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I picked up Crysis 2

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1I picked up Crysis 2 Empty I picked up Crysis 2 2011-06-21, 01:14



So far: Multiplayer
I'm only rank 8 after an hour or so of playing, but multiplayer is fun. The jumping, mantling and grabbing ledges mechanics work much better than Brink (which I find funny).

A lot of you guys would like the fact that from the front you rifle butt people, but from the back you can stealth kill them (although I haven't figured out how yet.)

The graphics are pretty damn good.

The guns feel good, but I've only tried a couple so far.

I really don't know how the stealth and armor powers work yet so I can't comment on those.

Overall I still don't know what I'm doing in a match, but I'm enjoying it, my kd is a 1.50 or so and I've won a few matches and gotten MVP a couple times so all's good.

Once I figure out stealth, armor, sliding (I've only done it once and I'm not sure how) and I actually have a weapon besides the starting gun I'm sure I'll do alot better.

So far: Singleplayer
I haven't tried it. I might give it a shot eventually though since Sym said it's pretty good. Mostly I might try it just to see the graphics though.

2I picked up Crysis 2 Empty Re: I picked up Crysis 2 2011-06-21, 18:29



Switching from armor to stealth is a constant in MP.

whenever your in a firefight remember to engage MAXIMUM ARMOR or you be dead.

Worst and most common mistake is shooting someone when your in stealth mode. Whenever your about to merc someone hit that armor button and blast away. Otherwise you drain your suits energy to 0 the instant you shoot while in stealth mode.

SP is alot of fun, i like it more than MP.

3I picked up Crysis 2 Empty Re: I picked up Crysis 2 2011-06-21, 18:42



Yea I LOVED the SP. Probably my favorite FPS campaign this gen. If not its in my top 3 for sure. I just love the sandbox Crytek gives you to decide how you wanna battle. The game really shines on hard difficulty.

Derp and I played the MP for awhile a month back, and we really didnt have a good time. I dunno what it is, I just hated the cloaking ability in MP. And the fact that the maps are so tiny you constantly getting killed from behind from people who just spawned. It could have been way better I think. Lots of potential.

4I picked up Crysis 2 Empty Re: I picked up Crysis 2 2011-06-21, 18:51



I still have the game the 3 of us should play MP sometime.

5I picked up Crysis 2 Empty Re: I picked up Crysis 2 2011-06-21, 18:53



Yea same here. Id still play if we could get a group together. It wasnt horrible, just slightly frustrating.

6I picked up Crysis 2 Empty Re: I picked up Crysis 2 2011-06-22, 00:44



Well I started using the stealth/armor stuff now, but it actually makes me do worse.
As soon as I started using them my kd started dropping... bummer.

I constantly shoot when using stealth which screws me like zillah said. I still don't understand armor, if I don't use it I can win in a firefight (even if they have it on), if I do use it it seems I die everytime. I seem to do the best when I don't use either.

I'm now rank 15 and still don't see a the benefit to armor. It seems to make you die faster?

Things I don't like:
The fucking music volume between rounds is way to loud. Crazy loud.
The big bassy sound effect when you die sounds terrible.
The lag? I haven't seen any jerky, broken lag, but it looks like I get 1-shotted a lot. However watching the kill-cam shows that I was attacking in the wrong direction because we weren't in sync.

Especially lame because I have such a good connection, but this game shows me with 1 or 2 bars. scratch

Regardless, it's still fun.

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