundtrack."

THAT'S good pre ordering marketing, not bullshit like EA's, which will have an impact on gameplay one way or another if they hold back items from other players.

31Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-15, 01:05



Zillahpants of ultimate chomping power wrote:If anything, it should be that if you insert the game disc within 24 hours of release you get the bonus crap.

I like your idea here Zilla. This would be a better way to do it.
Special bonuses for people that buy the game new at release (say the first week though) regardless of where they get it. Basically a reward for buying new right away. Instead of a bonus for picking it up at a specific retailer...

Unfortunately pre-order bonuses aren't for the gamers. They're back room deals that retailers push to get exclusives on to help push sales. In return the publisher gets more subbed-advertising and more shelf space etc...

32Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-15, 01:07



EA is promoting a pack based around BTK >_> That's pretty disturbing to promote somebody like that. xD

33Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-16, 14:00

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Found this link regarding the Physical warfare pack and it says that they will unlock and make the contents available to everyone FOR FREE later in the year which I think is awesome. I wasn't too happy about the thought of other people having weps/gear I would never be able to have access to.

It also mentioned that the PWP would be available in all countries but that the UK was the only one that was officially announced so far...more announcements are supposed to be coming shortly.

For the full story click here

34Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-16, 15:36

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


so i dont have to feel bad about T-88 whoring?

35Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? Empty Re: Battlefield 3 Shenanigans? 2011-06-16, 21:53

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Good. If it's just a limited exclusive, then no bitching from me.

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