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Sheeply update

Retired Muffbuster
Ars Diaboli
Epyk MD
Dropped Da Soap
12 posters

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1Sheeply update Empty Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 01:55



My dog got sprayed by a skunk a few minutes ago. Poor guy, he was freaking out, but luckily we having these smelly bushes in our yard that he ran and rolled in, so he smells like that instead of skunk... Honestly I think skunk smells better than those bushes.

Also, a girlfriend of mine just got a 360 and xboxlive! I'm going to convert her!

2Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 02:08



Really? I thought skunk was nearly impossible to get rid of.

3Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 02:16



So did I! I called my mom in a panic and she said to spray him down with vinegar water and rinse his eyes out with eyedrops. But he didn't need it. He also just ran through the sprinkler too. My room still kind of smells like skunk though since my window is wide open. Oh well, their stink doesn't bother me.

4Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 02:16

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Tomato juice bath does wonder.

I got sprayed by one a few years back. Was up in the hills with my mutt and he took off barking and growling at something. Knowing he might not come back for a few hours I booked it after him.

Turns out he was chasing a skunk, and I came around the corner right as the skunk sprayed.

Seriously, I was like a 10 minute walk from home, and I thought I had gone blind. That shit was like pepper spray man.

5Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 02:19



Dropped da Soap wrote:Tomato juice bath does wonder.

I got sprayed by one a few years back. Was up in the hills with my mutt and he took off barking and growling at something. Knowing he might not come back for a few hours I booked it after him.

Turns out he was chasing a skunk, and I came around the corner right as the skunk sprayed.

Seriously, I was like a 10 minute walk from home, and I thought I had gone blind. That shit was like pepper spray man.

Haha! Sorry, but that's hilarious!

6Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 02:20



Icky. I wouldn't want to get sprayed by one that's for sure, and I kind of like the smell. I want one as a pet, you can get them descented like ferrets. So awesome.

Yeah, mom suggested tomatoe juice if the vinegar didn't work.

7Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 02:21

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

It is now, but back then it stunk(HAAAAAH). I was rolling on the ground screaming and clutching my eyes and screaming in pain. It wasn't the smell or the realization that I had just been sprayed by a skunk. It was the fact that my eyes were on fire and I couldn't see shit.

To this day I don't remember how I managed to walk home since I literally thought I had gone blind for hours afterwards because it took a long ass time for my eyes to clear up.

8Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 02:22



sheep wrote:you can get them descented like ferrets. So awesome.

Ever been in a house where they have "de-scented ferrets" as pets? Ugh. I can't imagine how bad they must smell if they are scented.

9Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 02:26



We had ferrets, and as long as things were kept clean, it didn't smell too bad. But we kept ours cages in the garage, so that might have helped some. I looove ferrets.

Damn Soap. Now I feel even worse for my dog.

10Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 02:34



sheep wrote:We had ferrets, and as long as things were kept clean, it didn't smell too bad. But we kept ours cages in the garage, so that might have helped some. I looove ferrets.

Damn Soap. Now I feel even worse for my dog.

Hmm, maybe it was the cage then. They kept theirs in the living room.

11Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 03:19

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

sheep wrote:My dog got sprayed by a skunk a few minutes ago. Poor guy, he was freaking out, but luckily we having these smelly bushes in our yard that he ran and rolled in, so he smells like that instead of skunk... Honestly I think skunk smells better than those bushes.

Also, a girlfriend of mine just got a 360 and xboxlive! I'm going to convert her!

Metalzoic wrote:Really? I thought skunk was nearly impossible to get rid of.

WTF...did zoic miss the part about a new girl?!

12Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 03:28

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

HAHAH! I never even noticed that Epyk.

13Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 03:55

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

How could anyone miss that? That's one more girl right there, and maybe this will, little by little, stop being a sausage fest!

14Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 03:59



Yeah i was about to say

Sheep said she had a Girlfriend and your all bitching about Skunks

15Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 04:03

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

First off Frost. I have had personal experiences with Skunks. And you of all people on this site know that I have no experience with women.

which one do you think I would notice first?

16Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 04:09



I had hoped Lesbians but maybe that was too much

17Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 04:16

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Sorry to let you down.

18Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 04:17


True Soap, but Metal? That's his specialty

19Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 04:18

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Haha man, you people and your women moments make me laugh a lot.

20Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 04:18

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

......your not supposed to agree with me on not noticing things like subtle hints at lesbian!

Sheeply update Forever_Alone

21Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 04:23



Oh come on Soap you give off more Vibes than Ok all my Metaphors are too offensive

22Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 04:24

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Pfft, you could never offend me Frost.

Hit me with whatever you got!! I can take it!!

23Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 04:24


Haha I meant on not expecting you to instantly notice the girl thing man. Don't worry though, you and me will be forever alone together. Which makes no sense, but whatever.

24Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 04:25



I didnt mean you i meant Offend Gay people

25Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 04:29

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Oh. Well, still. Yeah, I could have handled it.

And Wacco, worst comes to worst, we could give each other our A/S/L....if were still single in a few years I mean....

26Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 15:56


Yuck skunk.. Well least your dog doesn't smell too bad could've been worst.

My gf has an xbox but she's usually too busy to play it and she doesn't like "violent" games or some BS like that.. In the future i'll have her playing some Battlefield with me.

27Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 16:06



chunckylover53 wrote:Yuck skunk.. Well least your dog doesn't smell too bad could've been worst.

My gf has an xbox but she's usually too busy to play it and she doesn't like "violent" games or some BS like that.. In the future i'll have her playing some Battlefield with me.

I got my fiance into games by introducing her to arcade games. Shes addicted to Plants vs. Zombies.

28Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 16:09


Well she likes gaming shes more into MMO's at the moment but shes been too busy for any games lately. I will have to try and nudge her in the 360 direction more Very Happy .

29Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 19:34



MMO's are far more violent


30Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 23:36


Frostbyrn wrote:MMO's are far more violent


I said something along those lines "You kill other people and monsters all the time" it might be a blood thing.. BC2 doesn't have much blood in it though. Damn i have work to do.

31Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 23:39



I tried to get my GF to play halo reach. She couldn't navigate the two thumbsticks up a stair case.

32Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-19, 23:47



Ducksaws wrote:I tried to get my GF to play halo reach. She couldn't navigate the two thumbsticks up a stair case.

My 5 year old cousin couldnt do that either

33Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-20, 03:13



watching people play video games who have never played before is just painful...

34Sheeply update Empty Re: Sheeply update 2011-06-20, 03:16



I know i have to resist the urge to snatch the controller off them Shove it in their face and keep yelling "A" is jump over and over again

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